LATEST The Eritrean security forces are in search for the Islamist leader of Alliance for Re-liberation of Somalia Terrorist
Hassan Dahir Aweys who was disappeared mid last night after long been under house arrest in Asmara, the capital of Eritrea, officials said on Saturday.Somalia talaban president reacts Al-Qaeda Terrorist message. Officers belonging to the Eritrean intelligence service said they are looking for the Islamist leader in Kenya and Sudan but reliable sources confirmed to Media that Terrorist Aweys is in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan where he is seeking for refuge.Terrorist
Hassan Dahir Aweys, who is on the American list of terror groups, is believed to have escaped from Eritrea by car and reached the border with Sudan where the Sudanese troops took him away.Eritrean sources say that Sheik Aweys is planning to have talks with the Sudan president Omar Hassan Al-Bahir and then will fly to Somalia where he will be expected to announce his support to the talaban government led by Sharif Sheik Ahmed
Once a jehadist, Always a jehadist .Terrorist Sheik Aweys who was among the founders of the Terrorist Islamic Courts Union in Somalia
Somali alQaeda has been under house arrest in Asmara for the three months as the Eritrean government stopped him from going to Somalia for three times.Aweys has long been willing to come in his home grown town of Dhusamareb town, the provincial capital Galgadud region in Somalia but later his hope diminished when he came to know that the region has fallen in the hands of his rival of Ahlu/sunna waljama Islamist sufi group in better fighting with Dahir´s alliance of Al/Shabab Terrorist.....source his own Habar Gidir clan hawiye .. webside.. Terrorist leader stuck in EritreaEritrean Leader Allegedly Embezzles Money from Somali terror Groupsomalian terrorist leader al shabaab leader Hassan Dahir Aways call Terrorist Sharif Sheikh Ahmed "dictatorship
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