Sunday, November 21, 2010

MAQAAL: Dilalka siyaasadaysani waa ‘Faroole ma dhaafto’:Gunmen kill well-known elder in Bosaso town

Tan iyo intii Madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan Faroole talada Puntland la wareegay, waxa bilowday dilal qorshaysan oo lagula kacayo siyaasiyiinta, waxgaradka, aqoon yahannada, iyo culuma awdiinka, dilalkan oo badiyaa dhaca kolka Madaxweyne Faroole socdaal debedda ugu kaco. Waa yaabe maxaa isku beega had iyo jeer socdaalka madaxweynaha iyo dilalka siyaasadaysan ee ka dhaca Puntland. Hadalkiisa tacsida ee Faroole u diray qoyska reer Suldaan Ciise, wuxu ahaa mid shaki weyni ku jiro. Madaxweyne Faroole waxaa lagu xagliyaa inuu yahay guddoomiyaha budhcad badeedda iyo tahriibinta ee Puntland. Beesha caalamka ayaa weliba hadalkan ku kaarran iyagoo si waaddixa u sheega in Faroole yahay in ah ‘budhcad badeed.”
Sababaha dadka loo laynayo waxgalka ka ah bulshada dhexdeeda dhawr arrimood ayaa loo aanayn karaa.
1. Faroole iyo kooxdiisa Aaran Jaan oo raba inay Puntland ka dhigaan meel diinlaawayaal ka taliyaan, isla markaana ay bulshada dooriyaan dhaqankooda iyo anshaxoodaba. Tusaale, magaalada Garoowe ee caasimadda u ah Puntland, markii Faroole xukunka qabtay, guryaha waxa qiimohoodu u dhexeeyey 5000 ilaa 10,000 oo doollar, hase ahaatee maanta guryuhu marayaan Garoowe 50,000 ilaa 120,000 oo doollar. Waxa isbeddelay dhaqankii magaalada, iyadoo budhacad badeeddu iyo kooxaha wax tahriibiyaan fasahaadiyeen bulshadii. Khamriga Garoowe caadi baa la iskula dhaafaa; guryaha anshax xumada lagu sameeyo ama hoteellada waxa lagu dhaqan habaabiyey cawradii dalka joogtey; qofkii loo garto inuu wax wanaagsan ka talinayo waxa lagu shaabbadeeyey ‘argagixiso.’ Hadday Garoowe waa ahayd meel diinta dhaqanka wanaagsan loogu soo hagaago, xilliyadaasi waa socdeen. Dabcan weli ummadda badi weli dhaqankoodii ma hallaabin.
2. Maammulka oo awooddiisu ku kooban tahay gacanta madaxweyne Faroole, isagoon haba yaraatee u oggolayn masuuliyiinta kale inay xataa go’aan ka qaataan wasaaradaha ay joogaan. Wasiirrada Garoowe baradu u tahay waxay wakhtiga iskaga lumiyaan tumasho iyo barjayn. Lacagta dakhliga ah ee laga helo dekedda Boosaaso,  Garoommada iyo cashuuraha madaniga waxaa boqolkiiba 99 lunsada dawladda, wax shacabka looga qabtana iskaddaa.
3. Sicir bararka oo xad dhaafay, lacagaha budhcad badeeddu soo dhacday, tahriibayaasha, iyo lacago faalso ah oo debedda laga soo daabaco ayaa shukaanta dhaqaale ee Puntland haya. Dadku badi waxay ku noolyihiin xoogaaga xawilaadda ay ugu soo diraan eheladooda kala jooga daafaha adduunka.
4. Siyaasad murugsan oo xataa aadan kala garan karin in dalka maammul ka jiro iyo in Itoobiya toos looga maaammula ayaa kuu muuqanaysa markaad habdhaqanka maammulka Garoowe u fiirsatid. Qunsuliyadda Itoobiya ee dhowaan laga furay Garoowe waa mid awood maammul ku leh Puntland. Tusaale,  Itoobiyaanku waxay si laafya-laafyood ah u dhex maraan magaalada, iyagoo mooda inay Soomaalida kuba dhex milmi karaa–qaarkood macawiso xiran yihiin, qaar qayilayaan. Waxan maqli jirnay, “baqashii farda la mirataa faras bay ismooddaa.”
5. Faroole wuxuu loollan siyaasadeed kula jiraa, siyaasiyiintii garabkii taageersanaa Cabdullahi Yuusuf, iyo gobollada laga taageeri jiray xukuumaddii Yuusuf. Dhaqaalaha Gaalkacayo, ammaankeeda, iyo horumarkeedu aad buu u wiiqmay intii Faroole xukunka qabtay. Dilkii, dhacii, boobkii, kala dambayn la’aantii ayaa noqday mid joogta ah magaalooyinka Gaalkacayo, Qardho, iyo Boosaasoba.
6. Faroole wuxuu takoor iyo diir nacayb kula kacay bulshada gobollada Sanaag, Sool, Haylaan, Bari, iyo Cayn. Waxa uu toos u aqoonsaday in Laascaanood Somaliland ku tirsan tahay; wuxu kala faquuqay bulshadii gobolka Bari ku sugnayd oo lagu yiqiin walaalnimo iyo wada noolaansho; waxa uu duullaan indhala’aan ah ku qaaday Galbeedka Gobolka Bari beesha degta.
7. Faroole markuu Australia qaxootiga ku ahaa, isaga iyo rag kale oo ku mid yahay Ciisa Dhoollawaa, waxay dalka keeneen shirkado maafiya ah oo qaarkood sunta ku aasaan badda, qaarna doonayaan inay gurtaan khayraadka ku baahsan arlada Puntand. Waana arrinta sababtay in colaadihii Majayahan ka dhacay 2006-dii dib loo soo nooleeyo. Inkastoo maammulka Faroole beeniyo macdan gurashada iyo khayraad boobka marka warbaahintu abbaarto, haddana maanta waa kan keenay shirakado kuwii hore ka sii daran oo South Africa laga leeyahay. Waxa uu heshiisyo hoose la wadaa shirkadda Kuwait Energy Group; wuxu sidoo kale shaaciyey inuu Saracen Company oo ah shirkad shidaalka baarta, uu dalka ku keeno inay tababbarayaan ciidammo badda ilaaliya, malaha waa PIS (ashaahado la dirirka,) sida weyn ula shaqaysta budhcad badeedda.
8. Faroole wuxu collaystay isimmada badidood, waxgaradka, aqoonyaahannada, culuma awdiinka, iyo in allaale iyo intii ka talisa wanaagga. Wuxu si toosa iyo si dadbanba u gumaaday dadkii kaga soo horjeestay mooryaannimada uu dalka ka wado. Siyaasiyiinta sawirkooda aad kor ku aragtid dadka reer Puntland badiba iyo Soomali weyn waxay aamminsan yihiin inay ku maqan yihiin gacanta Faroole.

