Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Somalia: Sliding Back to “Political Conflict”
Dr: Faisal Roble PHD
Conflict by Design
Somalia is a country of cultural unanimity with political disunity. While the former attribute is an organic phenomenon, the latter is often the product of faulty leadership. A report at a Joint meeting of the Royal African Society on May 1, 1958 asses the Somalis this way:
The division and the fact that the tribes are divided among themselves and ridden by suspicion of one another the Somalis clearly form a distinct and compact racial group. They speak the same language, they have the same religion and customs and at heart they feel themselves to be one people.
Just as today, Somalis were internally divided then. The Italian Administrator, signor Anzilotti, told the Legislative Assembly on October 16th 1957 that “if the Somalis were not prepared to co- operate, Italy would tell the United Nations that she was ready to give up the mandate.” The conflict then was between Mogadishu’s vision pertaining to pending post-colonial state and the Digil Mirfle’s propensity for more autonomy.
Today, the AU and the UN are in the same predicament about Somalia’s unending business as they were in 1957 and 1958. In other words, it is always difficult to bring the humpty-dumpty Somali clans and their leaders together, when one side wants to impose its will on the other side
Despite all the enviable national attributes, Somali leaders never miss an opportunity to overlook them and consistently employ policies of division and confrontation. This time around, President Hassan Sh. Mohamud is astonishingly putting policies of confrontation ahead of accommodation.
Rear more Somalia- Sliding Back to _Political Conflict_via WardheerNews
Faisal Roble
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Suspected US drone crashes in Somalia's Lower Shabelle
A suspected US drone has crashed in
the southern Lower Shabelle region of Somalia, according to reports.The militant group al-Shabab said on Twitter that an American unmanned
aircraft had come down near a town under its control.A regional governor told Reuters that fighters had shot at the object.The US uses drones in Somalia to support the Somali government and African
Union (AU) forces as they battle the al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab.
The US Africa Command has not confirmed the reports.'They hit it'Residents in the town of Bulo Marer told the BBC they had seen the wreckage
of a small plane but did not know whether it was a US drone. Lower Shabelle region governor Abdikadir Mohamed Nur told Reuters news agency
that Islamist militants had shot at the aircraft over the town for several hours
before it came down."Finally they hit it and the drone crashed," he said.Al-Shabab said in a Twitter post that photographs of the drone would be
published in the coming hours.
A French soldier was among several people who died during a failed operation
to free a hostage in the town of Bulo Marer in January.The hostage, Denis Allex, kidnapped in Somalia in July 2009, was also
believed to have been killed by captors during the operation.
Al-Shabab emerged as the radical youth wing of Somalia's now-defunct Union of
Islamic Courts in 2006.It is fighting to create an Islamic state in Somalia. The AU has about 18,000 troops in the country to help the government battle
the insurgents. Al-Shabab was forced out of Mogadishu in August 2011 following an offensive
by AU and government troops. But it still controls most villages and rural areas of southern and central
Hassan-Ulusow: The most foolish man of Somalia political story
The good people of Jubbaland are now fully aware that the regime at Villa
Somalia is using every possible tool to undermine the political progress of
Jubaland State, and the reason is simple, the gangs of so called Villa Somalia
are just the remnants of USC.
They are hiding behind the Ugandan force and outrageously pointing fat
fingers to both Jubaland Administration and Kenyan Defense Force (KDF). Another
surprise political development was that when Ulusow insulted and singled out the
KDF at the AU-submit in Addis Abbab. This is his most recent arrogance and
foolishness of diplomatic suicide which signals his political mystery
The groundless accusations from the regime against Jubaland State and KDF are
nothing more than very old clan minded, ignorance and political incorrectness.
Surely, history will tell that dictators likes Hassan-Ulusow will go down the
very bad chapter of the Somali political story.
We the people of Jubaland are very confidence that the Jubaland State of
Somalia will be a good example for the rest of the Somali provincial states, in
terms of economic development, political evolution, social, and peace and
Mr. Ulusow your governing policy is just a bad, problematic and backward, but
the people of Jubaland will NOT go back to the Dark Age. The people of Jubaland
simply want peace and development but your government policy of abusing power
and opposing Somali federal charter is just in favor for Al-shabaab atrocities
and allowing Moryaan-Business of illegal-checkpoint (Spaaro), raping women and
endangering young Somali generation which we all firmly rejected.
Mr. Ulusow said, he will not accept less than his reckless agenda and make it
clear that he will bring the people of Jubaland under his foot by force and
appoint an interim governor from his-clan by him! His agenda is very clear;
holding the will of the people of Jubaland hostage by a bunch of USC- remnants
in Villa-Somalia.
Unfortunately, he refused to realize that the fruit of his naïve action will
only yield the renewal of the dark-memory in Somali history – the clan bloodshed
that was started by his own clan on December 31st, 1990.
In response to Ulusow’s clan-war-drama, the people of Jubaland have came
together and make it clear that if you do not accept Jubaland State as a Somali
Provincial State, we will simply NOT recognizing you as well! If you deny our
constitutional rights, the very next elected Somali president will surely honor
Jubaland State and there are numbers of hopeful individuals who are already
campaigning for it.
Eng. Adow Nurow
Somalia: The Show-Down in Jubbaland Deadlocks- Analysis
Among all the business that was left undone when the Western "donor"-powers/U.N. rammed through the "transition" to the Somali Federal Government (S.F.G.) in the late summer of 2012 was that of the form that a permanent Somali state would take.
In particular, although it specified that Somalia would be a federal state, the interim constitution did not decide the issue of whether the form of federalism would be centralized or decentralized, paving the way for a political struggle that is now underway between interests favoring an arrangement in which the central government would dominate regional states and those favoring one in which the regional states would have substantial autonomy in relation to the central government.
The two focal points of the conflict over decentralized and centralized federalism are, respectively, Puntland, the only established regional state in Somalia, and the S.F.G., the recognized central government. The territories in which the conflict is playing out are the regions of south-central Somalia, in which regional states have not yet been formed. The S.F.G. has been attempting to set up regional administrations in south-central Somalia that are loyal to it, whereas Puntland is encouraging the formation of regional states that are independently organized. With forces in favor of both arrangements in each of the south-central regions, the conflict has become a test of power region by region.
Of all the regions in south-central Somalia, those in the deep south - Lower Jubba, Middle Jubba, and Gedo - have become the test case for whether Somalia will adopt centralized or decentralized federalism. Even before the inception of the S.F.G., a process had begun to unite the deep-southern regions in a regional state that was undertaken by local politicians and clan leaders independently of any central authority. By early November, 2012, that process to create a "Jubbaland" state modeled on Puntland had matured to the point that negotiations among the participants moved from Kenya to the capital of Lower Jubba, Kismayo, and preparations for a convention to inaugurate Jubbaland were underway.
Faced with the imminent prospect of a regional state in south-central Somalia that was formed without the S.F.G.'s guidance, the S.F.G.'s president, Hassan Sh. Mohamud, asserted that any regional state in the deep south should be formed under the direction of the central government. In response, the technical committee overseeing the preparations for the Jubbaland convention dispatched a delegation to Somalia's capital Mogadishu to attempt to persuade Hassan to back the Jubbaland process. Hassan countered that the administrations of the deep-southern regions should be appointed by the S.F.G. The initial face-off had ended in a deadlock.
From mid-November, 2012 through late February, 2013, the conflict remained frozen as both sides attempted to mobilize support, and preparations for the Jubbaland convention proceeded. The struggle reignited in late February, on the eve of the convention's opening and has gone on since then.
The Show-Down Begins:
Slated to start on February 23, the Jubbaland convention was delayed when armed clashes broke out between Ogaden-Darod and Marehan-Darod militias in Kismayo, and some of the delegates to the convention from Gedo had not yet arrived in the city.
On February 24, as reported by Hiiraan Online, the S.F.G. attempted to pre-empt the convention, with S.F.G. interior minister, Abdikarim Hass Guled announcing that the S.F.G. had not been involved in the preparations for the Jubbaland convention and would hold a "more inclusive" convention of its own for the deep-southern regions. "We are inviting all parties to attend this conference including the interim local rulers [who are key figures in the Jubbaland process] and all the local stakeholders," said Guled.
