Thursday, February 25, 2016
Xogta dhabta ah ee beesha sade ku heeysato ,jubbaland
War Saxaafadeed. -02/25/2016
Ugaska Beesha Sade uu Jubbaland
Salaamo caleeykum dhamaan cuqaasha odeyaasha iyo wax garadka beesha sade, waxaan idin ka warbixinaa xaalad murugeeysan,. iyo inaa idiin soo bandhiga xogat rasmiga ah ee jubbaland anigoo oo baaq u soo jeedinay dhamaan shacaba beesha sade gudaha iyo dibada , kuwa ..hada kusugan kismaayo,oo aan matalis shacabka sade ee jubbaland .
nolosheeyda wax badan ka badashey joogitaanka magaalada iyo xaalada siyaasadeed ee ka jiro maamulka jubaland.intaa ka bacdi waxaan rabaa talo inaan ka bixiyo inta ilaaheey igu og yahay oo qiyaamaha leey suaalayo.qofkasto oo beesha ka mid ah ayagana talo ka bixiyaan.ayadoo aan ku jirin iska horkeenin,hadaleeyga waxaan ku bilaabi oo beesha sade meesha wada fadhido in marka hore tanazul la isku sameeyo oo wixii na dhexyaalay inaan laga wada hadlin hada.oo la wajaho caqabadaha ka waaweyn ee na horyaalo kaaso ah waxaa waayahaan danbe magac noogu baxay in beesha sade eey dawlidnimo iyo maamul eeyn dooneeyn.waa arin muruga leh oo shacabka aan walaalah nahay ee naga aamin baxeeyn.oo jubaland la dhismi weeydey.hadaba si taas aan ugu hortagno waa inaan tusnaa jubaland inaan nahay dad isku duuban oo xaqooda iyo sharaftooda donaya ineey kala xisaab tamaan.marka hadii la doonayo in aayaha beesha sade la raadiyo waa in aan gudi iska dhexdoorana oo qabiir ku ah wada xaajodka arimahaan ; garyaqaano.dhaqaalyahan.beecmusthar iyo mamul dawaladed .iyo saraakiil ku taqasusay ciidanka.hadaan u soo noqdo xuquuqda naga maqan inta ilaa maanta aan ogahay waa qodobadaan oo aan ka muuqan ama aan wax ka helin.sababta ma aha in xaqeeni la duudsiyey ee anaga oo beesha sade ayaa xaqeenii is duudinay eeda anagaa iska leh
1;arimaha gudaha iyo amniga oo eey hoos yimadaan maamulka gobolada iyo degmoyinka
Laamah amniga sida wardoonka iyo boliiska,oo labadooda eey naga heeysato xaalado guracan oo aad kuu taabanayo.waxaa beesha sado boliiska kagah jira 2% ama boqolkiiba 2
Hadaan u soo noqono sirdoonka ama PS hadba waxa loogu yeero u maleeyn maayo hal askari inaan ku leenahay
2; milateriga hadii aan ka hadalno waa ka sii xuntahay ma jiro gaariyada ciidanka jubaland iyo qoryaha waaweyn askari beesha sade lagu aamino karo.waxaa tusaale ah abunduulihi ciidanka in uu taliyihiisa ku yiri oo marqaati aan ka ahay gaari laguma siinaayo oo kuguma aamino karo.uu abanduulihi dhowr jeer u dacwoodey madaxweeynaha ilaa iyo haatan waxba lagama qaban.waa ayaandarada iyo meesha aan is dhignay oo ilaa maanta aad is heesataan anaa kaa laandheersan iyo waxba tihid inta aan isku heeyno
3; wasaarada cadaalada oo eey hoos yimaadaan maxkamadah.sidaad ogtihiin laba maxkamadood ayaa jira oo ah maxkamada gobolka iyo maxkamada racfaanka.maxkamadaha waa meesha eey cadalada laga raadsado.maxkamada gobolka.gudomiyaha waa absame garsoorayaasha beesha sade ma leh.hal kaliye ayeey beesha sade ku leedahay
