Friday, November 20, 2009

Sharif ‘I am sorry for the misunderstand between TFG, Puntland and Ahlu Sunna’

MOGADISHU (TF.SF) – the transitional federal government president Sharif Sheik Ahmed has held press conference in Mogadishu on Friday and said that he was very sorry for the misunderstanding between the TFG, Puntland and Ahlu-Sunnah .President Sharif sheik Ahmed said in his conference which took place in the presidential palace ( Villa Somali) in the capital that it was some thing to be sorry for the new difference between the three sides the TFG, the semi-autonomous region of Puntland and the Islamic clerics of Ahlu Sunna Waljama’a.He said that Ahlu-Sunnah Walja,a’a are Somali clerics saying they anyone against his government could have a name adding that he saw to call those guerrillas (Jabhad).Ahmed said that there was a high delegation led by Somali PM Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharma’arke who visited in Puntland recently and agreed more issues with officials of the administration indicating that the latest meeting between him and president Farole ended with out results.The president had also talked more on the security of the country saying that there were plans that the TFG continues and like to take over whole the Somali country pointing out that only few days remained for their operations.The statement of the transitional government president Sharif Sheik Ahmed comes as there had been new disputes between the TFG, Puntland and the Islamic clerics of Ahlu Sunna Waljama’a rose over the past few days listen audio


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