The counter-convention turned out to be a bargaining chip for Guled when he arrived in Kismayo on February 25 with an S.F.G. ministerial delegation and met with local officials involved in the Jubbaland convention. As reported by Garowe Online, Guled suggested that the convention be held in Mogadishu, whereas his interlocutors insisted that its venue remain in Kismayo. According to Moallim Mohamed Ibrahim, speaking for the convention's organizing committee, the Jubbaland leadership had repeated to Guled the invitation that they had "always extended" to the S.F.G. to participate in the convention, to which, he said, the S.F.G. had not replied. Having had their counter-offer of a Mogadishu convention rejected, the S.F.G. delegation returned to Mogadishu, saying that they would consult with Hassan on the possibility that the S.F.G. would participate in the Jubbaland convention.
On February 27, more convention delegates from Gedo arrived in Kismayo. It came to light that the absence of the Gedo delegates had been due to some Gedo politicians' opposition to the convention. Sh. Mohamud Daud Odweyne, spokesman for the Ahlu Sunna Wal-Jamaa (A.S.W.J.) movement, a Sufi-associated militia that is prominent in Gedo, and a member of the Jubbaland technical committee, told Garowe Online that he had met with the opposition politicians in Gedo's capital Garbaharay and had convinced them that they should attend the convention. On the same day, Guled sent a tweet warning that "no clan or armed group" could create an administration in Kismayo. Guled was making a veiled reference to the Ogaden-Darod and the leader of the Raskamboni movement, which is dominated by that sub-clan, Sh. Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madobe), who chairs Kismayo's interim administration. The opposition Gedo politicians were Marehan-Darod.
The Jubbaland convention opened on February 28 with a speech by Madobe in which he urged the S.F.G. to attend. The delegates, who numbered more than 400, then began discussions on a schedule for mapping out a Jubbaland regional state. The S.F.G. had failed in its first attempt to derail or redirect the Jubbaland process.
The S.F.G. made its next move on March 2, when the office of S.F.G. prime minister, Abdi Farah Shirdon, issued a statement declaring the Jubbaland convention to be "unconstitutional:" "The government's constitutional mandate is to establish a federal state as the end goal." In fulfilling its mandate, said Shirdon, "the government will only be a facilitator." The statement ended by warning that in its unilateral action, "the Kismayo convention will jeopardize the efforts of reconciliation, peace building and state-building, create tribal divisions and also undermines the fight against extremism in the region."
In a statement issued on February 26, the Puntland government had already accused the S.F.G. of "violating the country's [Somalia's] Provisional Federal Constitution " by "actively interfering with the formation of emerging Federated States, such as Jubbaland in southern Somalia.
Constitutional Contretemps:
Rekeying a political conflict as a legal dispute is a syndrome that became chronic during the tenure of Somalia's Transitional Federal Government, which preceded the S.F.G. Such a move can undoubtedly produce peaceful and orderly dispute resolution when there is an established body of law, legitimate institutions of adjudication, and acceptance of the decisions of those institutions by disputants. In the absence of the fulfillment of those requisites, however, as is the case in Somalia today, legal argumentation tends to replicate political conflict and to distort it by diverting attention from substantive issues.
That pattern of distorted replication becomes particularly acute when the document in which the argument is rekeyed is incomplete and poorly drafter, which is the case with the interim Somali constitution. Whether the lacunae and ambiguities are the result of the constitution's having been rushed, including unresolved compromises, or being incompetently drafter (one wonders about the role of the Western experts who were hired to prevent such problems), the provisional constitution is an invitation to endless legal contretemps.
In the present case, the arguments turn on Article 49, which addresses "The Number and Boundaries of the Federal Member States and Districts." The S.F.G. and its supporters base their case on the first section of Article 49, which says: "The number and boundaries of the Federal Member States shall be determined by the House of the People of the Federal Parliament." From the S.F.G.'s viewpoint, no regional state can be formed independently of parliamentary decision, from which the S.F.G. draws the conclusion that it has been tasked with forming interim administrations where there are no existing regional states, pending parliamentary decision. In contrast, Puntland and the supporters of the Jubbaland process cite the sixth section of Article 49, which says: "Based on a voluntary decision, two or more regions may merge to form a Federal Member State."
The ambiguity is further muddied by the second and third sections of Article 49, which require parliament to nominate a national commission to "study the issue" and report to the lower house of parliament, and that parliament enact a law defining the commission's responsibilities and powers, the "parameters and conditions it shall use for the establishment of the Federal Member States," and the number of commissioners and their requirements. The commission, of course, has not yet been established and the lower house has not yet defined "the parameters and conditions" for a regional state, which could be based either on a process overseen by the central government or one initiated locally and ratified by parliament.
[The fourth and fifth sections of Article 49 address the number and boundaries of districts within regional states and are not at issue here, since they assume that regional states have already been established.]
It is clear that neither the S.F.G. nor the supporters of the Jubbaland process has a knock-down constitutional case, since the requirements for a regional state have not yet been defined. The opponents have been throwing sections one and six of Article 49 against each other, while ignoring section 3(b), which shows how the issue is supposed to be resolved constitutionally, when and if parliament gets down to defining the "parameters and conditions" of and for a regional state. Meanwhile their dispute is doomed to revolve in a constitutional void. The lower house of parliament has begun the process of revising the constitution; it might also start fulfilling its requirements under it.
The Story Resumes:
With the drafters of the provisional federal constitution having dumped the question of how to define a regional state into the lap of parliament, which shows no sign of resolving it, the political show-down over Jubbaland continued.
The conflict took on a military aspect on March 6, when S.F.G. forces based in Gedo crossed into Lower Jubba and set up camp at Berhani, about twenty-five miles from Kismayo. As reported by Garowe Online, the provisional administration in Lower Jubba headed by Madobe prepared to send his forces to Berhani to push back the S.F.G. contingent, but was prevented from doing so by Kenyan forces in the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia (AMISOM), which attempted without success to persuade the S.F.G. to pull back. The provisional governor of Gedo, Mohamed Abdi Kalil, who opposes the Jubbaland process, said that the S.F.G. forces were in Berhani to "safeguard peace."
Alarmed by the prospect of armed conflict between the S.F.G. and supporters of the Jubbaland convention, Kenya and the sub-regional Horn of Africa organization, the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (I.G.A.D.), which has backed the Jubbaland process, called Madobe and S.F.G. military officials to Nairobi to resolve the dispute. The Jubbaland convention was suspended in Madobe's absence. On March 23, Madobe returned to Kismayo and announced that both sides had reached agreement on "all the issues" and that the Jubbaland convention would continue without disturbance.
As more delegates to the convention arrived in Kismayo from Gedo, and the convention's technical committee announced progress on drafting a three-year interim constitution for the Jubbaland state, S.F.G. Prime Minister Shirdon announced on March 24 that he would visit Kismayo as part of his "listening tour" of Somalia's regions.
Shirdon arrived in Kismayo on March 26 and immediately met with leaders of the Jubbaland convention. Garowe Online reported that Shirdon repeated the S.F.G.'s position that it should appoint regional administrations for Lower Jubba, Middle Jubba, and Gedo. According to the Mareeg website, leaders of the Raskamboni movement countered Shirdon by saying that the S.F.G. would not be allowed to participate in the Jubbaland convention and could only attend as "visitors."
Talks continued on March 27 and a joint committee was appointed by the two sides to hammer out a "cooperation agreement," but the committee deadlocked over the S.F.G.'s demands that Kismayo's airport and seaport by handed over to its control, that S.F.G. forces from Mogadishu be stationed in Kismayo, that the S.F.G. appoint an administration for Lower Jubba, and that the Jubbaland convention be disbanded. Madobe refused to accept any of those demands, and, on March 29, as reported by Hiiraan Online, S.F.G. Interior Minister Guled announced that the talks had "collapsed" on account of the Jubbanland leaders' "unconstitutional demands."