Maxkamada racfaanka waxaa gudomiye ah absame. Hal garsoore ayaa sade ku leeyahay inta kale waa absame
Xeer ilaalinta gobolka waxba kuma lihin.walaalyaal hadii beesha sade oo baaxadaa leh eey laamihii cadaalada ka maqan yihiin sidee shacabkii sade ku helaayaan
6;wasaaradaha qeeyraadka jubaland waxaan jirto in haayadaha aan kor ku soo xusney eey bixiyaan qalab lagu shaqeeysto waxaa ka mid ahaa ilaa 40 doonyood iyo qalabkooda la qeeybiyey.hal iskaashato beesha sado leedahay ka heshay.40 qaboojiye oo FAO eey keentay oo ku shaqeeynayo qoraxda iyo 10 aboojiye baraf dhaliyo ah .waxaan ilaaheey magaciisa ugu dhaaran in eey beesha sade ka helin.wixii tafaatiran gudi ayaan u gudbin doona
7; ganacsigii hadii aan u soo leexano wixii qandraasyo ahaa labadii sano aan joogey waxaan ogahay ilaa hada 5.6million $ in la bixiyey.hal qandraas beeha sade ma helin.waxaa ka sii daran qandaraaskii cidii heshay waxeey u baahan yihiin shaqaal aad u tiro badan ugu yaraan wuxuu socon laba bilood hal qof beesha sade kama helin xataa dhagax jibiye
Arinta kale oo ka sii xun guryihii beesha sade ku lahaayeen xafada guulwade oo aad u qurux badan cid ijaaraneeyso oo haayada ah ma jiraan iyo shaqsiyaadka diaspora ah xataa lagama kireeysto,sababto ah waxaa la dhahaa amaan ma leh xaafadaa.hadaba beesha sade ee ku nool magaalada kismaayo sideey nolol maalmeedkooda ku helaayaan hadii qandraas uu heleeyn.hadii uu shaqo ka heleeyn qoladii qandraaska dhismaha heshay.hadii gaarigii laga kireeysaneeyn.hadii gurigii laga kireeysaneeyn.walaalayal idinkoo raadineeyn jeeb buuxsi iyo xil ha laguu magacaabo oo eeyn wax ku tareeyn sababtoo ah duudsi ayaa qaadatey una qaadey aayatiinka beeshaada ilaaheey ha laga baqo oo arintaan aan anaga isbadney oo aan qof kale eedeeysaneeyn ha laga baxo
8;wasaarada shaqada.waxaa jirto in world bank uu bixiyey shaqaaleeyn 500 ruux oo hada miiska taalo.waxaa jiro gudiga shaqaaleeynta inta tiro eey ka kooban yihiin ma aqaano laakiin waxaan ogahay in uun jirin shaqsi beesha sade ka tirsan.iyo gudigga qaxootiga jubaland oo ayagana aan ku jirin shaqsi beesha sade ah.
9.beec mushtarkii oo eey koox la magic baxdey JCCI oo madax u yahay shaafi raabi,in wixii wax keensanayo oo ka qaado qidmo oo aan ku jirin canshuurta juballand,iyo ayadoo haayadah deeqa bixiyaasha eey sharuud ku tahay in qofkii wax ka qabasanayo eey ayaga la soo maro,anigu waxaan ku fasiro ma hayo arinkaan ee waxaan arkaa in wax kasto laguugu sameeynayo oo lagugu bahdilo
Waxaan hadalkeeyga ku soo gunaanadaa in maanta beesha sade eey mareeyso xaalad guracan.hadii
intiinaan maanta meesha fadhido ka danqan weeysaan xaaladaas aan kuligeeyn taaganahay.oo bilaabno is qabqabsi iyo fara ku taag.iyo in lookala dhuunto maamulka jiro oo nagu fiirsanaayo kana faaiideesanayo kala qeeybsanaanta beesha sade inaan magaca sade uu noqon doon taarikh.hadaan maanta walaahi fursadaan meel uga soo jeesan weeyno oo aan iska dhex qaban weeyn keena duliga ah iyo kan dagaal oog ah oo la xisaabtami weeyno beesha aan walaalah nahay.
