Friday, November 19, 2010

Tribal enclave separatist Puntland sings ‘secret deal’ with Saracen Energy Company, based in Houston

An article under the guise of false coastal guard training mission, was posted on  Puntland signed an agreement with Sarecen Company to train its Marine Forces,  a clear indication that Farole’s camp is once again attempting to cover up the ‘oil exploration deal’  signed with Saracen Energy Group, based in Houston. The story conceals the bargain and communicates fictitious message: “Government of Puntland is of the firm belief that Saracen International will make a significant contribution to establish, train and mentor the Puntland Marine Force according to the strict rules, guidelines and restrictions that are issued by the highest office of the Puntland government,” Garowe Online. Other reports mentioned another company: Kuwait Energy Group  has been contracted to make oil and mineral explorations in Puntland, but no one knows their level of involvement in Puntland’s illusive deal making.
In the past, Puntland leased commercial oil and mineral exploration rights to Range Resources, African Oil (Canmax) and other dubious companies. All efforts failed after the people of the region revolted against the misuse and exploitation of the federally mandated Somalia’s resources. In 2006 an armed conflict broke out between Puntland Dervish Forces with Puntland Intelligence Service on one side, and local militia in Majayahan mountainous belt. At least 15 people including 9 soldiers lost their lives. The project was abandoned after the government failed to subdue the militia which was led by Mohamed Said Atom. President Adde Muse, then in power called off military operations and ordered troops to pull out of the region.
Four years later, and another president in power, this time Mr. Farole, a new conflict erupted in Galgala near Majayahan. Mr. Farole (current Puntland President) lived in Australia in 2006, and was initially instrumental in the original negotiations with Range Resource and Africa Oil. In fact, the  doomed oil and mineral exploitation scheme masterminded by none other than Farole and Issa Dholawa,  has been revived after Farole came to power in 2009. The current fighting in Galgala, Madarshoon, Karin, and many places in Western Bari are  affiliated to the conflicts in the past, and the same rebels led by Mohamed Atom has been fighting a fierce battle against invading Puntland Dervish Army alongside the Puntland Intelligence Service (PIS, a.k.a Ashahaado La Dirir).
Independent news media reported at least 200 soldiers killed and dozens wounded in the war.  The devastation for the civilian population has been enormous–farms were set ablaze; civilians died in the cross fire; tens of  thousands became displaced. The elders of the region requested a period of disengagement, however president Farole refused elders’ plea. He called his clansmen to take arms against the people of Western Bari Region.  ”The war in Galgala is not winnable due to the terrain and the mistrust people have in the administration,” said one of the elders. Meanwhile, the war continuous unabated, and the casualties continue to grow despite the opposing military victory claims by both the government and the militia in the region.
Notwithstanding the government claim that Atom’s forces were crushed, the militia group leader spoke to the media and claimed strong presence of his forces in the region. “Puntland has been spreading a baseless propaganda in order to silence  the people of Galgala, and to exploit their natural resources,” Mohamed Atom said.
The latest admission of the Farole administration to pursue the abandoned mineral and oil project in the Western Bari Region is contrary to what they mentioned  to the media , in the past months. Whether they guise under different name or utilize tactics coherent with their diversions, the truth will  come out in the open, ultimately. It’s here for you to see the company depicted as a marine resources organization–Saracen Energy Company official website.

Saracen is an unpopular, conservative owned Energy Company found by American West Coast Imperialist group who cherish destroying innocent communities as they proudly present in their website. “The Saracen name dates back to warriors of the Middle Ages but is also connected to an important chapter in Texas history…Alamo,” Saracen History.
Amazingly, Farole and his allies have many things in common with this group–destruction of innocent people, looting property, embracing tyranny and ego-centric ideologies.
In the light of recent events that unfolded in Puntland, and as far as central and West Africa, these kind of illegitimate projects seem to be sprouting. Those companies and their collaborators are engaged in exploiting under developed Africa through illegal arrangements.
As far as the conflict in Puntland is concerned, President Farole boldness and misuse of power will only further and strengthen the local resistance forces. Since he came to power, Puntland has been unstable and a dangerous place. Daily bombing, political assassinations and clan warfare have quadrupled , and of course, President Farole is the one to blame.
Mohamud Ahmed
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Abdirahman Warsame is the Executive Director of the Terror Free Somalia Foundation.a national grassroots organization that opposes terrorism and supports democracy in Africa. regular contributor American Thinker . .Pajamas Media and .other American conservative organization   
Africa Oil war has impacted communities in Galgala, Balanbal and places in the Ogaden

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