Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Kenya calls for clear vision on dealing with Somalia

U.S. Ambassador Ranneberger Visits Injured Somalis

United States Ambassador Michael Ranneberger consoles a victim of the June 18 Beledweyne suicide attack at a Nairobi Hospital.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

On June 26, United States Ambassador Michael Ranneberger visited a Nairobi hospital, where Somali elders and TFG officials who were wounded in the June 18 al-Shabaab suicide attack in Beledweyne, Somalia, are being treated.
The June 18 attack took the life of Transitional Federal Government (TFG) Minister of National Security Omar Hashi and as many as forty others. In remarks to the press after the visit, the Ambassador condemned the attack, and pledged continued U.S. government support for the TFG.
The June 18 attack took the life of Transitional Federal Government (TFG) Minister of National Security Omar Hashi and as many as forty others. In remarks to the press after the visit, the Ambassador condemned the attack, and pledged continued U.S. government support for the TFG.
Somalia's neighbours urge AU to double peacekeepers

The AU has approved a force of 8,000, but has yet to deploy the full contingent. IGAD insisted Somalia needed the full force, for which Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Malawi have promised troops...more..http://www.africasia.com/services/news/newsitem.php?area=africa&item=090630205925.n75gkqs0.php
Somali youth harass gay man at Pride

Twin Cities GLBT Minneapolis Pride Festival. Shouting “I hate gay people,” “Fuck gay people,” and “Gay is not the way,” the youths followed the man for several blocks. The entire incident was caught on video.
Gay Pride Festival …
Senator Klobuchar: Somalia Independence Statement

Minneapolis, M.N. – U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar issued the following statement to commemorate Somali Independence Day, July 1, 2008. “I am honored to join with Minnesota’s Somali community in celebrating the 49th anniversary of Somalia’s independence from Great Britain and Italy. “Minnesota is proud to be home to the largest Somali population in the United States – and I am honored to represent Minnesota’s Somali residents in the Senate. I have always believed that America’s strength comes from the diversity of our people. Somalis are among those who contribute so much to the cultural and economic vitality of America, especially here in Minnesota.
“It is a happy coincidence that Somalia’s Independence Day is so close to our own July 4th Independence Day in the United States. The victory achieved by the people of Somalia in 1960 was the same victory achieved .by the people of the thirteen American colonies in 1776: The opportunity to renounce our colonial status and to become an independent, self-governing nation. “During the past year, the circumstances in Somalia continued to be unstable and dangerous. We must continue to seek peace and, as a United States Senator, I am committed to working closely with Minnesota’s Somali community to help their country move forward to create a peaceful future. A stable, functioning Somalia is in the interests of both the Somali people and the United States. “On this, Somalia’s Independence Day, let us recall the historic achievement of 1960 while also looking ahead with hope for a peaceful and productive future.’’
“It is a happy coincidence that Somalia’s Independence Day is so close to our own July 4th Independence Day in the United States. The victory achieved by the people of Somalia in 1960 was the same victory achieved .by the people of the thirteen American colonies in 1776: The opportunity to renounce our colonial status and to become an independent, self-governing nation. “During the past year, the circumstances in Somalia continued to be unstable and dangerous. We must continue to seek peace and, as a United States Senator, I am committed to working closely with Minnesota’s Somali community to help their country move forward to create a peaceful future. A stable, functioning Somalia is in the interests of both the Somali people and the United States. “On this, Somalia’s Independence Day, let us recall the historic achievement of 1960 while also looking ahead with hope for a peaceful and productive future.’’
Contact: Ross Corson (612) 727-5226
Two killed in a roadside bomb in Mogadishu

Another government soldier was also wounded in the bomb attack in the area. The soldiers ordered all business centers in the area to be closed after the incident, but they have now reportedly been reopened.
Suicide Bombings Increase in Somalia
Somali Islamists cut off hands
Al-Shabab Terrorist barbaric court go for arm and leg vedio
UN Envoy Visits Mogadishu, Suicide Bomber Was Al Shabaab,In Somalia, University of Minnesota,Apologist Abdi Samatar.The Terrorists Living Among Us
Protecting the US homeland,Napolitano’s fears over Somali and other terrorists

Janet Napolitano said that Somalia was an "area of concern" as a certain number of Americans could have travelled to the country to train in jihad. "Right now we are talking about people going to Somalia, but anytime you have individuals who are being trained so if they were to return they would have operational skills necessary to carry out a (terrorist) attack - that is an area that we need to pay attention to," she said. Napolitano said that one of the criticisms after the September 11 attacks in 2001 was that there was a "failure of imagination - the contemplation that something on that scale could actually occur." "It is my job to make sure we do not have such a failure as that again", she said.While refusing to say how many terror attack plots had been foiled in the US in the last six months she added, "I think (the United States) is always at risk, as is the UK."Closing Guantanamo Bay The security secretary said that she thought the controversy surrounding the Guantanamo prison had been used as a recruitment sergeant and "radicalisation tool box" for terrorists. Napolitano said that she felt that the process of closing Guantanamo Bay was well on the way but that there were certainly difficulties ahead. "I prefer not to talk about particular populations except to say that we are operating under the assumption that we are going to be able to meet the president's executive order that would get the prison side of Guantanamo closed by January."I am not underestimating the difficulties…it may be one of the most difficult problems that the president inherited from the prior administration. "The good to be served from Guantanamo, if there ever was, is now outweighed by the bad so it needs to be closed and we are working on that assumption," she said.
Battling al-QaidaIn response to questions regarding the current threat from al-Qaida Napolitano said, "The challenge is to know that the threat is never at zero. "It can change on a moments notice so what you have to have in place is the ability to collect information, to share information, analyse information and to take action accordingly and very, very, quickly. "That is what we have been working to do and will continue to do."But the security secretary acknowledged that threats from a "lone wolf", or individuals planning attacks with individual motives, could pose a greater threat to the US than al-Qaida itself. "It is certainly true that the "lone wolf" - the person who acts independently - is very difficult and indeed we have seen several lone wolf attacks on the past months. "From a law enforcement perspective it is just about the most difficult thing to stop," she said.Jonathan Rugman blogs about his interview with Janet Napolitano here. Article
Napolitano’s fears over Somali and other terrorists
Perhaps the most interesting line in the US homeland security secretary’s interview with me this morning concerns her fears over Somali Americans carrying out terrorist attacks inside the United States.
Battling al-QaidaIn response to questions regarding the current threat from al-Qaida Napolitano said, "The challenge is to know that the threat is never at zero. "It can change on a moments notice so what you have to have in place is the ability to collect information, to share information, analyse information and to take action accordingly and very, very, quickly. "That is what we have been working to do and will continue to do."But the security secretary acknowledged that threats from a "lone wolf", or individuals planning attacks with individual motives, could pose a greater threat to the US than al-Qaida itself. "It is certainly true that the "lone wolf" - the person who acts independently - is very difficult and indeed we have seen several lone wolf attacks on the past months. "From a law enforcement perspective it is just about the most difficult thing to stop," she said.Jonathan Rugman blogs about his interview with Janet Napolitano here. Article
Napolitano’s fears over Somali and other terrorists
Perhaps the most interesting line in the US homeland security secretary’s interview with me this morning concerns her fears over Somali Americans carrying out terrorist attacks inside the United States.
This of course mirrors concerns in the UK, after Channel 4 News reported in an exclusive investigation back in February that a Somali from Ealing had blown himself up as a suicide bomber in Somalia.
Janet Ann Napolitano is the third United States secretary of homeland security and is the first woman to serve in that office.An American politician from the Democratic Party, Napolitano was serving as governor of the state of Arizona when designated by then President-elect Barack Obama to be his secretary of homeland security. She was confirmed by the Senate and sworn in one day after Obama's inauguration. Prior to the governorship, she served as Arizona attorney-general from 1999 to 2002.
Somali Americans to rally against terrorism/extremism

