Sunday, March 1, 2009

Somali leader agrees Sharia law.. We Told You So..DayOne!

Somalia's talaban President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed has agreed to a truce and the introduction of Sharia law to try to defuse clashes with tribal leaders. The deal came after talks between the Somali government and its clan opponents, and mediation by regional religious leaders. The government has been in clashes with the Islamist group al-Shabaab, which has links to al-Qaeda.
Sheikh Sharif, a former moderate rebel leader, was elected only last month. The agreement has yet to be passed by Somalia's parliament, but the president said there was no problem from the government's side if people wanted to be governed by Sharia law. Heavy fighting "The mediators asked me to introduce Islamic Sharia in the country and I agreed," Sheikh Sharif told reporters. The truce comes after militants fought government and African Union forces in clashes which killed at least 30 people in the last few days. Al-Shabaab recently seized the town of Baidoa, which had been the seat of the Somali parliament. The Islamist militia has declared Sharia law in the town, and parliament now works from neighbouring Djibouti. Some 16,000 civilians have been killed in the recent conflict and a million more have been forced from their homes. The Horn of Africa country has not had an effective central government since 1991.
Somali capital of Mogadishu fell to the forces of the Hawiye dominated USC in January 1991. Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre fled Mogadishu ...When the civil war erupted, the USC (Hawiye rebel group) went on a quest of onslaught against innocenent Darod civilians in mogadishu . estimated 15,000 unarmed darod civilians were killed,mostly women and children On January 26, 1991, the USC stormed the presidential palace in Mogadishu, ...... were burned to the ground, and tens of thousands of people were massacred, hawiye's are finally paying for what they did in 1991. killing thousands of darood,Only armed cars were on the streets. In areas that the Hawiye already controlled, gunmen were going door to door rounding up Darod men, woman, children.strategic points in the city. The sprawling suburbs of. west and northwest Mogadishu became strongholds of. Hawiye-based resistance ,Mogadishu by now had become a city of torture and murder, ... Fighting eventually broke out between the competing factions within the Hawiye ...Mogadishu has become so dangerous since Islamists were ousted in 2006 that the majority .... The Hawiye backed the warlords who first controlled the city, ...abgaal and habar gidir, 2 subclans of hawiye, have destroyed the city ,As the city descended into complete anarchy, looting became a way of life ,Mogadishu , the capital of Somalia, is a city living a clandestine nightmare ... In that year Hawiye militia burned, raped and killed any person of Darood ...Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, is a city living a clandestine ... every one of these belongs to only one Somali tribe (hawiye) .. today..hawiye leader agrees to sharia law . NOT SOMALI.. PEOBLE..hawiye are responsible downfall of the Somali nation , Special the usc hawiye leaders. The forces of the two rival warlords, Mohamed Farrah Aidid (Muhammad ... Alliance (SNA) and (Ali Mahdi Muhammad) the two rival warlords (terrorist groups usc) the mother The The Islamic Courts Union (ICU). icu is the mother that produced Al-Shabab ,
that is why SOMALILAND AND JUBBALAND region of somalia don’t recognize the current TALABAN hawiye somali government ..

United Nations WILL subsidies Wahhabi warlords ,HAWIYE Wahhabi TALABAN Hard-line clerics Government OF SOMALIA.. Your tax dollars at work
..Your Tax Dollars Funding Terror
Who is fighting in Mogadishu ??hawiye . Islam is political Destroy Somalia . todaythe are Fighting Each Other.Habar Gidir v. Abgaal subclan

People & Power - The toxic truth - -Part 1 hawiye criminal Ali Mahdi Mohammed (USC Mahdi) until the foundation of the USC/SNA toxic waste

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