Having failed twice to thwart the Jubbaland convention by sending high-level delegations to Kismayo, including the prime minister the second time, the S.F.G. officials returned to Mogadishu. In commenting to the press on his visit, Shirdon appeared at the outset to hold out an olive branch to his Jubbaland rivals, saying that he was "content with the current administration" in Kismayo and praising the communities in the deep south for organizing the Jubbaland convention. Then, however, he reversed field, noting that the Jubbaland process did not conform to the way the S.F.G. expected "state administrations in Somalia to be established."
In particular, Shirdon claimed that the Jubbaland process was flawed because in its inception it did not include the S.F.G. in a leadership role, which would have insured that "all communities" in the deep-southern regions were represented in the process. As reported on the Mareeg website, Shirdon noted that "the people of the Jubba region were divided on the convention and that the S.F.G. was needed to "reconcile the Jubba clans." Appealing to the fourth section of Article 49, Shirdon claimed that no regional states could be formed before a national commission on regional states had released a report. The prime minister omitted mentioning that the constitution does not mandate the central government to prohibit local processes to initiate regional states in the absence of parliament's fulfillment of the fourth section of Article 49. Both sides continued to act in a constitutional void.
With both sides claiming constitutional sanction and neither of them clearly having it, the conflict moved back to a political power struggle. In the S.F.G.'s next move, Shirdon resumed his listening tour, visiting Gedo, where he appointed the S.F.G.' ally Kalil as interim governor and made an agreement with A.S.W.J. to merge its forces with the Somali National Army. Meanwhile the Jubbaland convention unanimously ratified a transitional constitution for the new regional state on April 2, with more than 870 members voting, as reported by the Sabahi website.
On April 3, a split surfaced in the federal parliament when forty-four M.P.'s, most of them from the Jubba regions, traveled to Kismayo to show their support for the Jubbaland convention. As reported by RBC Radio, the M.P.'s visit "came a day after tense debate" in the federal parliament, in which the "bulk of the house's members" opposed it.
Countering the S.F.G.'s moves to undermine the Jubbaland process, Puntland sent a ministerial delegation to the convention to show its support and to make it clear that Puntland would not acquiesce in the S.F.G.'s interpretation of its role. Puntland's minister of public works, Dahir Haji Khalif, said that the delegation was "ready to contribute our advice in the establishment of Jubbaland state administration." Former T.F.G. prime minister, Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, also arrived at the convention as an observer, urging the S.F.G. to "fully respect the interest and legal rights of people in Jubbaland."
The face-off in November, 2012 had become a full-fledged show-down.
Assessment of the Show-Down:
There is little interpretation that an analyst can add to a narrative of the first phases of the show-down over Jubbaland between the interests in favor of centralized federalism and those advocating decentralized federalism. As the conflict proceeds, it increasingly takes on a clan character centered on the Marehan-Darod, who are divided among those who support the Jubbaland process and those who
believe that their-sub-clan is under-represented in it. The S.F.G. has moved to gain a foothold by bolstering the disaffected Marehan (what else could it do but play the divide-and-rule game?); whereas Puntland has responded by showing overt support for the Jubbaland process (would one expect it to acquiesce in the S.F.G.'s moves?). That should be obvious from the narrative.
It would be easy for this analyst to describe the clan politics at work in the deep-southern regions and beyond, but to do so would be poisonous and fruitless. He can only say that at its root the breakdown and degeneration can be traced to the vicious naivete, malign neglect, narrow self-interest, and incredible hypocrisy of the "donor"-powers/U.N., but it is too late to do anything about that. The provisional constitution is a "$60 million 'panacea'" as Abukar Arman puts it perfectly, with bitter irony, in an analysis posted on April 5.
Only Somalis will be able to pull themselves out of the pit into which they are falling. It is obvious that nobody else will help them, at least politically, and nobody ever did since the fall of Siad Barre.
Report Drafted By: Dr. Michael A. Weinstein, Professor of Political Science, Purdue University in Chicago
Monday, May 27, 2013
Jubbaland State of Somalia
Press Release
The newly established Jubbaland state community anticipated supportive reward from the Federal government for liberating most of the regions from Al-Shabab and pioneering in the implementation of the government vision within the framework of the constitution devoid of any support from Mogadishu. In addition Jubbaland State of Somalia is willing to support and replicate its experience of establishing federal state in other regions especially South- West State, and Central State of Somalia.=Contrary to the Jubbaland community expectation, it has taken intimidating steps to source insecurity and obstruct the community’s desire for reconciliation and peaceful co-existence by sending series of high profile delegations to temper with the Jubbaland people’s right to choose its leadership on basis of Somali Constitution and instead SFG opted to punish them.Since he came to power, H.E Hassan Sh. Mohamud has been opposed to the Jubbaland process, even though it was endorsed by the preceding TFG and IGAD’s 2012 Grand stabilizing plan for south central Somali regions. He instead adopted policies that all designate a tendency towards centralization and the creation of a unitary state authority rather than support for the system of the constitutional federalism that helped bring it to power because of the political interest of his clan-family.On 15th May, 2013, a delegation led by Assistant Minister for Internal Security Hon. Jama (alias Oday) reached Kismayo with armed personnel for “security”, this signals lack of onfidence in AMISOM and the Jubbaland administration. Besides, they hampered the security and openly backed the false assertions of Barre Hirale’s presidency to emasculatethe peaceful co-existence among the clans. They are also using money which was destined for security sustainability to antagonize the administration and ignite aggression among the reconciled communities.Following the above delegation, Mogadishu sent the Somali army commander and two other Generals to Kismayo to steer clashes. They have also sent three key Ministers in the lead of Defense Minister in aggregation of AMISOM Chief of Staff. This is the Mogadishu’s aim, it is creating as many problems as it is designed to resolve.We urge Mogadishu to respect the will of Jubbaland community and restrain from their perpetual actions to threaten peace and stability mainly the fight against Al-Shabab.Nevertheless this potential dispute could pose a threat to the Jubbaland’s current sense of stability and optimism. Any unpredictable detrimental effects will be squarely upon President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Jubbaland, IGAD & and the Way Forward
The Jubbaland Government, led by president Ahmed Mohamed Madobe, must not initiate any form of dialogue with a government led by a hostile president who threatens its existence without substantial preconditions. In an IGAD summit held in Addis Ababa on May 24, the fact finding and confidence building mission on the issue of Jubbaland recommended that Jubbaland State hold a dialogue with Somali Federal Government in Mogadishu to overcome their differences (IGAD, 2013). The current president has reignited negative tribal sentiments, violated the constitution, and is accused of organizing clan violence.The current president of Somalia has thus far instigated tribal sentiments by ridiculing the victims of organized violence, mostly the Darod tribe who had fled from Mogadishu in 1991 to escape the clan cleansing led by Mohammad Farah Aideed and his political organization, the USC. From the regions of Bay and Bakool to the shores of Mogadishu, the campaign of the USC militia killed and displaced thousands, raped countless victims, and starved hundreds of thousands. Hassan Sh. Mohamud, referred to these victims, whom to this day are refugees, in a recent meeting held in Mogadishu. In the meeting, Mohamud declared to a crowd of Mogadishu residents, “whom you call the bad guys who murdered, killed, and brought destruction of Somali society are other people’s heroes.” In another occasion, in a sarcastic and threatening tone, he ridiculed these victims for trying to reclaim their homes and complaining too much about being victims of violence. He continued “those who are occupied by yesterday, by saying we were killed, we were displaced, our houses were burned, our cars were robbed, we were victimized, those who still complain about being victims, will lose tomorrow.” In both occasions, he was met with clapping and jubilation by his audiences. His speeches and actions have triggered much trauma among the USC victims, many of whom are beginning to equate him with the late Mohamed Farah Aideed.President Mohamud has violated the constitution by trying to block the creation of Jubbaland State. He refuses to recognize the right of regions to create their own governments, which is in line with the Somali Federal Provisional Constitution. Many Somali intellectuals and the public see him as an anti-federalist and a dictator who constantly violates the Somali federal constitution. A Jubbaland official recently stated that “their policy [the Somali Federal Government] has become more dictatorial and [led] more [by a]Mogadishu driven mentality” Accordingly, Puntland State and other regions of Somalia such as Jubbaland, Galmudug State, and Bay and Bakol regions have lost trust in him as a national leader. He is no longer seen as a national leader, but widely viewed as a self-interested clan leader.Mohamud is currently accused of organizing clan violence in the coastal port city of Kismayo by employing a warlord such as Barre Hirale to disrupt the Jubbaland conference being held there. Hirale came from Mogadishu to Kismayo three weeks before the election of president Madobe and claimed to be the president of Jubbaland on the same day Ahmed Madobe was elected by the conference. Ahmed Madobe has also accused the Somali president for organizing clan violence in Kismayo and the wider Jubbaland region during an interview he gave to the BBC on May 25, 2013. Garowe Online reported president Ahmed Madobe as saying:“We invited the Federal Government to the Jubaland conference. However, the Federal Government is interfering directly by organizing meetings with local clans and even military officials”(Garowe Online, 2013).The government of Jubbaland must have preconditions to initiate talks with the Somali Federal Government. A successful dialogue may only occur when both parties meet with the intention of reconciliation and progress. Until the aforementioned issues are rectified, any dialogue with the current government led by Mohamud will only bear rotten fruit.