Suicide bombings, acts of terrorism and violent militant Islam are new and scary development unheard and unseen in Somalia and it´s an alien to the tolerant and moderate Islam Somalis practiced for centuries. Many believe the Al-Shabaab militants are allied with Al-Qaeda terrorist and trained by them.Somalis all over the world and specially Somali-Americans in Minnesota strongly oppose these suicide bombings and acts of terrorism. A group of concerned Somali-Americans are organizing a protest to show the community's disgust and opposition to such un-Islamic, un-Somali acts of terrorism. Somali Americans strongly condemn the suicide bombings and terrorism of Al-Shabaab and the warmongering of Hizb-Islam, another militant group allied with Al-Shabaab. Somali-Americans in Minnesota believe the only way to solve the Somali crisis is through peace and dialogue.Thank You
Somali jihadist: "it's time we attacked Ethiopia, who are our Christian neighbors ... The people should be ready to take part in jihad."

Somalia (and vicinity) Jihad Update. "Somali hardline Islamists threaten Ethiopia," by Mohamed Ahmed for Reuters, June 30:
MOGADISHU, June 30 (Reuters) - Somalia's Islamist rebels threatened on Tuesday to attack Ethiopia after repeated witness reports that Ethiopian troops were back in the chaotic Horn of Africa country they withdrew from in January.
Ethiopian troops invaded Somalia in 2006 to oust an Islamist movement from the capital in which new President Sheik Sharif Ahmed played a role. That sparked an Islamist insurgency which is still raging despite their withdrawal.
"I'm telling the people that it's time we attacked Ethiopia, who are our Christian neighbours," Sheikh Abdiqani Mohamed Yusuf said on a radio station controlled by the al Shabaab rebels in the southern port of Kismayu.
"We have to invade their country, like they did to our country. This is our best chance," he said. "The people should be ready to take part in jihad."
Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said last week possible suicide attacks in Ethiopia by Somali Islamist rebels were a threat he "didn't expect to go away any time soon"...T/L ..http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/026780.php
Somalia's Shebab turn wrath on food traders

In-depth Look At how did somalia became terrorist haven
Somali Surviver Recounts the Terror of Amputation

The punishments brought back vivid memories for a 31-year-old resident of Mogadishu calling himself Abdi. He preferred not to give his real or complete name out of fear of repercussion. Ten years ago, a local Islamic court found him guilty of theft, and ordered his arm and leg removed as punishment.
Sharia is based on the Islamic Holy Book, the Koran"It's a very bad and a very sad feeling," he said in an exclusive interview with the VOA Somali Service. "If you lose your hand and foot judiciously, it’s understandable. But if you lose them injudiciously...that haunts me [even today]." In a graphic account of his story, Abdi said that a man he worked for as a driver accused him of looting, stealing and injuring another man, an allegation he adamantly denied. A clan court in northern Mogadishu then condemned him to double amputation, “without sufficient evidence, due process, or nothing,” he said. It was a hot September day in 1999, said Abdi, when he was summoned to an open field, chained in the hands and the legs. A few hours into a “hasty hearing,” Abdi said four men held him to the ground while a masked man cut off his right hand and left leg with a machete. Asked if he was anesthetized to relief the pain, Abdi lamented: “No, not at all. They cut my beloved hand and feet forcefully, and in an excruciating pain.” With no medical attention on hand, Abdi said he almost bled to death before being rushed to a nearby hospital. He was discharged after only one day of treatment. The untreated injuries he still pain him, he said..more..http://www.voanews.com/english/Africa/2009-06-29-voa26.cfm
Islamic Extremists in Somalia Threaten Violent Response to U.S. Arms

MOGADISHU, Somalia — A radical Islamic group in Somalia has threatened to seize weapons and ammunition the U.S. has supplied to the nation's embattled government.
But Uganda, a key U.S. ally in the region, praised the arms shipment.
Both were responding to an announcement by U.S. officials last week that the Obama administration had supplied arms and provided military training worth just under $10 million to the east African country's shaky official government.
The Obama's administration's goal is to provide the faltering Somali government with weapons and to help armies in several neighboring African nations train Somali forces. But experts have expressed concern that the arms may end up diverted to insurgent groups.
Sheik Hassan Ya'qub, a spokesman for the militant group al-Shabab in the port town of Kismayo, said late Sunday: "The weapons sent to the so-called government will only escalate violence in Somalia and we, the holy warriors, believe that we will eventually seize them."
Washington considers al-Shabab a terrorist group with links to al-Qaida, which al-Shabab denies. The group, which controls much of southern Somalia, is trying to drive out the government and install a strict form of Islam...more..http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,529439,00.html
Kenyan's unusual migration to Somalia

The unusual migration to Somalia is coming at a time when escalating violence is forcing hundreds of Somalis to flee their country and seek refuge in Kenya.
And this development could derail this year’s national population census as herders are expected to remain in the insecurity-plagued country for months.
The herders, who have been watching their herd succumb to death as the drought bites, have embarked on the exodus to the unlikely destination: Somalia. And they are unlikely to return to the country before August when the Kenya 2009 Population and Housing Census is to be conducted.
Speaking to Nation, Dadaab district officer Evans Kyule expressed concern that the tide of pastoralist migration in the northern parts of the country is unlikely to end soon as drought persists..more..http://www.nation.co.ke/News/-/1056/616728/-/ukdv04/-/
Islamists, TFG war is about the ‘true’ sharia law

