Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Somali jehadist anti-gambling force arrested men suspected of gambling and flogged

The Jehadist administration of Hizbul-Islam  mostly  Habir-gidr Hawiye
an armed rival Islamist function in Somalia has flogged a man accused of playing bambling at Wanlaweyn district in the lower shabelle region in southern Somalia.The flogged man has left his companion and went to the district administration office to accuse his fellow gamblers of tricking him some money, but instead he was flogged for been a member of the gambler
The man was flogged in front of hundreds of people for playing gambling.The administration of Hizbul-Islam has said that they have absolute evidence that the man was among a group of gamblers in the district and there is enough supporting evidence to flog him publicly.whoever plays it will be penalized according to the Islamic  law” said  Habar-gidir hawiye  Sharia judge Hawiye  jehadest Hussein Ahmed an officer of Hizbul-Islam. 
This will be the first time to flog somebody gambling in the town of Wanlaweyn district, although there were several other occasions when people in the district were flogged for different issues.

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