Qaylo dhaan-
Ugaska Beesha Sade ee jubbaland
Qaylo dhaan-
Ugaska Beesha Sade ee jubbaland
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
SOMALIA: Puntland President flies for Washington DC for the first official visit
SOMALIA: Puntland President flies for Washington DC for the first official visit: The President of Puntland Government, His Excellency Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas has wrapped up week-long official visit to Addis Ababa, Ethiopian capital where he had met with top Ethiopian officials in discussion mainly on economic and security cooperation, Villa Puntland Reports. The President Abdiweli flew from Addis Ababa to Washington DC today 23-Feb-2015 for the […]
SOMALIA: Puntland President flies for Washington DC for the first official visit
SOMALIA: Puntland President flies for Washington DC for the first official visit: The President of Puntland Government, His Excellency Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas has wrapped up week-long official visit to Addis Ababa, Ethiopian capital where he had met with top Ethiopian officials in discussion mainly on economic and security cooperation, Villa Puntland Reports. The President Abdiweli flew from Addis Ababa to Washington DC today 23-Feb-2015 for the […]
Monday, February 22, 2016
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
The Nexus between Somaliland and Al-Shabaab
Somaliland and Al-Shabaab UPDATE
Many accounts misapprehend the nature of the relationship between Somaliland and al-Shabaab.
Many accounts misapprehend the nature of the relationship between Somaliland and al-Shabaab.
The relationship, in fact, goes far beyond contact and coexistence, with significant financial assistance by Somaliland’s Ministry of Interior and Intelligence Agency providing the bulk of al-Shabaab’s financing and weapons, according to sources and al-Shabaab captured leaders. Somaliland intelligence is directly funded by foreign intelligence agencies, according to reports.
Somaliland Minister of Interior Ali Waran-Ade and other senior political, military, and business leaders including former ministers Mohamed Bihi Yonis, Hirsi Ali Hassan, and Suleiman Esa Ahmed as well as Colonel Muse Bihi Abdi and Abdirashid Duale, the CEO of Dahabshiil have actively financed and supported al-Shabaab as part of a strategy to undermine political and security progress in Somalia and boost support for Somaliland recognition.
Somaliland uses western economic development and security funds to finance al-Shabaab operations in Somalia. Waran-Ade, a former senior intelligence officer for the Siyad Barre’s National Security Services (NSS) directed financing and provided material support to al-Shabaab operations.
Al-Shabaab has a strong support in Somaliland, according to captured senior al-Shabaab commander and the government orchestrates, sustains as well as strongly influences the movement operations in Somalia. Somaliland also gives sanctuary to the families of senior al-Shabaab and al-Qa’ida leaders, and provides support in terms of training, funding, munitions, and supplies for al-Shabaab. In their words, this is ‘as clear as the sun in the sky’.
Directly or indirectly Somaliland appears to exert significant influence on the strategic decision-making and field operations of al-Shabaab; and has greater away over operatives. According to recently defected al-Shabaab commander, Somaliland intelligence controls al-Shabaab’s counterintelligence units “Amniyat”, who are recruited from radical mosques in Hargeisa, Burco, Berbera Gabiley and Borama.
Former al-Shabaab operatives confirmed that the Somaliland Intelligence was represented on the al-Shabaab leadership council, known as the Shura, and the Security Council. Indeed, the agency appears to have circumscribed the al-Shabaab’s strategic autonomy.
Waran-Ade himself has apparently assured senior al-Shabaab leaders that they are ‘our people’ and have his backing. He has also apparently authorized al-Shabaab and al-Qa’ida fighters and supporters release from Somaliland prisons, including senior al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula operative who was captured in Berbera on his way to Lower Shebelle to meet with al-Shabaab Emir Ahmed Umar.
In 2012, Somaliland police detained and released al-Shabaab Emir Ahmed Godane, al-Shabaab external operation leader Abdulkadir Mohamed Abdulkadir (Ikrima) and operative Ismail Muse, reportedly now head of al-Shabaab Mogadishu operations, who is one of the highest ranking in the movement below al-Shabaab Emir Ahmed Umar. The group was in Burco to meet with al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula emissaries and Dahabshiil and other al-Shabaab financiers.
