June 26th, 2008 - Washington, D.C. - “I am very pleased to join the Somali and Djibouti communities of Minnesota in celebrating the independence days of their respective homelands. Today is the celebration of independence day for Somalia, which was made official in the year 1960. It is also is the kick-off for Somali week here in Minnesota, which was established to recognize the important contributions that have been made to our state by the Somali community. The members of the Djibouti community also celebrate the independence of their homeland on June 27th, to mark the event in 1977 that brought the country into existence. As the celebration of these historical events takes place, I am reminded of the hope that we all have for peace in the region. Congratulations to all members of the Somali and Djibouti communities in Minnesota during this special week. http://coleman.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=PressReleases.Detail&PressRelease_id=c67e77da-ce7c-09bb-9dbe-0ed180748753&Month=6&Year=2008
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