Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Al-Shabaab Fails to Retake Bohol-Bashiir in Luq

 TFG Troops in Gedo (File Photo)
Al-Shabaab Islamist group in Gedo region today launched a fierce counter attack on Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and Ahlu Sunna wal Jamaa (ASWJ) forces in Bohol-Bashiir Village near Luq District in Gedo region, which the government seized after deadly fighting on Monday, but failed in their attempt. On Tuesday night the insurgents called for reinforcements and technical vehicles from nearby training camps, which clearly didn't help their strategy.Local sources said that al-Shabaab failed to capture the village after one hour of fighting. At least four fighters died and seven other were injured during heavy fighting.
Diyaad Abdi kaliil, a TFG officer in the fighting area, told Somalia Report, that they killed three al-Shabaab fighters and one of his soldiers was injured. “We chased the terrorists from Bohol-Bashiir village two days ago, but they regrouped and tried to retake the village, but we have a strong military who are ready to defend their community from the enemy,” said Diyaad.“We killed three of the misleaded generations. I’m sorry their death, but they were fighting against us, they wanted to kill us. They injured one of our soldiers so it’s compulsory to defend our life and the lives of our people.” added Diyaad.

Al-Shabaab Sent Reinforcements

In order to attack the village today, at least 10 technical vehicles belonging to the al-Shabaab insurgent group were seen leaving Baidoa in the evening hours on

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