The plight of the teenagers, who were accused of stealing a pistol and three cellphones, signalled the continuing struggle between the militant Islamist insurgents and the transitional Somalia government they want to overthrow over the scope and severity of the sharia law the former have vowed to implement.
When in February newly-elected President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed (himself a moderate Islamist) caved in to rebel demands for Islamic law, he desperately needed to blunt the edge off the Islamist insurgents whose campaigns of law and order were striking a popular chord, especially in southern Somalia.
The Islamists other loud objection to Africa Union peacekeepers being deployed from non-Islamic countries — Uganda and Burundi — had also considerably boxed in President Ahmed....more..http://actdcmetro.wordpress.com/2009/06/29/islamists-tfg-war-is-about-the-%E2%80%98true%E2%80%99-sharia-law/
Ugandan president welcomes U. S. support to Somalia, calls for more help

Somali militia to target Kenya and Ethiopia

He reiterated that they will first strike Ethiopia because of its recent intervention in Somalia.
Had been defeated“Relying on Allah, our Mujahideen (holy warriors) will attack Ethiopia directly,” said Sheikh Abdulgani. “They had been defeated in the past on our soil and will be crashed on their territory,” he added. The sheikh informed his fighters that the plans were in response to threats from Kenya and Ethiopia. “We want to encourage the Muslim Somali people and the fighters to get ready for attacks against Kenya and Ethiopia,” said the clergyman. ..more,,http://www.nation.co.ke/News/africa/-/1066/617388/-/139c6v7z/-/index.html
Minnesota Somalis gather, reflect on Independence Day

jubbaland trains Ahlu Sunna Waljama’a fighters

Ahlu Sunna Waljama’a adherents took up arms after al Shabaab desecrated graves respected by the Sufis in Somalia. The move comes as there has been tension in south western Somalia after Ethiopian troops entered parts of the region.
jubbaland state of somalia Troops Re-Enter Gedo Region of Jubbaland State of Somalia , Al Shabaab jehadist Retreat
Two thousand of foreigners are fighting against the government, minister

Sharif Hassan Sheik Aden who reached in Addis Ababa early this week said he went there to get military support from IGAD countries and the African Union. The speaker of the Somali parliament Sheik Aden Mohamed Nor demanded from neighboring countries to send their military to Somalia last Saturday. “al Shabaab declared that it was getting support from al Qaeda and al Qaeda has also admitted that it was involved in the fighting in Somalia so the government has a right to seek help from IGAD and the African Union countries,” said Sharif Hassan, the Somali deputy prime minister and finance minister. “The government tried to avoid fighting but al Shabaab and Hizbul Islam groups rejected our offer and started the fighting,” the minister added. Sharif Hassan Sheik Aden said his government would demand from the African leaders meeting in Tripoli, Libya to change the mandate of the African troops in Mogadishu known as AMISOM from peace keepers to peace makers.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Latest breaking News,Five Killed As Mortars Target Presidential Palace

Somalia: Five Killed As Mortars Target Presidential Palace
. MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — A Somali radical Islamic insurgent says weapons and ammunition the United States recently supplied to Somalia’s embattled government will only increase violence in the war-wracked country..more
a0515 BC-AF-Somalia 1stLd-Writethru 06-29 0474 (The Hays Daily News)
Mogadishu Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, the Somali president, told a Sunday press conference at the Villa Somalia presidential palace that “Eritrean officers” are helping Somali insurgents fighting the government in Mogadishu...,more..Somalia: President Sheikh Sharif Accuses Eritrea of Aiding Insurgents (AllAfrica.com)
Source: Reuters * Growing worries for shipping routes due to Somali piracy * Consumer supplies could be disrupted By Jonathan Saul LONDON, June 29 (Reuters) - Pirate attacks on vessels sailing off Somalia …more..Shippers, insurers fear Somali piracy may escalate (AlertNet) Source: Reuters
The Obama administration’s recent move to increase aid to Somalia takes aim at Islamic extremists’ safe havens, pouring resources into a government that analysts say may not be worth salvaging.,,more..Analysis: Somalia aid tied to shaky government (AP via Yahoo! News)
Islamist militiamen in Somalia stone to death a man accused of raping and murdering a woman in a town south of Mogadishu...more,,Somali ‘killer’ stoned to death (BBC News) .
Sunday, June 28, 2009
(VIDEO) Hearing: Prospects for Lasting Peace and a Unified Response to Extremism and Terrorism

Mr. Ted Dagne SpecialistAfrican Affairs Congressional Research Service
***Dr. J. Peter Pham ??. lobbyist for Terrorism in Pseudo-State Somaliland , Associate ProfessorJustice Studies, Political Science and Africana Studies Director Nelson Institute for International and Public Affairs James Madison University , ON THE PAYROLL OF : Somaliland BRIEFING:
His Excellency Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole)President Puntland State of Somalia
The Honorable Dr. Crispus KiyongaMinister of DefenseRepublic of UgandaKampala, Uganda
His Excellency Mohamed Omaar Foreign Minister Republic of Somalia
***Mr. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah Special Representative of the Secretary General for SomaliaUnited Nations
*** Mr. Frederic Ngoga Gateretse Senior Advisor Special Representative of the Chairperson Commission for Somalia African Union.
***Dr. J. Peter Pham ??. lobbyist for Terrorism in Pseudo-State Somaliland , Associate ProfessorJustice Studies, Political Science and Africana Studies Director Nelson Institute for International and Public Affairs James Madison University , ON THE PAYROLL OF : Somaliland BRIEFING:
His Excellency Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole)President Puntland State of Somalia
The Honorable Dr. Crispus KiyongaMinister of DefenseRepublic of UgandaKampala, Uganda
His Excellency Mohamed Omaar Foreign Minister Republic of Somalia
***Mr. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah Special Representative of the Secretary General for SomaliaUnited Nations
*** Mr. Frederic Ngoga Gateretse Senior Advisor Special Representative of the Chairperson Commission for Somalia African Union.
Somali leader says Islamists use child soldiers