Duniya Lang

Duniya Lang
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Statement from Jubbaland State of Somalia Despite the IGAD Summit communique of the 22nd Extra-ordinary session on the situation in Somalia,
Mogadishu is still provoking the Jubbaland Administration to catalyze insecurity, hostility and animosity among the clans, which will eventually result in the Jubbaland community give up in shielding Al-Shabaab from Jubbaland regions. This gives the impression that Mogadishu is willingly departing out its focus from Al-Shabab and other community healing process. It’s unfortunate that all the energy and resources of Mogadishu given by the international donors for the last 6 months are focused on contesting Jubbaland community achievementsIt’s regrettable that Mogadishu is not observing the agreement reached in Addis Ababa, which its party to. Jubaland State Administration appeals IGAD and other peace loving International Community enforce Mogadishu to refrain from further inflaming the delicate situation until the political process is completed.The people of Jubbaland through their traditional and political leaders, decided to establish their Regional Federal State in accordance with the Provisional Federal constitution of Somalia. The decision to establish Jubbaland State was reached after years long all inclusive, transparent and democratic process, which was supported by IGAD.Therefore, under the circumstances, Jubaland State will ensure to safeguard its own security and the delicate process achieved through IGAD grand stabilization process and local community participation. We also urge speedy implementation of IGADs communique issued yesterday.The new Jubbaland Administration welcomes the IGAD’s proposal for peace and reconciliation dialogue among the Jubbaland State and Mogadishu facilitated by IGAD. However, such dialogue should take place in a neutral venue accepted to all the parties concern.The Jubbaland Administration urges the Mogadishu, IGAD, AU and the International Community to devote all efforts and energies to the war against Al-Shabaab terrorism in Somalia, instead of wasting time and resources on non-existence conflict in Jubbaland.Mohamed Nasser +252-618836675
Jubaland president accuses Federal Gov of 'organizing clan violence
KISMAYO, Somalia May 25, 2013 (terror free somalia) - The president of Somalia’s Jubaland state Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madobe) has accused the Somali Federal Government of “organizing clan violence” in Kismayo and the Jubba regions, terror free reports.President Ahmed Madobe told the BBC Somali Service during a Saturday morning interview that the Federal Government sends delegations to Kismayo “without informing the administration” in Kismayo.“We invited the Federal Government to the Jubaland conference. However, the Federal Government is interfering directly by organizing meetings with local clans and even military officials,” said President Ahmed Madobe.“The Federal Government will take full responsibility for any violence in Kismayo. If the Federal Government violates the [Federal] Constitution that established it, then for whom will it [Federal Government] be the Government? The Jubaland people will recall their Members of Parliament and open consultations on future relations with the Federal Government,” the Jubaland President warned.He blamed the Somali Federal Government in Mogadishu for “funding persons to declare themselves ‘president’” including former Kismayo warlord Barre Hirale, who declared himself ‘Jubaland president’ on the same day as Ahmed Madobe’s election on May 15, 2013.The Jubaland leader called on the Federal Government to “change the course” before its too late.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Implications of the IGAD Report on Jubbaland
The IGAD fact-finding mission to Jubbaland has issued its report. Spins notwithstanding, there can be little doubt that the report supported the Federal Government’s position. It recognized that the Government should have led and still should lead the process of establishing regional states. It has recognized that the process’s inclusivity is contestable. It has called on the interim regional administration to enter into dialogue with Mogadishu. On the surface, it is a clear diplomatic victory to the Federal Government of Somalia. It should please all Somalis if neighbouring countries, who had been undermining the sovereignty of Somalia, are reversing their negative policies. But has the IGAD report altered the power equation and reality in Jubbaland or Somalia in any significant way? Does it change the status quo? Will the actions of the IGAD member countries – particularly Ethiopia and Kenya – be consistent with their political statements? These are an answered questions, which should be interrogated.
It is my opinion that the IGAD report:
1) Has put President Hassan on the spotlight by denying him the “foreign meddling” scarecrow. Whether calculated for this effect, or by default, the IGAD move shifted the political stage from Addis Ababa and Nairobi to Mogadishu and Kismaayo. Mogadishu will have to own up its failure henceforth.
2) Did not move the essential parameters of the political conflict between Mogadishu and Kismaayo that much. If the FGS calls for reconciliation conference in Mogadishu, and Sheikh Madoobe and Fartaag refuse to attend, they will be outlaws but as long as AMISOM and Kenyan forces do not move to fight Ras Kambooni militia, they will remain outlaws who rule their fief. They have already withdrawn to the castle of their clans, and that constituency will remain with them.
3) If the President asks foreign forces to attack Somalis who disagreed with him, it is a worrying reversal of his pronounced political belief. A President using foreigners to impose his will on a rebellious political constituency – not terrorits like Alshabab – in a fragile country, can lead to the break-up of the country. More so when the national healing agenda has not moved an inch forward. For him to be able mobilize international forces against Ras Kambooni and the interim Jubbaland adminstration, he will need to have the support of at least some sections of the D block, so that it is not seen as persecution against a clan.
4) Any potential reconciliation or reconstitution of the Jubbaland adminstration will have to include Ahmed Madoobe and Fartaag, and has little chance of succeeding without yielding ground to their core desires. In short, the President will negotiate with the same people he wanted to avoid, only after losing so much political capital by way of sulking clans.
5) Both sides need to show due care and compromise
a. The SFG must accept the formation of a federal state of Jubbaland and take its mandated role in the process.
b. Ahmed Madoobe and the current admin must accept and accommodate all the demands of the SFG regarding the formation of the federal state of Jubaland even if that means re-elections, widening the process, restructuring the current conference organisers.
c. The SFG mustn't have any decision making nor dictate matter but allow the people of Jubbaland and elders to own the process and have the final decision making.
In a nutshell, all parties will have to stick to the rules in the books as all eyes including that of IGAD and IC will be on everyone's actions in order to stay away from further conflict, blame and counter blame of both parties and reversal of the progress made against Alshabaab thus far.
In conclusion, there are no new beginnings. We are back to square one. Compromise and negotiation between Somalis is the solution.
It is my opinion that the IGAD report:
1) Has put President Hassan on the spotlight by denying him the “foreign meddling” scarecrow. Whether calculated for this effect, or by default, the IGAD move shifted the political stage from Addis Ababa and Nairobi to Mogadishu and Kismaayo. Mogadishu will have to own up its failure henceforth.
2) Did not move the essential parameters of the political conflict between Mogadishu and Kismaayo that much. If the FGS calls for reconciliation conference in Mogadishu, and Sheikh Madoobe and Fartaag refuse to attend, they will be outlaws but as long as AMISOM and Kenyan forces do not move to fight Ras Kambooni militia, they will remain outlaws who rule their fief. They have already withdrawn to the castle of their clans, and that constituency will remain with them.
