MINNEAPOLIS - One by one, 18 months ago, they began disappearing: Young boys, academic overachievers, the caretakers in large families, responsible and conscientious all. A few months later, three or four, from St. Paul, Minn., like the others, simultaneously went missing. Then, last Nov. 4, seven or eight young men - whose families assumed they were out in the streets, celebrating the election of
Barack Obama - vaporized.
MORE: AMERICAN STARS IN TERRORIST RECRUITMENT VIDEOOne of them was 17-year-old Burhan Hassan. "My sister calls me," says Burhan's uncle, Abdirizak Bihi. "I ask, 'Did you vote?' " Most Somali-Americans do not get involved in the American political process, something Bihi is working hard to change. "She says, 'Yes, but Burhan . . .' " His sister did not know where her son was. "I told her, 'Don't worry, he's [celebrating],' and she is relieved. But I was not sure." At three in the morning, Burhan's mother woke and peere

d into her son's room. He was not there. "Everything that belonged to him was gone," says Bihi. "His laptop, clothes, valuables. She breaks down the locked cabinet for his passport - it's gone. She calls the police; I call the hospitals. Then someone from the local travel store says, 'Yes, we sold tickets to these people.' And we say, 'How could you? They're small kids!' " The boys were accompanied by a man who claimed to be their uncle and paid for the tickets in cash...more..
://www.nypost.com/seven/04042009/postopinion/opedcolumnists/american_terrorists_162883.htm?page=0WHO IS AL-AMRIKI?AMERICAN STARS IN TERRORISThttp://www.nypost.com/seven/04042009/postopinion/opedcolumnists/who_is_al_amriki__162884.htmLawless Somalia draws influx of foreign fightersSomalia: Al Shabab's Leadership Links to Al Qaeda
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