MOGADISHU, June 28, (Reuters) - Somali President Sheik Sharif Ahmed accused hardline Al Shabaab Islamist rebels on Sunday of forcing children to fight in battles to oust his government in the Horn of Africa country.
Al Shabaab is seen as a proxy for al Qaeda in Somalia and includes foreign jihadists. It has carried out executions, floggings and amputations to enforce its authority, mainly in the southern Somali port of Kismayu. The insurgents control most of southern Somalia and parts of the Horn of Africa nation's capital. Western nations fear they could destabilise the region and provide safe havens for hardline Islamists from elsewhere. "The terrorist groups forcibly conscript children for soldiers and al Qaeda is involved in this, even their leaders have admitted that," he told reporters. Violence from the Islamist-led insurgency has worsened this month, with a minister, the Mogadishu police chief, and a legislator killed. On Sunday, ten masked al Shabaab men, who follow a strict version of sharia law, hurled large stones at a young man until he died, in the Middle Shabelle region. "The culprit raped and killed an 18- year old girl... we sentenced him to be stoned to death according to Islamic rule," said Shiekh Abdul Baasid a local judge.
The Islamists cut a hand and a leg each off four teenagers as punishment for robbery on Thursday. The government, which controls but a few parts of the capital, has declared a state of emergency...more...http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/LS437199.htm
Al Shabaab is seen as a proxy for al Qaeda in Somalia and includes foreign jihadists. It has carried out executions, floggings and amputations to enforce its authority, mainly in the southern Somali port of Kismayu. The insurgents control most of southern Somalia and parts of the Horn of Africa nation's capital. Western nations fear they could destabilise the region and provide safe havens for hardline Islamists from elsewhere. "The terrorist groups forcibly conscript children for soldiers and al Qaeda is involved in this, even their leaders have admitted that," he told reporters. Violence from the Islamist-led insurgency has worsened this month, with a minister, the Mogadishu police chief, and a legislator killed. On Sunday, ten masked al Shabaab men, who follow a strict version of sharia law, hurled large stones at a young man until he died, in the Middle Shabelle region. "The culprit raped and killed an 18- year old girl... we sentenced him to be stoned to death according to Islamic rule," said Shiekh Abdul Baasid a local judge.
The Islamists cut a hand and a leg each off four teenagers as punishment for robbery on Thursday. The government, which controls but a few parts of the capital, has declared a state of emergency...more...http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/LS437199.htm
Watch the Children on this Video -
al-Shabaab go for arm and leg: Amnesty International is calling on the Al-Shabab a.. http://tinyurl.com/lcdbol
Background Briefing on U.S. Assistance to the Somalia Transitional Federal Government

Background Briefing by a Senior 06/26/09 Background Briefing on U.S. Assistance to the Somalia Transitional Federal Government ; Washington, DC-06/26/09 Background Briefing on U.S. Assistance to the Somalia Transitional Federal Government; Background Briefing by a Senior
Somali pirates free Belgian ship

"We were... informed that the entire crew is in good health," Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy said in a statement. Officials say a ransom was paid for the release of the ship, MV Pompei, and its 10 crew: a Dutch captain, two Belgians, three Filipinos, and four Croats.
It was hijacked on 18 April some 150km (93 miles) north of the Seychelles.
See map of the worldwide effects of piracy
The Pompei was the first Belgian ship to be seized by Somali pirates.
At the time of its capture, it had been on its way to South Africa from Dubai, where it was helping to build artificial islands...more..http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8122858.stm
President says Eritrean officers with Al Qaeda is behind the fighting in Mogadishu

The president said in press conference he held in the presidential palace that the fighting in Mogadishu is being organized by Eritrean officers and that Sheik Aweys was leading it.
Somali president has so many times accused Eritrea in the fighting against his fragile government but this is the first accusation against Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys that the fighting is

He thanked AMISOM troops for their role in protecting the government and said that he hoped the AMISOM would be increased.
America’s Lukewarm Concern for Al-Shebaab

In few months to a year and if it continues as is, the now lukewarm concern of America for the emboldened terrorist endeavor of Al-Shebaab in Somalia will reshape President Obama’s foreign policy of the Horn for the worst. Conversely, if Mr. Obama’s concern becomes passionate with substance, it will ameliorate the dreadful conditions in a region where relative stability is desperately needed.
The Horn of Africa has been the stage of choice for state and non state actors to play a role tailored to their own interest, and no entity knows how important the region is more so than the U.S.─a
long time actor. Nevertheless, America’s recent lukewarm concern in the face of considerable deterioration of Somalia, suggests either the existence of an inherently contradictory foreign policy of the U.S. or the dwindling of its resources to fight terror-seeking groups where ever they may be.
The entities that actively seed tension and bloodshed in the entire region are well known to America. The evidence is present as daylight within the dossier of the US State Department either in classified or declassified forms.
Either way, America knows that the one-man state of Eritrea is the uncontested front and center sponsor and destabilizing force within the Horn and beyond. However, what America has done so far in light of this uncontested evidence is a far cry and compels one to ask if America’s lukewarm concern over Al-Shebaab─an affiliate of Al-Quaeda and the one-man state of Eritrea is the expression of an unknown secretive future plan.
The U.S. could have implemented its anti-terror policy in the Horn of Africa with equal intensity as it does in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Then again, politically speaking, this may not be a feasible foreign policy undertaking. After Mr. Obama took office, U.S. is in prioritizing mode giving detailed and overdue attention to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Obama’s campaign pledge was to the point and it is Afghanistan and Pakistan where he wants to fight the fight primarily in hope of finding Bin Laden dead or alive. For President Obama, the case of Bin Laden and those who are responsible for 9/11 killing spree takes precedent over Al-Shebaab—an associate of Al-Quaeda, which by virtue of vicinity is an immediate threat to the Horn rather than to America—and for which the Obama administration will suffer few political points if any in a short run. Because, during Obama’s campaign, there were no strongly pointed promises made about ridding the Horn of its destabilizing forces of terror and there will be no promises broken as far as the administration is concerned. Nevertheless, in the long run, Obama may still find himself on the hot seat if he fails to correct his lukewarm concern for Al-Shebaab’s terrorist endeavor in Somalia. ..more..http://aigaforum.com/articles/Making_Sense_out_of_an_Inherently_Contradictory.htm
The Horn of Africa has been the stage of choice for state and non state actors to play a role tailored to their own interest, and no entity knows how important the region is more so than the U.S.─a