3) If the President asks foreign forces to attack Somalis who disagreed with him, it is a worrying reversal of his pronounced political belief. A President using foreigners to impose his will on a rebellious political constituency – not terrorits like Alshabab – in a fragile country, can lead to the break-up of the country. More so when the national healing agenda has not moved an inch forward. For him to be able mobilize international forces against Ras Kambooni and the interim Jubbaland adminstration, he will need to have the support of at least some sections of the D block, so that it is not seen as persecution against a clan.
4) Any potential reconciliation or reconstitution of the Jubbaland adminstration will have to include Ahmed Madoobe and Fartaag, and has little chance of succeeding without yielding ground to their core desires. In short, the President will negotiate with the same people he wanted to avoid, only after losing so much political capital by way of sulking clans.
5) Both sides need to show due care and compromise
a. The SFG must accept the formation of a federal state of Jubbaland and take its mandated role in the process.
b. Ahmed Madoobe and the current admin must accept and accommodate all the demands of the SFG regarding the formation of the federal state of Jubaland even if that means re-elections, widening the process, restructuring the current conference organisers.
c. The SFG mustn't have any decision making nor dictate matter but allow the people of Jubbaland and elders to own the process and have the final decision making.
In a nutshell, all parties will have to stick to the rules in the books as all eyes including that of IGAD and IC will be on everyone's actions in order to stay away from further conflict, blame and counter blame of both parties and reversal of the progress made against Alshabaab thus far.
In conclusion, there are no new beginnings. We are back to square one. Compromise and negotiation between Somalis is the solution.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
London Jihad Live: suspect #1 wanted to join Al Shabaab in Somalia
UPDATE: MI5 admit they KNEW about fanatics who 'slaughtered soldier': Police raid house in Lincolnshire village as friends say British-born suspect became 'obsessed with radical Islam as schoolboy'
- Suspect identified on internet forums as Michael Adebolajo
- Accomplice believed to be from Harold Hill, Romford
- Two officers fired shots and one officer discharged a Taser
- Raids carried out in Lincolnshire, Romford, Greenwich and Woolwich
- Suspects in attack on a soldier are not believed to be part of a terror group
- Both are being treated in separate hospitals
- Sources: "Adebolajo was arrested on his way to join Al Shabaab in Somalia"
UPDATE: British police have arrested two more people as part of the probe of the brutal cleaver attack that killed a British soldier. A man and a woman, both 29, were arrested Thursday on suspicion of conspiracy to murder, Metropolitan Police said. No further details were given.
Warranted searches have been carried out at six residential addresses, police said. "This is a large, complex and fast-moving investigation which continues to develop," police said in a statement. "Many lines of inquiry are being followed by detectives and the investigation is progressing well."
Hawiye Violence in Somalia Scares Investors, Aid Workers
A spate of attacks by Islamic insurgents in Somalia's capital is forcing investors, businessmen and aid workers to have second thoughts about expanding operations in Mogadishu.
African Union and Somali troops pushed al-Shabab insurgents out of the capital in August 2011, fostering a relatively secure peace that Mogadishu hasn't seen in years. Somalis living overseas are returning, bringing new foreign investment capital with them. The last 18 months have been Mogadishu's best in years, say residents.
But a recent spate of attacks is threatening those gains.
The Turkish Red Crescent is reviewing its Somalia operations, a Somali official said, because of security concerns after a series of attacks. One such attack struck a car carrying Turkish aid workers on a day when gunmen and suicide bombers killed 35 people at the nation's court complex.
"What I know is that they are reviewing their activities because of the security situation," said Abdirahman Omar Osman, Somalia's government spokesman, said by phone. "Because of the security, it's difficult. They have every right to be upset, but what we say to them is that their assistance and help has changed the landscape."
Turkey is playing a big role in Somalia's reconstruction. Turkish Airline is the first international airline to fly direct to Mogadishu. Turkish Red Crescent aid workers have been undertaking development projects, including street renovations and the construction of schools. Turkish aid workers are also rebuilding one of Somalia's biggest hospitals.
A Western diplomat based in Nairobi who works on Somalia said Turkey has become wary of the capital's violent attacks but has also come to learn that making progress in Mogadishu can be frustratingly difficult, given the inexperience and inefficiencies of the new government. The diplomat insisted on anonymity because he is not authorized to speak publicly.
Omer Tasli, the director general of the Turkish Red Crescent, said that security can be a concern in Mogadishu but that there would be no pull-out.
"From time to time, we have to stop what we are doing if there is a security concern, but we are not suspending operations," Tasli told The Associated Press.
The al-Qaida-linked militant group al-Shabab often accuses Turkish aid workers of importing secularism into the largely conservative Muslim nation and has threatened attacks against its workers. The militants have attacked restaurants and hotels in Mogadishu, making businessmen wary of investing money.
Ahmed Jama is the owner of a popular restaurant in the city that has been attacked by militants. "There's no security left here. The violence is also denying us any reasonable profits," Jama said. "We receive few customers these days. It's discouraging. I wish I could leave here soon."
Another hotel owner echoed the sentiment: "It's not easy doing business here. It's a real sacrifice," said Ali Hassan. "It has changed from a year ago."
The deterioration in security has increased demand for protection, leading some businessmen to set up unregulated private security companies.
"They have no permits from the government whatsoever, their work is worrying," said Dahir Amin Jesow, a Somali parliamentarian who heads a security committee. "We shall put the issue before the parliament soon. We don't want to see any other forces other than our armed forces or AMISOM here," he said, referring to the African Union forces in Somalia
In the latest security operation, Somali security forces this week began rounding up hundreds of suspects in an effort to smoke out militants in Mogadishu. Col. Ali Hamud Mahad, the spokesman of the African Union force in Somalia, said that troops were conducting house-to-house searches to find militants posing as civilians.
"The operation will be carried on until we ensure that no militants are in hiding in Mogadishu to carry out attacks," he said at a press conference on Tuesday.
The mass arrests have some in the city concerned. "They arrested anyone they could see, that's wrong," said Mohamed Abdullahi, a university student who said he spent hours in a prison before being released on Tuesday night. "Only criminals deserve such mistreatments." via AP
UK soldier butchered on London street in ‘Islamist attack’
London: A British soldier was hacked to death by two men shouting Islamic slogans in a south London street on Wednesday, in what the government said appeared to be a terrorist attack.
A dramatic clip filmed by an onlooker just minutes after the killing showed a man with hands covered in blood, brandishing a bloodied meat cleaver and a knife. (Watch an amateur video here.)
“We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you. The only reason we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day,” the black man in his 20s or 30s, wearing a wool jacket and jeans and speaking with a local accent, shouted in the footage obtained by Britain’s ITV news channel. (Watch the exclusive ITV footage here.)
“This British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”
The attack was the first apparent Islamist killing in London since suicide bombers struck transport in July 2005. The capital was shocked by the bizarre scene of a killer covered in gore, declaring his motive to onlookers.
Police shot the two suspects while trying to arrest them, and the wounded men were taken into custody. No information was immediately released about the identity of the suspects, but two sources familiar with the investigation told Reuters authorities were investigating a possible link to Nigeria.
“I apologise that women had to witness that, but in our lands our women have to see the same thing. You people will never be safe. Remove your government. They don’t care about you,” the videotaped man said before crossing the street and speaking casually to the other attacker.
Prime Minister David Cameron cut short a visit to France to return to London and chair an emergency national security meeting.
“The police are urgently seeking the full facts about this case but there are strong indications that it is a terrorist incident,” Cameron said before cutting short talks with French President Francois Hollande to return home.
“We have had these sorts of attacks before in our country and we never buckle in the face of them,” he said.
- The attack happened on the edge of London’s sprawling Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, a south London working class district which has long-standing historic links to the military.
- In signs of a backlash after the attack, more than 100 angry supporters of the English Defence League, a far-right street protest group, took to the streets, some wearing balaclavas and carrying England’s red and white flag. They were contained by riot police.
- Separately, two men were arrested in connection with separate attacks on mosques outside London. No one was hurt.
- Help for Heroes
- The authorities did not immediately confirm the identity of the slain man, but a source told Reuters the man may have been a member of the military. The British government normally withholds the identities of slain servicemembers until their families are informed.
- The victim was wearing a T-shirt saying “Help for Heroes”, the name of a charity formed to help wounded British veterans. Britain has had troops deployed in Afghanistan since 2001 and had troops in Iraq from 2003-2009.
