Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hawiye -Abgaal Talaban President Shariff admits clandestine talks with Terrorist leader Hawiye Habar-gidir Terrorist Aweys(Hawiye Talks)

"OK, We Surrender".
The Hawiye Talaban president of Somalia ex- jehadist Sheikh Shariff Sheikh Ahmed giving an exclusive interview to ALAAN TV at Dubai in the United Arab Emirates has acknowledged that, there is yet undisclosed dialogue between him and his great archrival the Terrorist leader of Hizbul-Islam Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys , and termed this step as a significant step and added that he has worked with Terrorist Terrorist Hassan Dahir Aweys for along time, and still wants to work with him, in returning peace and stability in the country and to get strong central government for Somalia.In his interview the President of Somalia added that the Al-Shabab forces get funds from, the Somali pirates, the kidnapping of foreigners and some other foreign countries which he has dogged not to mention. The president has accused Terrorist Al-Shababs of being terrorists group who are not bothered about the stability of the country, and mentioned that his government is ready for dialogue with any rival group in Somalia to come to the negotiation table. The president has also added to it is far beyond the healthy brain for what he called as Terrorist group to seize the Somali presidential palace, and accused them of denying the Islamic Sharia law. In the interview the President was asked of at all he recognizes the sovereignty of Somaliland? I heartily support the great stability in Somaliland, and it really worth to be praised for their efforts, it is there that the people of Somaliland are complaining of what they have been done to by the former government of late Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siyad Barre, but this he said is different.

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