Madaxweyne C/raxmaan Faroole (Criminal)
Sababahaas iyo kuwa kale oo badan waxay iftiiminayaan khatarta ku soo fool leh ummadda reer Puntland iyo guud ahaan Soomaaliba. Faroole waa dhiigyacab aan ilaa aqoon, dad aqoon, caqli gaaban, macangag ah, garmaqaate ah, qabiilayste ah, diin takoor ah, wuxuna ku jaan go’an yahay: “Haaddaan la iska qaban Faroole waa qaatil xoogsadaye.”
Dadka reer Puntland waxa u taal talo, inay ka tashadaan aayahooda, oo dadadka bid la isugu soo celiyo, la xakameeyo budhcad badeedda, la joojiyo tahriibinta masaakiinta, la ishortaago wiilahsa laga iibinayo Amxaarada, la xiro qunsuliyadda Itoobiya ku leedahay Garoowe. Faroole iyo xulfadiisa in maxkamad lala tiigsado.
Beesha caalamku iyadooba og dembiilannimada Cabdiraxmaan Faroole, waa inay ka caawintaa dadka reer Puntland sidii sharciga loo keeni lahaa dembiile Faroole, aanna la dhegeysan beenta uu ku qaraabto ee waxan la dagaallmaa argagixiso, waxan dabar goynayaa budhcad badeed, waxan mamnuucayaa tahriibinta. Adduunku ha ogaado Faroole isagaa ka waayeela waxaasoo qas iyo dhibaata ah.
W.Q Maxamed Xuseen

We welcome the submission of all articles for possible publication on Terror Free Somalia Foundation Send your comments and  articles to

Abdirahman Warsame is the Executive Director of the Terror Free Somalia Foundation.a national grassroots organization that opposes terrorism and supports democracy in Africa. regular contributor American Thinker . .Pajamas Media and .other American conservative organization   

Gunmen kill well-known elder in Bosaso town


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Siad Barre ( A somali Hero )

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honor the fallen

Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre and His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie

Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre  and His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie
Beautiful handshake

May Allah bless him and give Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre..and The Honourable Ronald Reagan