- Before he was stabbed to death, the victim was knocked over by a blue car which then rammed into a lamppost. The attackers pounced on him in broad daylight in a busy residential street.
- Witnesses said they shouted “Allahu Akhar” (“God is Great” in Arabic) while stabbing the victim and trying to behead him.
- “I am afraid it is overwhelmingly likely now to be a terrorist attack, the kind the city has seen before,” London mayor Boris Johnson said. Police said in a statement late on Wednesday that the murder investigation was led by the Counter Terrorism Command, a specialist branch within the London force.
- Fred Oyat, a 44-year-old local resident, said he witnessed the attack on the soldier from the window of his high-rise apartment overlooking the scene.
- “The victim was white,” he told Reuters. “I was in my house when four shots rung out. I went to the window I saw a man lying on the ground with a lot of blood.”
- London was last hit by a serious militant attack in July 2005, when four young Islamists set off suicide bombs on the public transport network, killing 52 people and wounding hundreds. A similar attempted attack two weeks later was thwarted.
- British counter-terrorism chiefs have recently warned that radicalised individuals, so-called “lone wolves” who might have had no direct contact with al Qaeda, posed as great a risk as those who plotted attacks on the lines of the 2005 bombings.
- The bombing attacks on the Boston Marathon last month, which U.S. authorities blame on two brothers, have raised the profile of the “lone wolf” threat in the West. A French-Algerian gunman killed three off-duty French soldiers and four Jewish civilians on a rampage in southern France last year.
- Britain’s involvement in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in the past decade has often stirred anger among British Muslims and occasionally made soldiers a target at home. British police have foiled at least two major plots in which Islamist suspects were accused of planning to kill off-duty troops.
- Ahmed Jama, a 26-year-old Woolwich resident, laid flowers down at the scene as a sign of respect to the families involved.
Terrorism Watch: US formally takes responsibility for killing Awlak...
Terrorism Watch: US formally takes responsibility for killing Awlak...: WASHINGTON: The United States formally said for the first time on Wednesday that it had killed radical Yemeni-American Anwar al-Awlaki ...
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Friday, May 17, 2013
IGAD fact-finding delegation meets weak and unpopular Somali prime minister in Mogadishu
The information minister of Somalia Federal Government Abdullahi Elmoge Hersi
said the delegation held a closed door meeting with the prime minister as they
discussed several issues.
“The prime minister at large explained the position of the government towards
Jubbaland crisis as he mentioned the way to form regional administrations
through national reconciliation process.” Minister Hersi told reporters in
Mogadishu today.
He added that they have also met listened some comments from members if civil
society and traditional elders from Jubbaland clans in Mogadishu.
The minister also noted that the delegation will soon travel to Kismayo to
meet with the Jubbaland government as well as traditional elders there.
In its communique issued on May 3rd, The IGAD Heads of State decided to
conduct a confidence-building mission to Kismayu led by the IGAD Executive
Secretary and composed of representatives of the federal government of
Somalia and one senior delegate from each member state of IGAD with the
aim of assessing the situation and submitting a report to the IGAD
summit to be held on the sidelines of the upcoming AU summit in May 2013.
Somalia: Senior leader in al Shabaab terrorist Aweys blames Al Shabaab Chief for ‘targeting foreign fighters’
Somalia May 17, 2013 (terrorfresomalia) - In an audio recording distributed to
Somali media on Friday, high-ranking Al Shabaab member terrorist (habar gidir sup clan )(Hawaiye calan ) Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys
has blamed Al Shabaab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane for “targeting foreign fighters”
and for “unilateral decisions” that led to the militant group losing territory
to Somali government forces aided by AMISOM peacekeepers, somali chanal ..
reports. listen the audio in somali
Sheikh Aweys, who was leader of the Islamic Courts Union in 2006 that led to Al Shabaab
splinter group, said in the audio statement that Mr. Godane “rejected” a
proposal to set up new leadership for Al Shabaab militant group.Aweys
blamed Godane for “targeting, arresting, killing, and hunting down foreign
fighters” who fought alongside Al Shabaab militants since 2007.“Godane has made unilateral
decisions that led to Al Shabaab loosing control over territory in south-central
Somalia,” said Sheikh Aweys. Al Shabaab foreign fighter,
Abu Mansur Al-Amriki, from the U.S., recently published posts on his Twitter
account claiming that he had survived an “assassination attempt” by Al Shabaab
gunmen. In April,
senior Al Shabaab member Ibrahim Afghani, issued an 8-page report written in
Arabic and addressed to Al Qaeda leadership in central Asia, demanding new
leadership for Al Shabaab militants in Somalia.Both Godane
and Afghani hail from Somaliland, a separatist region in northwestern Somalia
that unilaterally declared independence from Somalia in 1991 but has not been
recognized internationally.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
The EU celebrated its first Europe Day in Mogadishu
The European Union celebrates today, for the first time, "Europe Day" in Mogadishu with its Somali and international partners. Europe Day known for the Schuman declaration marks the day that Europe decided to join forces to prevent further conflict by 'making war not only unthinkable, but materially impossible', to quote Robert Schuman. This is ever so relevant for our common ambitions in Somalia.
"Celebrating Europe day after 22 years in Mogadishu is part of the paradigm shift and allows us to mark the unwavering friendship between the European Union and Somalia. I very much appreciated the commitment witnessed today by President Hassan Sheikh to our partnership and a new Somalia. The EU and Somalia have the same hope and desire for lasting peace and solidarity." states the EU Special Envoy, Michele Cervone d'Urso.
A key event on this special day translating in concrete terms the EU's efforts to work inside Somalia and in partnership with the Somali Government and people is the launch of the EU Training mission (EUTM) in Mogadishu. This is a game changer for EU engagement in Somalia in the security sector and beyond.
We are proud to also have a special focus on the Somali youth this year. They are the backbone of Somalia's future. We need to empower youth to play a constructive role in the new Somalia. The EU will be at their side as they look for better opportunities and stand up for their values. END
Magali Uytterhaeghe Press and Information Officer Delegation of the European Union in Kenya Somalia Unit P.O. Box 45119 00100 Nairobi Tel: +
15 April 2013, Mogadishu – The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, today welcomed the deployment of the European Union Training Mission (EUTM) to Somalia, calling it a “paradigm shift in relations" between the EU and Somalia.
For the last three years the EUTM has trained over 3,000 Somali troops at a base in Uganda, and today the full training operation opened in Mogadishu, where the Third Mandate will continue to support the training and mentoring of Somali security forces. By the end of 2013 all EUTM training will be conducted in Somalia.
The President said: “Our partnership with the European Union is of immense value and has proved that recruitment from across the clans, disciplined training and effective deployment of good soldiers is totally achievable.
“Thanks in large part to the EU, we are beginning to see the development of a Somali National Army (SNA) that is diverse in origin as well as structure, and a force that is accountable, inclusive, proportionate and sustainable, and with a respect for the chain of command, the rule of law and human rights.
The President also underlined the critical shortage of arms and equipment that restricts Somalia’s security capacity.
“Security is the priority concern to everyone and indeed an essential prerequisite for further progress in all spheres of government and development. But our forces today lack critical capability, and suffer a critical shortage of equipment and supplies that restrict our capacity to protect ourselves.
“Therefore I emphasize the need for adequate and sustained training and resourcing for our armed forces and I am very grateful to the EU in leading this support.
“I wholeheartedly welcome the European Training Mission (EUTM) to Mogadishu and our Minister of Defence, the Force Commander and other military officials will work hand-in-hand with you to further develop structures, policy and processes that will produce a self-sustaining Somali force for the future.”
For further info please contact Malik Abdalla, Director of Communications for the Office of the President. Email
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Somalia: Puntland Congratulates Jubaland People and the New President-elect
The people and Government of Puntland State of Somalia warmly welcome the election of the new President of Jubaland State of Somalia, His Excellency Ahmed Mohamed Islam, who was elected by a majority of community delegates at the Jubaland Constitutional Conference in Kismayo.
