"The government is weakened by the rebel forces. We ask neighbouring countries - including Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Yemen - to send troops to Somalia within 24 hours," Sheikh Aden Mohamed Nur, the Somali parliamentary speaker, said.Ethiopian troops last entered Somalia in late 2006 to support the then-government and drive out Islamic Courts Union fighters led by Sharif Ahmed, the current president.
Ahmed later joined the government after signing a UN-brokered peace deal and is now battling former allies from the al-Shabab and Hizbul Islam groups, which have vowed to topple his government.Border securityAl Jazeera's Mohammed Adow, reporting from Nairobi in Kenya, said that it remained to be seen what action Ethiopian forces would take..more..http://english.aljazeera.net//news/africa/2009/06/200962012118631841.html
Ethiopia wants international mandate to intervene in Somalia
Ethiopia rejects Somali request
Al Shabab Threat Clouds the Horn of Africa
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