Wednesday, June 17, 2009

From Self-proclaimed Republic to Self-deluded Repugnance

My recent article about Somaliland’s Let’s Frown upon Secessionism Rather than Flaunting It near impossibility of gaining recognition which appeared on the opinion pages of TF.SF, attracted an overwhelming response from both opponents and proponents of independence for the Northwestern region of Somali . For practical reasons, I would not be able to respond to the e-mailers. Nevertheless, I would take this opportunity to thank all those who tried to make their feelings known, especially those who disagreed with me.I do, however, reiterate that further geographical division of the Somali people is unwarranted, unnecessary, and unjustified. While the debate about Somalia’s future, political structure and its final boundaries is a healthy thing, two things are for certain: the secessionists are a vocal minority while the unionists are the silent majority. It is time to reclaim the mantle and challenge those who are drowning out our voices. Moreover, I want to tackle a few urban myths constantly propagated by secessionists to promote their separatist tendencies and advance their goals.The first myth that secessionists always use as a pretext for splitting Somalia is that the Northerners created unionism, joined the republic of their own volition, and hence can rescind the act of unionism on a whim. First of all, there are several misconceptions and misrepresentations in this myth...more..From Self-proclaimed Republic to Self-deluded Repugnance

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