Al-Shabab Terrorist have conducted operations destroyed several
suffi shrines in many neighborhoods of Baidoa town in Bakol region, official told
Habar Gidir own radio station shabelle Terrorist (al-shabaab) Shabelle Media Network or shabaab media network on Thursday.Sheik Ibrahim Aden, one of the
Islamic administration of Al-Shabab Terrorist in Baidoa town told reporters that their forces had carried out operations in and around the town adding that they destroyed more
suffi graves in and out of the town in southern Somalia.
al-shabaab .The statement of the Islamic administration of Bay and Bakol regions comes as there had been such operations which the forces of the administration conducted in more villages of both regions in southern Somalia, Baidoa town the headquarters of Bay region some 260km west of the Somali capital Mogadishu have commenced annihilating graves in the town of Baidoa and its surrounding areas. “We have destroyed several graves in the cemeteries of Abuu-Asharow in the fringes of Baidoa town and we shall keep on continuing destroying all sorts of graves as long as they are wall contracted graves not caring whose grave it is” said Ibrahim Adan the head of the information department of Bay and Bakool regions in southern Somalia. has also added that they will redouble their efforts of destroying the graves in the territories under their control. This is not the first time for Al-Shabab to conduct such operation of graves destroying in the region they have earlier implemented such operations in several cemeteries which prominent clerics were buried. This act of graves destroying was condemned by several bodies including the Somali transitional federal government and the other Somali clerics in the country as well as those in overseas.
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