Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Islamist leader of Hizbul Terrorist

The Islamist leader of Hizbul Islam Organization Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys has Tuesday held press conference in the Somali capital Mogadishu and said that Sheik Ahmed Madobe signed deal with the transitional government and Kenya.Sheik Aweys talked more on the latest matters in Jubba regions in southern Somalia where there had been tense between Harakat Al-shabab Mujahideen and other forces led by Sheik Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madobe) who was member of Hizbul Islam organization had formally agreed with Kenya and Somali government "We knew that Sheik Ahmed Madobe had signed agreement with the transitional government and the Kenyan government. They agreed to defend Jubba and Gedo regions in southern Somalia. Hizbul Islam will protect that," said Sheik Hassan Dahir AweysThe leader expressed concern on campaigns he said were continuing in different directions and organizing by many countries including in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Burundi calling for those countries to halt intervening Somalia.The Islamist leader threatened that the fire burning in Somalia would reach them if nor stopped involving Somalia pointing out that the Somalis did not know their interests calling them to know the goals.The statement of Hizbul Islam leader comes as there had been tense between Harakat Al-shabab Mujahideen and forces loyal to Sheik Ahmed Madobe whom Hizbul Islam said several times that he was one of the Islamist officials of Hizbul Islam Organization.

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