The entities that actively seed tension and bloodshed in the entire region are well known to America. The evidence is present as daylight within the dossier of the US State Department either in classified or declassified forms.
Either way, America knows that the one-man state of Eritrea is the uncontested front and center sponsor and destabilizing force within the Horn and beyond. However, what America has done so far in light of this uncontested evidence is a far cry and compels one to ask if America’s lukewarm concern over Al-Shebaab─an affiliate of Al-Quaeda and the one-man state of Eritrea is the expression of an unknown secretive future plan.
The U.S. could have implemented its anti-terror policy in the Horn of Africa with equal intensity as it does in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Then again, politically speaking, this may not be a feasible foreign policy undertaking. After Mr. Obama took office, U.S. is in prioritizing mode giving detailed and overdue attention to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Obama’s campaign pledge was to the point and it is Afghanistan and Pakistan where he wants to fight the fight primarily in hope of finding Bin Laden dead or alive. For President Obama, the case of Bin Laden and those who are responsible for 9/11 killing spree takes precedent over Al-Shebaab—an associate of Al-Quaeda, which by virtue of vicinity is an immediate threat to the Horn rather than to America—and for which the Obama administration will suffer few political points if any in a short run. Because, during Obama’s campaign, there were no strongly pointed promises made about ridding the Horn of its destabilizing forces of terror and there will be no promises broken as far as the administration is concerned. Nevertheless, in the long run, Obama may still find himself on the hot seat if he fails to correct his lukewarm concern for Al-Shebaab’s terrorist endeavor in Somalia. ..more..http://aigaforum.com/articles/Making_Sense_out_of_an_Inherently_Contradictory.htm
Fresh fighting continues in Mahaday hawiye (abgaal )town.Battles in Middle Shabelle Region Leave 8 Dead

Militias of the warring clans have targeted each other over the past two weeks, with some sources saying eight people have been killed in revenge attacks during this period.
"Today's fighting was heavy...some nomadic families fled the area," said witness Abdulle, who lives in Adale district.
Separately, fighting between Al Shabaab insurgents and the pro-government Islamic Courts Union militia in Middle Shabelle region left at least five people dead last Thursday.
The fighting took place in Mahaday district, where ICU remnants have staged sporadic attacks on Al Shabaab insurgents who took control of the region last month.
US to support Kenya's action against Somalia,US ‘has spent $10m on arms aid to Somalia’

While visiting victims of the fighting in Somalia at a Nairobi hospital, U.S ambassador Michael Rannerberger said America had already supplied Somalia's transitional government with some weapons and ammunition to help the government fight back the militia groups.
Ahmed Osman Abdulahi, the chief security officer for Hiran region in Somalia told the ambassador that the situation was terrible in Somalia and Kenya should move with speed to protect its borders.
"Don't take Al-Shabaab's threats to attack Kenya lightly, go ahead and protect Kenya's borders," he said. ..more..http://www.kbc.co.ke/story.asp?ID=58227
US ‘has spent $10m on arms aid to Somalia’
The US government has provided about 40 tonnes of weapons and ammunition to Somalia’s embattled government in the past six weeks to help it fight Islamist insurgents, a senior US official said on Saturday.
The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the United States spent less than $10 million on what he described as small arms and ammunition as well as on payments to other nations to train Somali government forces.
While the State Department confirmed on Thursday that it was providing weaponry to the government, it had not previously provided details on the type, cost or amount.
The senior State Department official told reporters the United States began providing the arms soon after Somalia’s al-Shabaab insurgents began a major offensive against the fragile transitional federal government (TFG) in early May.
Al Shabaab, which is seen as a proxy for al Qaeda, controls most of south Somalia and all but a few blocks of the capital Mogadishu. The official said Washington feared that it could destabilise the region and turn Somalia into a safe haven for foreign Islamists and “global terrorists.”..more..http://www.nation.co.ke/News/africa/-/1066/616070/-/139cxkuz/-/index.html
Saturday, June 27, 2009

It does not exaggerate the stakes in Somalia to say that for the first time in its history, Al-Qaeda is about to have rule over an entire country. The Al-Shabaab, a Somalia-based affiliate of the group, assassinated the country's national security minister on June 18 and currently controls the entire south and large portions of the central parts of the nation, along with parts of the capital. Should the terrorists succeed, they will also have extremist Somali networks in the West to call upon to expand their jihad and support their efforts.
Al-Shabaab and its allies have received extensive backing from foreign countries, the greatest of which is Eritrea, a single-party state with a history of religious oppression and with a recent fondness for rogue states like Iran. Eritrea was accused by the U.N. in June 2007 of secretly providing Somali insurgents with "huge quantities of arms" possibly including suicide bomb belts and anti-aircraft missiles.
Sheikh Hassan Dahir Awyers, the leader of Hizbul-Islam, which is allied to al-Shabaab, is known to have taken safe harbor in Eritrea in the past. Awyers told Reuters in May that Eritrea was supporting his organization, saying "Eritrea supports us and Ethiopia is our enemy--we once helped both countries but Ethiopia did not reward us." The current U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs has also said that there are numerous "credible" reports that "the government of Eritrea has, in fact, been supplying weapons and munitions to al-Shabaab."
This seriousness of this threat is greatly compounded by the reach of the Somali networks in the West. Al-Qaeda and its affiliates will not only have a country to themselves, free of any limits or restrictions a host government might impose, but will also be able to draw upon extremist segments in unassimilated Somali communities in Europe and the United States. Already, these segments are causing trouble for those with counter-terrorism duties.,,more..http://www.aina.org/news/20090627035411.htm
Asterpix Interactive Video - Al-Shabaab go for arm and leg: Amnesty International is calling on the Al-Shabab a.. http://tinyurl.com/lcdbol
Ethiopian troops reach in southern region

Ethiopia pulled out its troops from Somalia in mid January 2009 after two years of ill-fated occupation. Thousands of civilians were killed by shabaab Somalia and millions were displaced during their presence in the country.
The Plight of a Double Amputee

