Monday, April 26, 2010

Video: Underwear Bomber Pretty Much as Retarded as We all Thought he Was

Here's a hint: if you're going to fire from the prone position then it might help if you get off your ass and onto your belly!
We have the video, but the guys over at The Blotter beat me to the punch and they've got all the relevant details about Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's boilerplate martyr statement: the Jews, the Crusaders, death to America, blah blah blah blah.
Other than the insanely funny vidcap of the would-be mass murderer, it's pretty standard stuff.
UPDATE: On double checking, I don't have the video. I had downloaded a video in Arabic earlier this morning and hadn't yet opened it. I had assumed, after the Blotter story came out, that this was it. But it wasn't. My bad. Sorry for that. Never assume and what not.
If any one does have the video, send a link. I'd love to see it By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D

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