The Somali common man is always a victim of the above interests and these interests are supported by leaders with also selfish non-long lasting interests. And this is what made the Somali people and their country more vulnerable to such devastating interests.
It is these leaders that decide the destiny of the Somali people using the power vested on them by the so called international community of which I believe is hardly committed of introducing and supporting a long lasting peace and reconciliation within the Somali community.
I think most of us are not happy with current situation that our country is going through and this is because of the painful experiences that we come across on daily basis either from the death of our fellow citizens in the our country or the inhuman arrests and torture to the Somali people by the ruthless security forces in different countries with the name of illegal immigrants.
I understand that the Somali problems can not only be expressed on mere writing of one or two stories but let me come back to the purpose of this article with the topic of BE CAREFUL MR. PRESIDENT. Every Somali citizen is aware of the current conflict between the Transitional Federal Institutions especially the Parliament headed by the speaker Sharif Hassan and the executive headed by the president Sheikh Sharif and the Prime Minister Mr Farmajo.
These leaders had a difference when it comes to the extension of the mandate of TFIs. The parliament has extended its mandate without the approval and the consultation of the TFG and argued that failure to give more mandate to the current parliament can cause a power vacuum within the government institutions hence more chaos and violence in the country while the TFG opposed that idea.
On the other hand the government extended its mandate for one more year and this caused an ideological difference with in the government institutions. Finally the two sides agreed for the extension of their mandate by one year.
Mean while, the government was in war with the armed opposition side and made recognizable gains and victories by taking over more territories from the opposition. This attracted them a lot of confidence and support from the Somali people who saw this opportunity as the only left hope for them to go back and rebuild their beloved country.
They say there is no smoke without fire. This was achieved by united patriotic Somali educated cabinet who has dedicated their time and energy to make their country a peaceful one unlike their previous colleagues who only looked after their individual interests rather than their national interests.
I salute the Prime minister and his government for their restless effort to make sure that security is introduced and maintained in our beloved country together with the president whose efforts were paralyzed by people who pretended to be loyal to him but in the real sense were not honest in working with him such as the previous cabinet, the speaker of the parliament, some AU member states and the United Nations special representative for Somalia Mr. Mahiga whose aim is to further destroy the relative peace that was hardly achieved by the current government.
We understand that there is a reconciliation conference taking place in Kampala as I write this article which is meant to mediate the TFI leaders whose objectives are totally different. There is a suggestion that the current cabinet be dissolved and a new one formed which represents the two sides (The government and parliament). It is believed that this is meant to derail the government efforts by including the cabinet to some members whose ideology is to serve the interests of the enemy of the Somali people.
My humble advice and warning to the president is that he takes care on the decision of sharing power with ideologically different people. MR President kindly know that “comma can kill a man”. Any decision that you take today can either lead to the destruction of many Somali lives or save many Somali lives.
You better resign Mr. President instead of sharing power with people who will obviously paralyze the government activities in the future and Mr. President take in to account that if Mr Farmajo is gone then be sure that you will also be gone in the near future. BE CAREFUL MR. PRESIDENT.
By: Abdirahman Elmi Siyad
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