Thursday, June 2, 2011

Somali-American carried out suicide attack of Mogadishu base, al-Shabab militants say

jihadists get get his 72 virgins
BREAKING: Somali suicide bomber was from Minneapolis
Somali Jehadest Meets His 72 Virgin Goats
update on Failed Suicide Attack Attack on ASWJ/AMISOM Joint Base Kills Six, Wounds Six. Insurgents, Soldiers, Militia and Civilians Killed or Wounded in Suicide Attack

Latest Suicide bomber in mogadishu come from minnesota
The militant group al-Shabab said the man who carried out a suicide bomb attack on a base in Mogadishu this week was a Somali-American.
Al-Shabab said on its website that a 25-year-old man named Abdullahi Ahmed was the suicide bomber who attacked an African Union peacekeeping base in Mogadishu, Somalia's capital, on Monday, killing two AU troops and one government soldier. Ahmed was said to have moved to Somalia from Minnesota two years ago.
The Internet report purported to quote Ahmed before his death saying that he wanted to carry out the attack because of abuses by Christians of Muslim countries.
If the report is confirmed, Ahmed would become at least the third Somali-American to have carried out a suicide bombing in Somalia.
Al-Shabab militants: Somali-American of Minnesota carried out suicide attack at Mogadishu base
Some Background
 Something Happened in April  2010
Al-Shabaab responds to AQI killings, Somali Jehadest Meets His 72 Virgin Goats, AU forces foil Somali suicide attack ,Suicide Bombing Targets AMISOM Base Mogadishu, Five Soldiers Injured in Somalia

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