Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Terrorists in America

With Attorney General Holder’s investigation of CIA operatives who utilized enhanced-interrogation techniques on detainees, including 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the Obama administration’s downgrade of the War on Terror to “overseas contingency operations,” and the administration’s release of terrorists captured by heroic U.S. military personnel, what should be a preposterous question to ask the President of the United States, now needs to be asked. In the interest of America’s national security, how will President Obama treat the terrorists in America?
According to a previously disclosed 2009 Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment, prepared by Virginia’s Fusion Center, “Al-Qa’ida, Al-Shabaab, HAMAS, Hizballah, Jama’at al-Tabligh, Jama’at ul Fuqra, Lashkar-e Tayyiba, and the Muslim Brotherhood” are in America. “While most of these groups are known to have individuals that currently live, work, or frequently travel through Virginia, some groups were included… based on world events.”
The 215-page report found, “the most frequently encountered groups” in Virginia “were al-Qa’ida, HAMAS, and Hizballah. Occasionally encountered groups and movements included Sunni Extremists, Jama’at Tabligh, Palestinian Islamic Jihadb , Islamic Jihad Unionc, Muslim Brotherhood, and the Taliban.”
The report says: “While there is no intelligence that indicates terrorists are currently planning attacks… the presence of extremists, evidence of trends linked to terrorism, and the abundance of potential targets, suggests that the potential for Virginia to be targeted remains significant. Although international terrorist groups routinely espouse their intent to launch large-scale attacks within the U.S., the majority of activities… comes from criminal activities that raise funds(italics CFP) for attacks overseas. It is important to note, however, that the presence of supporters of such groups could be leveraged to support operatives preparing for an attack within the U.S… Also of concern is… the possibility of money raised at rallies or other demonstrations of solidarity could be diverted to benefit terrorist entities.”
Read report here. (PDF)
Bush Administration froze assets of large U.S. Muslim charities, including the Holy Land Foundation
Recall, in an effort to clamp down on the financing of terrorist organizations, the Bush Administration froze assets of large U.S. Muslim charities, including the Holy Land Foundation. Last November, the “Holy Land Foundation and five of its former organizers were found guilty of illegally funneling more than $12 million to the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.” Story here. In contrast, President Obama provided what might be a clue to his approach to combat this threat during his speech in Cairo, when he said: “… in the United States, rules on charitable giving have made it harder for Muslims to fulfill their religious [charitable] obligation. That is why I am committed to working with American Muslims to ensure that they can fulfill zakat.” The Muslim obligation of zakat has been compared to the Christian tradition of tithing but as evidenced above some Muslim “charities” have used charitable donations to fund terrorists. What we also know regarding President Obama’s charitable donation policies thus far, is he proposed to “cut the tax deductions that wealthy Americans can claim for their charitable donations.”
The Virginia Terror Threat Assessment also confirms CFP’s previous reporting regarding crime and corruption at the United States Citizenship & Immigration Services. See here and here. The report states: “Although the vast majority of refugees and immigrants who enter Virginia do so legally… Virginia has received reporting of potential instances of fraudulent entry that might be linked to international terror groups.” Inquires to the White House regarding the treatment of terrorists in America have so far gone unanswered.
Obama Administration Releases Terrorists
Turning now to a snap shot of President Obama’s treatment of terrorists since taking office, to use as a potential indicator, as Andrew McCarthy meticulously documented, “Obama released a terrorist responsible for the brutal murders of five American soldiers in Iraq in exchange for the remains of two deceased British hostages.” Story here...MORE..

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