Puntland congratulates the people of Jubaland State and the new Presidentelect, on organizing a community-led consultative conference, adopting a new State Charter, and electing a new President today.
Puntland also congratulates the other Presidential Candidates and calls on them to respect the election results.
Puntland also congratulates the other Presidential Candidates and calls on them to respect the election results.
Puntland reaffirms that the Jubaland State formation process is fully in accordance with the Provisional Federal Constitution (PFC) of Somalia, and Puntland calls upon the Somali Federal Government, IGAD, and the wider international community to recognize and cooperate with Jubaland State.
Additionally, Puntland encourages communities in the remaining regions of south-central Somalia to establish States in a similar consultative and open process, in order to complete the Federal Republic of Somalia.
Puntland urges the new Jubaland leadership to implement policies that develop government institutions, engender political and social cohesion, and contribute positively to the common purpose of rebuilding the Somali nation
Finally, Puntland declares that the spoilers who opposed Jubaland State formation have failed again. Puntland reiterates that the spoilers wish to keep Somalia embroiled in a vicious cycle of violence, lawlessness and political instability, and that the Jubaland process has sent a clear signal of the Somali people’s true aspirations for peace, security, democracy, and unity in aFederal Republic.
— END —
Jubaland Defence Forces (JDF)
Gen- Abdi egal Jama
Gen- Abdi egal Jama
Jubaland Defence Forces (JDF )Republic of Jubbaland , congratulates the newly President-elect Republic
of Jubbaland of, H.E. Ahmed
Mohamed Islam(Ahmed Madobe)
” On behalf of the Army the people and government of jubbaland , I
would like to convey my heartfelt congratulations on your election as the
President –elect of the Republic of jubbaland. I am confident, that with your
inspired leadership jubbaland will go on to make progress in the years to
“The outcome of the elections is
indicative of the will and choice of the jubbaland general public entrusting you with their future.Also, we belief that the
brotherly and friendly relations and cooperation that exist between Somalia federal government in mogadishu, jubbaland and
Kenya will continues to expand into the future.”
Jubaland Defence Forces (JDF)
Gen- Abdi egal Jama
Kismayu Jubbaland SomaliaGen- Abdi egal Jama
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
two hawiye shabaab somali american Mahamud Said Omar, 47, and Kamal Said Hassan, 28 get 20 years in the big house in Somali terror probe
Minneapolis - A man who authorities say played a key role in funnelling young men from Minnesota to a terrorist group in Somalia was sentenced on Monday to 20 years in prison, while another man who was a foot soldier for al-Shabaab received a 10-year sentence
Mahamud Said Omar, 47, and Kamal Said Hassan, 28, learned their sentences on Monday as a federal judge in US District Court in Minneapolis began doling out penalties in what has been called one of the largest efforts to recruit US fighters into a foreign terror group.
Hassan is among the more than 20 young men who have left Minnesota since 2007 to join al-Shabaab. Minnesota is home to the largest Somali population in the US.
Hassan pleaded guilty in 2009 to two terror-related counts and one count of lying to the FBI. He admitted he trained with the al-Qaida-linked group in Somalia and participated in an ambush of Ethiopian troops before returning to the U.S.
"I helped al-Shabaab and I lied to the US government, your honour. I can't take back what I did, but I can show you and my family and the government and the Somali community that I can do better," a tearful Hassan told Chief US District Judge Michael Davis in Minneapolis before he was sentenced.
Hassan apologized during his 2½-hour sentencing and said he no longer supports al-Shabaab or any similar group. He faced a maximum of 38 years in prison, but the government sought a reduced sentence because Hassan gave "extraordinary" cooperation as authorities were building their investigation.
But Davis said he is not convinced that Hassan is not still lying. The judge had a recruitment video played in court that shows Hassan urging others to join the cause in Somalia to show that Hassan can be persuasive.
"I don't know you. The government doesn't know you. Your family doesn't know you," Davis told Hassan. Still, he said Hassan was the first person to come forward and shed a light on terror recruiting in Minneapolis, and he granted the lower sentence.
Mental disabilities
Hassan will also be on supervised release for 20 years after he is out of prison.
Authorities say the conspiracy began in 2007, when small groups of Somali men began holding secret meetings to talk about returning to their homeland to wage jihad against Ethiopians. The Ethiopian army was brought into Somalia in 2006 by its weak UN-backed government, but the troops were viewed by many Somalis as invaders.
Hassan has said he was told it was his "duty" to fight against Ethiopians.
Omar also made a lengthy statement before he was sentenced — much of it was incoherent and rambling. He denied taking part in the conspiracy, and said his attorneys were "disrespecting" him because they told him not to write the judge a letter.
During Omar's trial, prosecutors alleged Omar, a janitor at a local mosque, used recruits as "cannon fodder" and helped feed them into a pipeline of violence in their homeland. They said he continued to help travelers with logistics and money even in the days after a Minnesotan carried out a suicide bombing in Somalia in 2008. Prosecutors say most of men who left in that group of travellers have died.
Prosecutors had sought a sentence of 50 years in prison.
Omar's defence attorneys argued in court documents that he was a passive participant who didn't know any better and held no power.
"Mr Omar was a pawn who, because of his mental disabilities became involved in an organization whose evil was far more advanced than he could comprehend," defence attorney Andrew Birrell wrote.
Hassan, who was convicted on two terror-related counts and one count of lying to the FBI, has admitted that he went to Somalia to fight against Ethiopians, trained with al-Shabaab and left after participating in an ambush of Ethiopian troops.
Prosecutors wrote that, to date, neither al-Shabaab’s designation as a terrorist group nor the prosecutions of men in the US have stemmed the flow of support from Minnesota.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Germany Accuses Man of Being Somali Pirates’ Accountant
The authorities in Germany said Monday that they had arrested a man, identifying him only by the initial “M,” who had acted as the accountant for a band of Somali pirates who hijacked a German oil tanker three years ago.
The man, who “partially confessed,” according to a police statement, is believed to have been responsible for “the bookkeeping, which was the basis for the proportional division of the ransom between the participating pirates.” He faces a potential prison sentence of 5 to 15 years on charges of kidnapping and grievous bodily harm.
“This is another outstanding and international success against sea piracy,” Uwe Kolmey, the president of the state police in Lower Saxony, said in the statement. He singled out the investigators for their “meticulous search for evidence” on the tanker after the ordeal.
The suspect, arrested Wednesday, was initially found with false travel documents at a refugee center in the city of Giessen, the authorities said. His fingerprints, they said, matched prints collected on the ship, the Marida Marguerite.
The police released a photograph of a crime scene investigator in a surgical mask, a white suit and green gloves kneeling next to empty cans and other refuse on the deck of the ship. The man being held was responsible for provisioning the ship with food as well as dividing millions of dollars in ransom money, the authorities said.
International forces patrolling the waters off the Horn of Africa have sharply reduced the number of pirate attacks over the past year and a half. According the European Union naval force, only five ships were successfully captured last year and none so far this year, compared with a 47 ships in 2010, the year the Marida Marguerite was taken.
A group of armed men fired on the German ship with machine guns and rockets off the coast of Oman before seizing the tanker and capturing its 22 crew members in May 2010. During an ordeal that lasted months, the crew members said, they were chained to chairs for days, tortured by their captors and terrorized with simulated executions.
The ship and its crew were finally ransomed in December 2010 for a sum the authorities described as several million dollars.
A federal jury in Virginia convicted a Somali man last year for his role as the hostage negotiator in the hijacking of the German tanker, as well as in the hijacking of an American yacht in which all four Americans aboard were shot to death.
A court in Hamburg convicted 10 Somali men of piracy in October in what was said to be the first trial of pirates in Germany in centuries.
Somalia: Flight to Kismayo ‘forced to return to Mogadishu’
H2 Interior minister with sakiin
MOGADISHU, Somalia May 1 3, 2013 (terrorfreesomaia) - A flight carrying some 25 passengers flew from
Mogadishu to Kismayo on Sunday, but the flight returned to Mogadishu’s airport,
terrorfreesomalia reports.
Mohamed Amin Abdullahi, a former Somali parliamentarian, told the VOA Somali Service during a Sunday interview their flight was “forced to return” to Mogadishu.