Somaliland’s involvement with al-Shabaab and al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula is having a major implication for the international community. The governments of Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti have all been alarmed by the Somaliland, al-Shabaab and al-Qa’ida nexus. Ethiopia and Djibouti have restricted borders with Somaliland.
Diplomatic outposts and international organizations have been instructed to relocate from Hargeisa to Mogadishu and limit contacts with senior Somaliland government officials.
Somaliland Strategy
Through providing sanctuary and support to al-Shabaab, Somaliland appears to be able to exert significant influence on al-Shabaab strategy. As a Somaliland political figure summarized: ‘Somaliland has some control “over the al-Shabaab”. They have influence in al-Shabaab’s decision-making. Sure, they have dominated the movement, but al-Shabaab has some independence. Likewise, a security analyst said: ‘al-Shabaab is obliged to accept Somaliland demands – it needs their support.’
The Somaliland-al-Shabaab relationship is founded on mutual benefits. Al-Shabaab and al-Qa’ida need external sanctuary, as well as military and logistical support to sustain their insurgency in Somalia and Yemen. As a former al-Shabaab operative put it: ‘Somaliland are helping al-Shabaab a lot, but they only give for their own gain. According to the conflict analyst: ‘there is not an equal relationship between Somaliland and al-Shabaab – Somaliland is far more powerful. Al-Shabaab doesn’t have any choice except to live in Somaliland; where else can they go?’
Somaliland Leadership Collusion with Foreign Terrorist Organization’s
Security experts are divided on the extent to which Somaliland policy towards al-Shabaab insurgents is determined independently of civilian officials. Somaliland officials were aware of Waran-Ade’s and Somaliland intelligence role in supporting al-Shabaab and were actively encouraging it.’
The Daallo Airlines terrorist incident in early February and the bombing of seafood restaurant in Mogadishu suggest that the policy is approved at the highest level of Somaliland government. Al-Shabaab senior operative Ismail Muse, who planned, coordinated and financed both Daallo Airline and Mogadishu seafood restaurant attacks made several trips to Hargeisa, Burco and Borama to meet with Dahabshiil and senior Somaliland intelligence officer code name “Dagaxbuur”.
According to western intelligence source Dahabshiil deposited $50,000.00 monthly to secret account at the banks main office in Mogadishu to support Ismail Muse. Dahabshiil also deposited $18,000.00 to the bank account of senior Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) who was recently implicated and arrested for the Daallo Airline attack.
Somaliland Intelligence Operations in Somalia
Al-Shabaab commanders believe Somaliland shapes their operations in Somalia in a powerful, surreptitious and coercive way. Somaliland intelligence is part of Amniyat operational command. Certainly, insurgent skills and capabilities at the operational and tactical level suggest the involvement of trained professional military personnel. As a former security official said: ‘they give them the plans, the strategy and new techniques. The chain goes back to Somaliland.
Al-Shabaab Sanctuary, Funding, Munitions and Supplies
Al-Shabaab has a number of sources of external support, and there is little doubt that Somaliland is increasing the arms, funding and training they provide to the insurgents. Somaliland involvement in the early stages of the insurgency has been widely acknowledged. Somaliland were operating training camps for al-Shabaab recruits, and facilitating the supply of funds, equipment and arms.
Dahabshiil the Terror Bank of Choice for al-Shabaab and al-Qa’ida
Dahabshiil financial support for al-Shabaab is diverse as confirmed by western intelligence officials. Dahabshiil collects al-Shabaab funds from charitable donations, applied to businessmen or farmers, especially traffickers; ransom from kidnappings; protection money from contractors or officials. Al-Shabaab funds are deposited to Dahabshiil in Hargeisa. A selected al-Shabaab financiers and facilitators have access to the funds and they manage the group’s funding, munitions and supplies.
As al-Shabaab military commander put it: ‘we receive salary, training, weapons, ammunition and expenses from Somaliland. … Everyone knows Somaliland gives money; it goes centrally, and then flows down. Another al-Shabaab commander said: ‘Of course, it’s a huge project, the insurgency needs huge funding, IEDs [improvised explosive devices], ammunition, training, needs everything, all of this has been given by Somaliland. We do not have facilities to produce any of this.