May Allah bless him and give  Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre..and The Honourable Ronald Reagan
Honorable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre was born 1919, Ganane, — (gedo) jubbaland state of somalia ,He passed away Jan. 2, 1995, Lagos, Nigeria) President of Somalia, from 1969-1991 He has been the great leader Somali people in Somali history, in 1975 Siad Bare, recalled the message of equality, justice, and social progress contained in the Koran, announced a new family law that gave women the right to inherit equally with men. The occasion was the twenty –seventh anniversary of the death of a national heroine, Hawa Othman Tako, who had been killed in 1948 during politbeginning in 1979 with a group of Terrorist fied army officers known as the Somali Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF).Mr Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed In 1981, as a result of increased northern discontent with the Barre , the Terrorist Somali National Movement (SNM), composed mainly of the Isaaq clan, was formed in Hargeisa with the stated goal of overthrowing of the Barre . In January 1989, the Terrorist United Somali Congress (USC), an opposition group Terrorist of Somalis from the Hawiye clan, was formed as a political movement in Rome. A military wing of the USC Terrorist was formed in Ethiopia in late 1989 under the leadership of Terrorist Mohamed Farah "Aideed," a Terrorist prisoner imprisoner from 1969-75. Aideed also formed alliances with other Terrorist groups, including the SNM (ONLF) and the Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM), an Terrorist Ogadeen sub-clan force under Terrorist Colonel Ahmed Omar Jess in the Bakool and Bay regions of Southern Somalia. , 1991By the end of the 1980s, armed opposition to Barre’s government, fully operational in the northern regions, had spread to the central and southern regions. Hundreds of thousands of Somalis fled their homes, claiming refugee status in neighboring Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya. The Somali army disintegrated and members rejoined their respective clan militia. Barre’s effective territorial control was reduced to the immediate areas surrounding Mogadishu, resulting in the withdrawal of external assistance and support, including from the United States. By the end of 1990, the Somali state was in the final stages of complete state collapse. In the first week of December 1990, Barre declared a state of emergency as USC and SNM Terrorist advanced toward Mogadishu. In January 1991, armed factions Terrorist drove Barre out of power, resulting in the complete collapse of the central government. Barre later died in exile in Nigeria. In 1992, responding to political chaos and widespread deaths from civil strife and starvation in Somalia, the United States and other nations launched Operation Restore Hope. Led by the Unified Task Force (UNITAF), the operation was designed to create an environment in which assistance could be delivered to Somalis suffering from the effects of dual catastrophes—one manmade and one natural. UNITAF was followed by the United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM). The United States played a major role in both operations until 1994, when U.S. forces withdrew. Warlordism, terrorism. PIRATES ,(TRIBILISM) Replaces the Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre administration .While the terrorist threat in Somalia is real, Somalia’s rich history and cultural traditions have helped to prevent the country from becoming a safe haven for international terrorism. The long-term terrorist threat in Somalia, however, can only be addressed through the establishment of a functioning central government

The Honourable Ronald Reagan,

When our world changed forever

His Excellency ambassador Dr. Maxamed Saciid Samatar (Gacaliye)

His Excellency ambassador Dr. Maxamed Saciid Samatar (Gacaliye)
Somali Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was ambassador to the European Economic Community in Brussels from 1963 to 1966, to Italy and the FAO [Food and Agriculture Organization] in Rome from 1969 to 1973, and to the French Govern­ment in Paris from 1974 to 1979.

Dr. Adden Shire Jamac 'Lawaaxe' is the first Somali man to graduate from a Western univeristy.

Dr. Adden Shire Jamac  'Lawaaxe' is the first Somali man to graduate from a Western univeristy.
Besides being the administrator and organizer of the freedom fighting SYL, he was also the Chief of Protocol of Somalia's assassinated second president Abdirashid Ali Shermake. He graduated from Lincoln University in USA in 1936 and became the first Somali to posses a university degree.

Soomaaliya الصومال‎ Somali Republic

Soomaaliya الصومال‎ Somali Republic

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The Foundation is dedicated to networking like-minded Somalis opposed to the terrorist insurgency that is plaguing our beloved homeland and informing the international public at large about what is really happening throughout the Horn of Africa region.

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We Are Winning the War on Terrorism in Horn of Africa

The threat is from violent extremists who are a small minority of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims, the threat is real. They distort Islam. They kill man, woman and child; Christian and Hindu, Jew and Muslim. They seek to create a repressive caliphate. To defeat this enemy, we must understand who we are fighting against, and what we are fighting for.

Terror Free Somalia Foundation