“We flew from Mogadishu, and we had permission from AMISOM headquarters here in Mogadishu. However, when we entered Kismayo airspace, the pilot informed us that he was ordered to return to Mogadishu because the flight does not have permission,” said Mr. Amin.
Continuing, he stated that, since their flight had the permission of AMISOM in Mogadishu, “it is clear that Kenyan troops [in Kismayo] rejected our flight and therefore Kenya is not part of AMISOM.”
Mr. Amin condemned the role of Kenya, saying that “Kenya cannot rule Somalia” and claimed that all the flight’s passengers were “going to their homes” in Kismayo.
Asked if he had any communication with Kismayo’s interim administration, Mr. Amin said: “There is no administration I recognize in currently in Kismayo.”
In March 2013, Somali Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon visited Kismayo and was hosted by the city’s interim administration, led by Sheikh Ahmed “Madobe” Mohamed Islam.
Kismayo officials denied any report of a flight forced to return to Mogadishu.
Inside sources tell tf.sf Online that Kenyan police at Nairobi airport earlier in 2013 deported Mr. Amin and a fellow traveler, referred to only as ‘Lugadhere’.
Moreover, reliable sources in Mogadishu tell tf.sf Online that Mr. Amin’s claim that all the passengers were “going to their homes” is a false statement, particularly since Mr. Mohamed Hassan Haad was among the flight passengers.
Mr. Haad, the self-declared chairman of Hawiye clan elders, hails from Galgadud region and does not have a home in Kismayo. Moreover, Somali media quoted Mr. Haad in recent months declaring “jihad” on Kismayo and he has been actively promoting clan violence targeting Kismayo.
Unconfirmed reports say Mr. Amin and fellow flight passengers were “appointed as Lower Jubba regional officials” by Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who has publicly opposed the Jubaland state formation process underway in Kismayo.
Meanwhile in Kismayo, the 500 delegates allocated among local clans are expected to convene later this week for the election of Jubaland’s president and vice president, sources say , follo wing the successful passing of the new state's
Mohamed Amin Abdullahi, a former Somali parliamentarian, told the VOA Somali Service during a Sunday interview their flight was “forced to return” to Mogadishu.
“We flew from Mogadishu, and we had permission from AMISOM headquarters here in Mogadishu. However, when we entered Kismayo airspace, the pilot informed us that he was ordered to return to Mogadishu because the flight does not have permission,” said Mr. Amin.
Continuing, he stated that, since their flight had the permission of AMISOM in Mogadishu, “it is clear that Kenyan troops [in Kismayo] rejected our flight and therefore Kenya is not part of AMISOM.”
Mr. Amin condemned the role of Kenya, saying that “Kenya cannot rule Somalia” and claimed that all the flight’s passengers were “going to their homes” in Kismayo.
Asked if he had any communication with Kismayo’s interim administration, Mr. Amin said: “There is no administration I recognize in currently in Kismayo.”
In March 2013, Somali Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon visited Kismayo and was hosted by the city’s interim administration, led by Sheikh Ahmed “Madobe” Mohamed Islam.
Kismayo officials denied any report of a flight forced to return to Mogadishu.
Inside sources tell tf.sf Online that Kenyan police at Nairobi airport earlier in 2013 deported Mr. Amin and a fellow traveler, referred to only as ‘Lugadhere’.
Moreover, reliable sources in Mogadishu tell tf.sf Online that Mr. Amin’s claim that all the passengers were “going to their homes” is a false statement, particularly since Mr. Mohamed Hassan Haad was among the flight passengers.
Mr. Haad, the self-declared chairman of Hawiye clan elders, hails from Galgadud region and does not have a home in Kismayo. Moreover, Somali media quoted Mr. Haad in recent months declaring “jihad” on Kismayo and he has been actively promoting clan violence targeting Kismayo.
Unconfirmed reports say Mr. Amin and fellow flight passengers were “appointed as Lower Jubba regional officials” by Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who has publicly opposed the Jubaland state formation process underway in Kismayo.
Meanwhile in Kismayo, the 500 delegates allocated among local clans are expected to convene later this week for the election of Jubaland’s president and vice president, sources say , follo wing the successful passing of the new state's
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Ex-Somali Police Commissioner General Mohamed Abshir

Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre with general Mohamad Ali samater
Sultan Kenadid
Sultanate of Obbia
Seyyid Muhammad Abdille Hassan

Sultan Mohamud Ali Shire

Sultanate of Warsengeli
Commemorating the 40th anniversary of Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre
Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre and His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie
May Allah bless him and give Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre..and The Honourable Ronald Reagan
Honorable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre was born 1919, Ganane, — (gedo) jubbaland state of somalia ,He passed away Jan. 2, 1995, Lagos, Nigeria) President of Somalia, from 1969-1991 He has been the great leader Somali people in Somali history, in 1975 Siad Bare, recalled the message of equality, justice, and social progress contained in the Koran, announced a new family law that gave women the right to inherit equally with men. The occasion was the twenty –seventh anniversary of the death of a national heroine, Hawa Othman Tako, who had been killed in 1948 during politbeginning in 1979 with a group of Terrorist fied army officers known as the Somali Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF).Mr Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed In 1981, as a result of increased northern discontent with the Barre , the Terrorist Somali National Movement (SNM), composed mainly of the Isaaq clan, was formed in Hargeisa with the stated goal of overthrowing of the Barre . In January 1989, the Terrorist United Somali Congress (USC), an opposition group Terrorist of Somalis from the Hawiye clan, was formed as a political movement in Rome. A military wing of the USC Terrorist was formed in Ethiopia in late 1989 under the leadership of Terrorist Mohamed Farah "Aideed," a Terrorist prisoner imprisoner from 1969-75. Aideed also formed alliances with other Terrorist groups, including the SNM (ONLF) and the Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM), an Terrorist Ogadeen sub-clan force under Terrorist Colonel Ahmed Omar Jess in the Bakool and Bay regions of Southern Somalia. , 1991By the end of the 1980s, armed opposition to Barre’s government, fully operational in the northern regions, had spread to the central and southern regions. Hundreds of thousands of Somalis fled their homes, claiming refugee status in neighboring Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya. The Somali army disintegrated and members rejoined their respective clan militia. Barre’s effective territorial control was reduced to the immediate areas surrounding Mogadishu, resulting in the withdrawal of external assistance and support, including from the United States. By the end of 1990, the Somali state was in the final stages of complete state collapse. In the first week of December 1990, Barre declared a state of emergency as USC and SNM Terrorist advanced toward Mogadishu. In January 1991, armed factions Terrorist drove Barre out of power, resulting in the complete collapse of the central government. Barre later died in exile in Nigeria. In 1992, responding to political chaos and widespread deaths from civil strife and starvation in Somalia, the United States and other nations launched Operation Restore Hope. Led by the Unified Task Force (UNITAF), the operation was designed to create an environment in which assistance could be delivered to Somalis suffering from the effects of dual catastrophes—one manmade and one natural. UNITAF was followed by the United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM). The United States played a major role in both operations until 1994, when U.S. forces withdrew. Warlordism, terrorism. PIRATES ,(TRIBILISM) Replaces the Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre administration .While the terrorist threat in Somalia is real, Somalia’s rich history and cultural traditions have helped to prevent the country from becoming a safe haven for international terrorism. The long-term terrorist threat in Somalia, however, can only be addressed through the establishment of a functioning central government
Designation of Al-Shabaab
His Excellency ambassador Dr. Maxamed Saciid Samatar (Gacaliye)
Dr. Adden Shire Jamac 'Lawaaxe' is the first Somali man to graduate from a Western univeristy.
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The Foundation is dedicated to networking like-minded Somalis opposed to the terrorist insurgency that is plaguing our beloved homeland and informing the international public at large about what is really happening throughout the Horn of Africa region.
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We Are Winning the War on Terrorism in Horn of Africa
The threat is from violent extremists who are a small minority of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims, the threat is real. They distort Islam. They kill man, woman and child; Christian and Hindu, Jew and Muslim. They seek to create a repressive caliphate. To defeat this enemy, we must understand who we are fighting against, and what we are fighting for.