U.S. Military Tells Condi 'Not So Fast' on Launching Land Attacks on Somali Pirates
Kenya FM Called for Global Coordination to Tackle GrowingPiracy Menace

Kenya's Foreign Minister called for a globally coordinated effort to tackle the growing menace of piracy off Somalia's lawless coast, as an international conference on the issue wrapped up in Nairobi on Thursday.Kenya Foreign Minister Moses Wetangula: "Anybody who has a contribution to make in the fight against piracy is welcome, as long as, and I emphasise what I've always said: coordination! Because if we are uncoordinated, we will not win this war."
The two-day conference, sponsored by the United Nations and hosted by the Kenyan government, brought together officials from more than 40 countries, as well as representatives from regional and international organisations.Moses Wetangula said regulating armed guards on board ships and establishing a common policy to discourage ransom payments, were two of the proposals suggested at the conference.
Kenya signs deal to try Somali pirate suspects

Britain and Kenya are reported to have signed a bilateral deal enabling Kenya to become the final port of call for captured Somali pirates. According to the UK’s Financial Times, the deal came about after Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetang’ula and UK’s security minister Lord West met on the sidelines of a piracy conference in Nairobi.The deal comes in the same week that the United States formally asked the United Nations for permission to pursue pirates on land in Somalia if necessary. Step forwardIt also follows the arrival of a European Union naval force, which began patrolling waters off Somalia under the British naval command. more..http://www.nation.co.ke/News/-/1056/501544/-/u0l38x/-/index.html
Somalia: Ethiopia Out, and the US In?http://agonist.org/alex_thurston/20081212/somalia_ethiopia_out_and_the_us_in

Africa: Another anti-terrorism front
U.S. Helps African States Fend Off Militants http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/13/world/africa/13mali.html?pagewanted=2&hp
Somali pirates must be stopped

Kenya, Mixed Views of U.S.' Somalia Invasion Talk
Revive traditional justice: String up Somali pirates
Somali pirates free Greek tanker: official

Merchant captains decry 'route of terror'
Sink the pirates
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