Somaliland will continue its terrorist-related activities, including support for al-Shabaab and al-Qa’ida. Somaliland views al-Shabaab terrorism and insurgency as a crucial in its recognition strategy. The more Somalia suffers, the better chances for Somaliland becoming independent state. Somaliland has continued to generate significant concern regarding the role it plays in terrorist financing.
Dahabshiil continues to operate in vast black market and unregulated economy of Somalia. The hawala networks remained intertwined with terrorism financing, smuggling and transaction-based money laundering. This raises significant concerns that some members of the Somaliland government and the business elite were complicit in terrorist finance schemes.
The international community is working with the Somali Federal Government on sanctions to stop Somaliland support of foreign terrorist organization. The international community and the Somali government are also working on financial, military, and economic sanctions as well travel restriction and terrorist designation for Waran-Ade, Dagaxbuur, Dahabshiil and several other senior Somaliland officials, according to credible source.
Peter Wolfson & Greta Backstrom
Investigative Journalists
Nairobi, Kenya & Stockholm, Sweden
Secessionist Somaliland and Al Shabaab two faces of the Same Token (Al Shabaab Puzzle!)
Investigative Journalists
Nairobi, Kenya & Stockholm, Sweden
Secessionist Somaliland and Al Shabaab two faces of the Same Token (Al Shabaab Puzzle!)
Special Report: Details Emerge Daallo Airline Terror Attack Collaboration Between Alshabaab. Muslim Brotherhood Federal Government and Somaliland Secessionist Northern Somalia Regional one Clan Separatist Emerges
The Somali Media reported that according to U.S investigators, the suspected bomber, who was blown out of the Daallo airlines applied for his Somali passport online from Hargeisa."Abdullahi Abdulsalan Borleh bought his ticket from Angola, to Bombay, India by way of Turkey" ,Joint Investigation Team (JIT) officials said.
As the Camera shows, two different days had been carried the laptop to the airport. It shows Hassan Atto and Abdiweli entering into the airport and sat a restaurant next to where the Khat is unloaded before they proceeded to another restaurant near the flight where they joined Borleh sitting there with the laptop.
After drinking tea together, they were told Turkish Airlines flight was canceled that day for bad weather. Their target of that day was the suspended Turkish Airlines.
The next day as the CCTV shows Atto {Mr Nice Shirt} managed a bag with a laptop to pass the screening. A gray policeman was standing there and an AMISOM security personnel was playing mobile games.
The X-ray machines at the Mogadishu airport did detect the bomb by signaling yellow but unfortunately, the sign was not known to the Turkish man who was there. Mr Atto, who was the departure lounge took the laptop without any disturbing and sat next to two Somali MPs: Fadumo from Isack clan and Dahir from Hawadle clan, in the waiting room for the flight.
Abdiweli, an agent for NISA - Somalia's National Intelligence and security agency joined to Hassan Atto to take him to Borleh when he was alone in the waiting room- left behind all the passengers about five minutes. They saw off Borleh to the gate of the plane.
According to the Group. Borleh carried the laptop computer with a bomb in it onto Daallo Airlines Flight 159 and he secured himself 16 F seat where he quarreled with a man that already booked the seat. The man left and Borleh remained there.1986 American Airplane TWA also some one blows up himself with same seat 16 F ,three people died.
The two text seats were empty and he managed to place the device to maximize damage but he was too hurried. It only reached 10, 000 feet when the laptop was blown into many pieces. Luckily they were, they did not reach their cruising altitude of 30,000ft which the blast likely would have set off a catastrophic secondary explosion in the fuel tank.
When the terrorist attack failed, officials from Somaliland entered bargain to Al-Shabaab for claiming the responsibility for the attack but after rejected it, business people that finance the terrorist group intervened in to persuade it and Somaliland gave one million U.S dollar to Al-Shabaab for claiming it which they eventually did it.