The four men who each had a hand and foot cut off stand in a square in Mogadishu on 22 Jun 2009 before their sentence was carried out
When a militia loyal to al-Shabaab recently amputated the wrists and the feet of four young men in Mogadishu, no one felt the implications better than Abdi, a double amputee who led a difficult life without his right hand and left foot for nearly a decade. The 31-year-old, Mogadishu resident, who asked us not to use his full name because he feared repercussions, said the recent amputations reminded him of a horrible chapter in his life."It's a very bad and a very sad feeling," he said in an exclusive interview with the VOA Somali Service. "If you lose your hand and foot judiciously, it’s understandable. But if you lose them injudiciously...that haunts me to date."In a graphic account of his story, Abdi said that a man he worked for as a driver accused him of looting, stealing and injuring another man, an allegation he adamantly denies. A clan court in northern Mogadishu then condemned him to double amputation, “without sufficient evidence, due process or nothing,” he said.It was a hot September day in 1999, said Abdi, when he was summoned to an open field, chained in the hands and the legs. A few hours into a “hasty hearing,” Abdi said four men held him to the ground while a masked man cut off his right hand and left leg with a machete.Asked if he was anesthetized to relief the pain, Abdi lamented: “No, not at all. They cut my beloved hand and feet forcefully, and in an excruciating pain.”With no medical attention on hand, Abdi said he almost bled to death before being rushed to a nearby hospital. He was discharged after only one day of treatment. The untreated injuries he sustained pain him to date, he said.
The four men who each had a hand and foot cut off stand in a square in Mogadishu on 22 Jun 2009 before their sentence was carried out
When Abdi learned about this week’s amputations in Mogadishu, he said he realized that the four young men will “enter a dark chapter of their young life, undeservedly.”The clan court that sentenced Abdi and potentially dozens of others to amputations no longer exists, a fact not lost to Abdi. “It pains me so much that I lost my hand and my foot to selective justice. It saddens me immeasurably.”Muslim scholars say al-Shabaab’s swift application of the harshest codes in Sharia law is categorically un-Islamic. Such precipitous sentencing ignores a crucial jurisprudence that stipulates that every possible excuse must be exhausted before one is condemned to amputation, said Sharif Abdirahman, the imam of Darul-Hijra Islamic Center in Minneapolis.The high evidentiary bar set for such harsh sentences, said the imam, renders it almost impossible to implement them. “The harsh penal codes are essentially designed as a preventative measure,” he added, “that’s why it was historically implemented only in exceptionally rare circumstances.”In addition, the imam said the implementing party must be the legal authority of the land, and must control the jurisdiction permanently---none of which applies to al-Shabaab.Meanwhile, Abdi, who like the recently amputated young men was never afforded an attorney, says life without his hand and foot has been unusually onerous. Asked what advice he would give al-Shabaab, he said people must be taught the Islamic faith so that they know what they are signing up for, before their body parts are cut off.“Justice must not be applied expeditiously. People have the right to know the rules of the game,” he said, grudgingly.
Source: VOA, June 26, 2006
The four men who each had a hand and foot cut off stand in a square in Mogadishu on 22 Jun 2009 before their sentence was carried out
When Abdi learned about this week’s amputations in Mogadishu, he said he realized that the four young men will “enter a dark chapter of their young life, undeservedly.”The clan court that sentenced Abdi and potentially dozens of others to amputations no longer exists, a fact not lost to Abdi. “It pains me so much that I lost my hand and my foot to selective justice. It saddens me immeasurably.”Muslim scholars say al-Shabaab’s swift application of the harshest codes in Sharia law is categorically un-Islamic. Such precipitous sentencing ignores a crucial jurisprudence that stipulates that every possible excuse must be exhausted before one is condemned to amputation, said Sharif Abdirahman, the imam of Darul-Hijra Islamic Center in Minneapolis.The high evidentiary bar set for such harsh sentences, said the imam, renders it almost impossible to implement them. “The harsh penal codes are essentially designed as a preventative measure,” he added, “that’s why it was historically implemented only in exceptionally rare circumstances.”In addition, the imam said the implementing party must be the legal authority of the land, and must control the jurisdiction permanently---none of which applies to al-Shabaab.Meanwhile, Abdi, who like the recently amputated young men was never afforded an attorney, says life without his hand and foot has been unusually onerous. Asked what advice he would give al-Shabaab, he said people must be taught the Islamic faith so that they know what they are signing up for, before their body parts are cut off.“Justice must not be applied expeditiously. People have the right to know the rules of the game,” he said, grudgingly.
Source: VOA, June 26, 2006
Amputations and kidnappings force Somali civilians to flee militant advances

