Friday, April 24, 2009

Terrorist Hassan Dahir Aweys Welcomes Sharia , calls for AMISOM to leave

Hawiye Jihadist leader Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys has welcomed on Friday the decision of Talaban Parliament to endorse Sharia and called for African Union troops to leave the country.Hawiye Jihadist Hardliner Islamist Al-Qaida in Somalia. ...Sheik Aways spoke hundreds of mostly hawiye Terror people in Mogadishu and talked about different issues. He said it was a good decision that the parliament endorsed the Islamic Sharia but he doubted about the implementation of it since the United States and Ethiopia welcomed it.??“It was a good decision that the parliament said we are implementing Sharia, but the question is that the Sharia that Ethiopia and the United States supported is it the correct Sharia,” said Terrorist Hassan Dahir Aweys, called the African Union troops known as AMISOM in Somalia to leave the country and return to their countries. Or you will face death Once there are foreign troops in your country, you can not sleep well, you can not say your prayers and they are like a bacteria in our country and we recommend to them to go to their countries before we fight them as we fought the Ethiopian troops who fled from this country,” Aways said.

Return your country,” or face death. Aways said.

hawiye Propaganda Website

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