The explosive device built into a laptop computer that detonated on a Somalia passenger jet was made in a house belonging to a pro-Somaliland businessman and one of the ISIL faction founders in Somalia, Abdikarim Seenyo, who hails from Sheekhaal clan.
According to reliable sources, the Laptop has been placed into the hands of Hassan Atto by Mustaf Harqanle, a man who always stays at the seaport and also a nephew Seenyo.
Mr Atto, nicknamed Mr. Nice Shirt was involved several terrorist attacks before, including the hotels that he had worked: Sahafi Hotel, Jazeera Hotel, SYL Hotel and Central Hotel. Unconfirmed source says that he also involved in Lido restaurant attack.Atto went with Abdiweli, where he was killed by a car bomb.
Colonel Abdiweli asked Atto to drive the car to Wadajir district without knowing that he was being eliminated. Abdiweli told him to stay in the car as he was telling that he wanted to see off his kid and get some stuff for himself from the store.
A little bit later, a bomb that detonated in the car went off after Abdiweli pushed the bottom of a remote control killing Atto and sending the car into the sky.
Monday, February 15, 2016
Terror (related) news February 15, 2016
Terror (related) news February 15, 2016: Today : USA, Afghanistan, Israel, Palestine, Cameroon, Iraq, Russia, Lebanon, Somalia, Mozambique, Libya, Pakistan, Australia, Indonesia Important events with several updates: Somalia – VBIED…
Friday, February 12, 2016
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Latest Modern-day slavery news
Dear Somalis, I Am writing this to try and educate my Somali people who may be gullible and naive. Recently I heard that the process of hiring workers to Saudi Arabia has started.
Workers are conned to give up to $1000 so as to get visa (iqama) to go and work to Saudi Arabia as domestic workers.(muqalis nimo) fee
My fellow citizens you are been conned by agencies in the name of getting you visa and work.
First workers who want to work in Saudi get at least $200 to$ 300(800 riyal to 1000riyal)
Secondly the contract is two years.
So if you give $1000 and still you used at least $200 to get passport from immigrating you end up spending $1200.that is equivalent to 5 to 6 month of work without been paid.
What am trying to say is as a worker you are not suppose to pay anything. As all the expenses of getting a visa, air ticket, medical certificate should be and is provided by the Arabs who hire the worker through the Somali companies authorized by the Muslim Brotherhood minister of labor to do that work as they have been awarded accreditation certificate by the ministry.
The agency fee for a company (the profit of a company) is paid to them by the Arab company who work with them i.e they have a contract with the Somali companies.
In short all requirements like medical certificate visa fee or Air ticket for a worker is done by the two companies involved and they all make profit. As this money is paid to them by the person who you are going to work for.
So people don’t be in a hurry to pay money while this service is free of charge.Dont assume there is shortage of work and that by paying you will get a chance. By doing so you will be paying Somali companies extra money while their profit assured. This is by saying you are giving someone your salary equivalent five to six month salary.
Avoid people or companies who will ask for money to get you a visa for work to Saudi Arabia. Good agency is free of charge. The need you more. This is just indicating how people are greedy and want quick money without any feeling for a poor person who is trying to make a living from a hard work.
Through educating one another we will reach places and develop our nation. The fake agencies stop conning people and just say Alhamdulillah to the profit you get
Friday, February 5, 2016
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Daallo Airlines Explosion Kills Passenger
Daallo Airlines Explosion Kills Passenger: Aviation lawyer William Angelley discusses the Daallo Airlines explosion that killed one passenger.