In a series of chilling telephone warnings, militants from Somalia’s notorious al-Shabaab movement denounced the father of six as a traitor and ordered him out of Mogadishu.
“They said they would kill me if they found me,” he said. “They told me since I was working for the Government they wanted me dead.”
Hundreds of people are crossing Somalia’s border with Kenya every day as they flee the Islamist militias who have brought a fresh round of terror to an already dysfunctional country,Families who stayed through 18 years of strife have had enough.
Almost 170,000 people have left the capital, Mogadishu, in six weeks of fighting that has raised brutality to new levels — even by Somalia’s standards. Amputations, kidnappings and murder are the tools of war.
Mr Mohamed arrived in Dadaab, northeast Kenya — the world’s largest refugee camp — this week after a fortnight hitching rides and walking to the border. “I was born in Mogadishu and decided to work for the Government,” he said, sitting on a rickety bench outside United Nations huts, where he was waiting to register as a refugee. “It made me proud. It was my duty.”
The digital watch on his wrist was a symbol that he was a man of means. Earning $2 (£1.21) a day meant that he could look after his family and help to rebuild Somalia.
However, after the fifth menacing telephone call from the Islamist militants he decided that it was time to run. His father had been kidnapped and then executed and he feared that he would be next.
There are dozens of similar stories among the families gathered around the simple UN huts where they register for vaccinations, food and shelter. Wives have arrived without their husbands, not knowing if they are alive or dead. Everyone has lost loved ones or watched friends shot dead.
The latest fighting pitches the Islamist al-Shabaab movement against an interim Government which has struggled to assert any authority since being formed in 2004...more..http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/africa/article6586475.ece
Mr. Bush's Push for Peace in Somalia
The June 25 news story "U.S. Sends Weapons to Help Somali Government Repel Rebels Tied to Al-Qaeda" misstated Bush administration policy toward Somalia. The Bush administration did not focus "almost exclusively" on targeting terrorists in
Somalia, but rather was one of the chief external supporters of the Djibouti peace process, which has resulted in the government of Sharif Ahmed that the Obama administration seeks to assist.
In addition, the Bush administration provided extensive support to the African Union Mission in Somalia, and to training and equipping Somali government forces, policies that the Obama administration is also continuing.
Where the Bush administration policy differed from Obama administration policy is in the former's push for U.N. peacekeeping forces to buttress the understaffed and underfinanced African Union force. Were such peacekeepers in place today, the situation that the legitimate government of Somalia faces might not be so dire
JOHN A. SIMON Visiting Fellow Center for Global Development
Washington The writer was U.S. ambassador to the African Union from 2008 to 2009. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/26/AR2009062603999.html
Somalia, but rather was one of the chief external supporters of the Djibouti peace process, which has resulted in the government of Sharif Ahmed that the Obama administration seeks to assist.
In addition, the Bush administration provided extensive support to the African Union Mission in Somalia, and to training and equipping Somali government forces, policies that the Obama administration is also continuing.
Where the Bush administration policy differed from Obama administration policy is in the former's push for U.N. peacekeeping forces to buttress the understaffed and underfinanced African Union force. Were such peacekeepers in place today, the situation that the legitimate government of Somalia faces might not be so dire
JOHN A. SIMON Visiting Fellow Center for Global Development
Washington The writer was U.S. ambassador to the African Union from 2008 to 2009. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/26/AR2009062603999.html
Silence the village madman, call the Shabaab bluff...Kenya must decide whether to stop al-Shabaab or let them be
.Terrorist Sheik Hassan Yacqub
I confess I have been writing saucy war headlines. We journalists and our soulmates in certain sections of society, mainly MPs, talking heads and other armchair jockeys, are in the grip of a bloodlust which started with Migingo and followed the Tana westwards.
We probably need to come down a little from our armchair balloons and take a second look at this war proposition.There are two issues. One, is war itself; the second is the so-called enemy, the machinegun-toting, pickup riding, suicide attack-threatening, gentlemen of al-Shabaab.
War. It’s a nasty, expensive business. One soldier told me that armies don’t go to war (they just do the shooting), countries do. When you go to war, you throw everything into it. You open your treasury to the military and you close it to everything else. No CDF, no roads, no digital villages, no undersea cables. Just bullets and MREs.
I was surprised when a Saudi I recently met in London told me his wealthy kingdom is basically broke after Gulf War One. One of the biggest beefs in Saudi Arabia, he told me, is that few Saudis can afford to live in their own houses.
The government has no money to build them houses or give them soft loans because all the money went into paying for that war. So war is expensive even for people who shower in crude. Then of course many, many of your people are killed. In a sense, when a country goes to a serious war, it gambles its very survival. It is not the kind of thing you want to do too often.
And (this is the enemy part of the argument) for what? To teach 2,000 Somali tribesmen a lesson? Would they even get it?
Conventional military reasoning is that al-Shabaab is not an army; it is a group of thugs, a militia which is guided by no ideology, no coherent policy other than a misreading of religion, bravado and the commercial interests of the warlords who pay, train and arm them.
It’s not capable of waging war, not in the conventional sense. It is only capable of committing criminal acts, including serious ones such as terrorism. In that sense, al-Shabaab is a problem to be dealt with by the Rapid Response Unit of the Administration Police, rather than the 78 Tank Battalion.
The Somali state is in an unprecedented condition of collapse. Without a government for 28 years, it is not just law and order which no longer exists. It is a society without organised healthcare, education system or infrastructure. A military victory over al-Shabaab will not solve the problem of state collapse..more..http://www.nation.co.ke/oped/Opinion/-/440808/616150/-/4lcux1/-/index.html
Kenya must decide whether to stop al-Shabaab or let them be
I have been getting quite amused by a line of local argument that Kenya does not have what it takes to invade Somalia. There is a lot of idle chatter in this country on everything, which I find best to ignore.
But with al-Shabaab making daily mincemeat of Somalia’s pathetic Transitional Federal Government (TFG), and causing massive constipation to the Kenyan authorities in the process, it is time to put a few facts straight.
Fact 1: Kenya has indisputably the most professional military in our region and is, indeed, among the best in Africa. It is superbly trained and equipped, by sub-Saharan Africa standards of course. Doubting this by pointing at Migingo is neither here nor there. You don’t use a hammer to swat a fly, as lawyer P.L.O. Lumumba likes to say.We also forget Kenya is the sole country in East Africa with a functional air force. Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and even the Democratic Republic of Congo only read about jet fighters in foreign military manuals like Jane’s Defence Weekly.Ethiopia used to rival us in this sphere, but the MiGs it inherited from the Soviet Union are barely serviceable these days. They make do with helicopter gunships, which they used with devastating effect when they intervened in Somalia in 2006.
Fact 2: The Defence Staff College in Karen, Nairobi, does not just train Kenya’s top military brass. It also trains those of the neighbouring states, and many others in Africa besides.
Fact 3: The al-Shabaab are not an army. They are a militia, rough and unruly. To imagine they are a match to Kenya’s armoured military is wishful thinking. If Kenyan soldiers simply wanted to march to Mogadishu, nothing would stop them...more...http://www.nation.co.ke/oped/Opinion/-/440808/616182/-/4lcv0q/-/index.html

We probably need to come down a little from our armchair balloons and take a second look at this war proposition.There are two issues. One, is war itself; the second is the so-called enemy, the machinegun-toting, pickup riding, suicide attack-threatening, gentlemen of al-Shabaab.
War. It’s a nasty, expensive business. One soldier told me that armies don’t go to war (they just do the shooting), countries do. When you go to war, you throw everything into it. You open your treasury to the military and you close it to everything else. No CDF, no roads, no digital villages, no undersea cables. Just bullets and MREs.
I was surprised when a Saudi I recently met in London told me his wealthy kingdom is basically broke after Gulf War One. One of the biggest beefs in Saudi Arabia, he told me, is that few Saudis can afford to live in their own houses.
The government has no money to build them houses or give them soft loans because all the money went into paying for that war. So war is expensive even for people who shower in crude. Then of course many, many of your people are killed. In a sense, when a country goes to a serious war, it gambles its very survival. It is not the kind of thing you want to do too often.
And (this is the enemy part of the argument) for what? To teach 2,000 Somali tribesmen a lesson? Would they even get it?
Conventional military reasoning is that al-Shabaab is not an army; it is a group of thugs, a militia which is guided by no ideology, no coherent policy other than a misreading of religion, bravado and the commercial interests of the warlords who pay, train and arm them.
It’s not capable of waging war, not in the conventional sense. It is only capable of committing criminal acts, including serious ones such as terrorism. In that sense, al-Shabaab is a problem to be dealt with by the Rapid Response Unit of the Administration Police, rather than the 78 Tank Battalion.
The Somali state is in an unprecedented condition of collapse. Without a government for 28 years, it is not just law and order which no longer exists. It is a society without organised healthcare, education system or infrastructure. A military victory over al-Shabaab will not solve the problem of state collapse..more..http://www.nation.co.ke/oped/Opinion/-/440808/616150/-/4lcux1/-/index.html
Kenya must decide whether to stop al-Shabaab or let them be