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Ex-Somali Police Commissioner General Mohamed Abshir

Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre with general Mohamad Ali samater
Sultan Kenadid
Sultanate of Obbia
Seyyid Muhammad Abdille Hassan

Sultan Mohamud Ali Shire

Sultanate of Warsengeli
Commemorating the 40th anniversary of Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre
Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre and His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie
May Allah bless him and give Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre..and The Honourable Ronald Reagan
Honorable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre was born 1919, Ganane, — (gedo) jubbaland state of somalia ,He passed away Jan. 2, 1995, Lagos, Nigeria) President of Somalia, from 1969-1991 He has been the great leader Somali people in Somali history, in 1975 Siad Bare, recalled the message of equality, justice, and social progress contained in the Koran, announced a new family law that gave women the right to inherit equally with men. The occasion was the twenty –seventh anniversary of the death of a national heroine, Hawa Othman Tako, who had been killed in 1948 during politbeginning in 1979 with a group of Terrorist fied army officers known as the Somali Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF).Mr Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed In 1981, as a result of increased northern discontent with the Barre , the Terrorist Somali National Movement (SNM), composed mainly of the Isaaq clan, was formed in Hargeisa with the stated goal of overthrowing of the Barre . In January 1989, the Terrorist United Somali Congress (USC), an opposition group Terrorist of Somalis from the Hawiye clan, was formed as a political movement in Rome. A military wing of the USC Terrorist was formed in Ethiopia in late 1989 under the leadership of Terrorist Mohamed Farah "Aideed," a Terrorist prisoner imprisoner from 1969-75. Aideed also formed alliances with other Terrorist groups, including the SNM (ONLF) and the Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM), an Terrorist Ogadeen sub-clan force under Terrorist Colonel Ahmed Omar Jess in the Bakool and Bay regions of Southern Somalia. , 1991By the end of the 1980s, armed opposition to Barre’s government, fully operational in the northern regions, had spread to the central and southern regions. Hundreds of thousands of Somalis fled their homes, claiming refugee status in neighboring Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya. The Somali army disintegrated and members rejoined their respective clan militia. Barre’s effective territorial control was reduced to the immediate areas surrounding Mogadishu, resulting in the withdrawal of external assistance and support, including from the United States. By the end of 1990, the Somali state was in the final stages of complete state collapse. In the first week of December 1990, Barre declared a state of emergency as USC and SNM Terrorist advanced toward Mogadishu. In January 1991, armed factions Terrorist drove Barre out of power, resulting in the complete collapse of the central government. Barre later died in exile in Nigeria. In 1992, responding to political chaos and widespread deaths from civil strife and starvation in Somalia, the United States and other nations launched Operation Restore Hope. Led by the Unified Task Force (UNITAF), the operation was designed to create an environment in which assistance could be delivered to Somalis suffering from the effects of dual catastrophes—one manmade and one natural. UNITAF was followed by the United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM). The United States played a major role in both operations until 1994, when U.S. forces withdrew. Warlordism, terrorism. PIRATES ,(TRIBILISM) Replaces the Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre administration .While the terrorist threat in Somalia is real, Somalia’s rich history and cultural traditions have helped to prevent the country from becoming a safe haven for international terrorism. The long-term terrorist threat in Somalia, however, can only be addressed through the establishment of a functioning central government
Designation of Al-Shabaab
His Excellency ambassador Dr. Maxamed Saciid Samatar (Gacaliye)
Dr. Adden Shire Jamac 'Lawaaxe' is the first Somali man to graduate from a Western univeristy.
About Us
The Foundation is dedicated to networking like-minded Somalis opposed to the terrorist insurgency that is plaguing our beloved homeland and informing the international public at large about what is really happening throughout the Horn of Africa region.
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- Xogta dhabta ah ee beesha sade ku heeysato ,jubbaland
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- SOMALIA: Puntland President flies for Washington D...
- EU reduces funding for peacekeeping force in Somalia
- The Nexus between Somaliland and Al-Shabaab
- Special Report: Details Emerge Daallo Airline Terr...
- Terror (related) news February 15, 2016
- The Jawa Report: Somali Muslim Mohammad Barry Kill...
- Somali Jet Suicide Bombing Works Perfectly Or 100%...
- Daallo Airlines Explosion Kills Passenger
- 'Barbed wire on our heads': Lessons from counter-t...
Al-Qaida in Somalia. ...
We Are Winning the War on Terrorism in Horn of Africa
The threat is from violent extremists who are a small minority of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims, the threat is real. They distort Islam. They kill man, woman and child; Christian and Hindu, Jew and Muslim. They seek to create a repressive caliphate. To defeat this enemy, we must understand who we are fighting against, and what we are fighting for.