I have been getting quite amused by a line of local argument that Kenya does not have what it takes to invade Somalia. There is a lot of idle chatter in this country on everything, which I find best to ignore.
But with al-Shabaab making daily mincemeat of Somalia’s pathetic Transitional Federal Government (TFG), and causing massive constipation to the Kenyan authorities in the process, it is time to put a few facts straight.
Fact 1: Kenya has indisputably the most professional military in our region and is, indeed, among the best in Africa. It is superbly trained and equipped, by sub-Saharan Africa standards of course. Doubting this by pointing at Migingo is neither here nor there. You don’t use a hammer to swat a fly, as lawyer P.L.O. Lumumba likes to say.We also forget Kenya is the sole country in East Africa with a functional air force. Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and even the Democratic Republic of Congo only read about jet fighters in foreign military manuals like Jane’s Defence Weekly.Ethiopia used to rival us in this sphere, but the MiGs it inherited from the Soviet Union are barely serviceable these days. They make do with helicopter gunships, which they used with devastating effect when they intervened in Somalia in 2006.
Fact 2: The Defence Staff College in Karen, Nairobi, does not just train Kenya’s top military brass. It also trains those of the neighbouring states, and many others in Africa besides.
Fact 3: The al-Shabaab are not an army. They are a militia, rough and unruly. To imagine they are a match to Kenya’s armoured military is wishful thinking. If Kenyan soldiers simply wanted to march to Mogadishu, nothing would stop them...more...http://www.nation.co.ke/oped/Opinion/-/440808/616182/-/4lcv0q/-/index.html
AU: Chairperson Jean Ping says Somali crisis compounds list of challenges'AU: AU considers backing direct military aid for Somalia

AU: AU considers backing direct military aid for Somalia
Al-Shabaab should be taught a lesson

In a separate article about the disputed island of Migingo, I wrote that today it may be Uganda laying claim to Kenyan territory, but tomorrow it could be Sudan or Somalia.
Increasingly, the world is discussing Somalia, especially since the extremist Islamist forces gained the upper hand in the fighting against the Transitional Federal Government and now look set to overrun it.
Al Shabaab are not confining their military activities and designs to the borders of Somalia; they have warned that they will attack Kenya if Nairobi masses troops on the 1,200 km-long border.
And only last week, the Islamists warned that they would blow up a bridge that links the rest of Kenya with the north as if to emphasise their earlier claim to North Eastern Province . In other words, like Siad Barre, that policeman-turned-soldier-turned-butcher president, al Shabaab are saying they believe in a greater Somalia, an expansionist dream best captured in the pointed stars of the Somalia flag.
This dream explains why Mogadishu and Addis Ababa went into a misguided war in the late ‘70s over the Ogaden region of Ethiopia and the strained relations between Nairobi and Mogadishu over Kenya’s North Eastern Province...more..http://www.nation.co.ke/oped/Opinion/-/440808/616152/-/4lcux3/-/index.html
Friday, June 26, 2009
CAN AMERICAN ARMS SAVE SOMALIA?!Somali Army colonel says government needs tanks.,Somalia: Background Briefing on U.S. Assistance to the somalia

THE new American administration had officially announced that it would provide Somalia arms and financial assistance to fight the Al-Shabaab group, which presently controls most of Southern Somalia, including most of the Somali capital districts of Mogadishu.The Al-Shabaab group had manifested its control in the capital after it had executed the cutting of arms of four Somali youngsters who had stolen pistols and mobile phones. Many Somalis are anxious that the arms America supplied to the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) may land in the hands of the Al-Shabaab group.They are basing their fears on the previous experience that happened to the Abdulahi Yusuf´s TFG.Yusuf´s regime had trained more than 5,000 police and military soldiers in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and inside Somalia.These forces subsequently defected to the militia of the United Islamic Courts and surrendered their arms to the United Islamic Courts.This happened because the government failed to provide the basic necessities for the police and the military soldiers.The current government is dealing with the present police force and soldiers in the same procedure and treatment.Already, there is the defection of the United Islamic Courts supporting Sharif´s regime which has joined the Al-Shabaab group and the Muslim party, now up in arms against Sharif.That is why the Somalis are highly concerned about the delivery of arms to Somalia without ensuring that a secure supply of logistics and loyal forces are available and properly executed through a military command that is sincere to the regime, as well as having qualities and experience of fighting with the radical groups.The Al-Shabaab groups are dedicated to their missions and targets, and are ready to spend money to bribe anybody who is ready to co-operate with them or join their .rvices...more..http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/view/107731
Somali Army colonel says government needs tanks.
Somalia: Background Briefing on U.S. Assistance to the Transitional Federal Government
US Congressional Hearing Examines Military, Political Situation in Somalia
(VIDEO) Hearing: Prospects for Lasting Peace and a Unified Response to Extremism and Terrorism
The violent and unstable situation in Somalia was the subject of a U.S. congressional hearing on Thursday. Testimony by officials from Somalia, the United Nations and the African Union, and experts came as the Obama administration confirmed it has decided to bolster Somalia's embattled Transitional Federal Government against Islamist forces.
With each day bringing further deterioration in Somalia, including among other things the recent bomb attack that killed the Somali transitional government security minister, Thursday's hearing was timely.
Coinciding with the hearing, the State Department confirmed that the U.S. is providing urgent shipments of weapons and ammunition to Somalia's Transitional Federal Government, the TFG, to help it avoid a complete takeover by Islamist rebels the U.S. suspects has ties to al-Qaida.
Ted Dagne, African Affairs Specialist with the Congressional Research Service, predicted that violence is likely to increase in coming months as the Islamist group al-Shabaab, backed by foreign fighters, attempts to oust the transitional government. "The primary objective of this offensive is to force the collapse of the TFG (Transitional Federal Government), and to force AMISOM (African Union Mission to Somalia) to leave Somalia," he said.
Al-Shabaab has taken over much of Mogadishu and southern Somalia, and is on a U.S. government list of international terrorist groups.
Dagne says highly de-centralized and mobile al-Shabaab forces threaten the Transitional Federal Government, and noted that African Union forces are constrained because they are not authorized to take offensive action. He said al-Shabaab is supported by more than 400 foreign fighters, and is funded by al-Qaida and certain foreign governments.
Peter Pham, Associate Professor of Justice Studies, Political Science and Africana Studies at James Madison University, says conditions in Somalia threaten security and stability of the Horn of Africa:
"Even without toppling the TFG, al-Shabaab has already achieved a major objective by securing a territorial base from which like-minded militants and terrorists can carry out attacks elsewhere, especially against targets in the Arabian Peninsula as well as participating in the current violence against Somalis," he said.
Representative Donald Payne, who chairs the House Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health, said further violence can be avoided only if Somalis from all three regions of the country come together: "As we gather today many Somalis continue to be displaced, maimed and killed. The dream and aspirations of millions of Somalis are on hold or crushed," he said...more..http://www.voanews.com/english/2009-06-26-voa2.cfm
Al Shabab Threat Clouds the Horn of Africa

With each day bringing further deterioration in Somalia, including among other things the recent bomb attack that killed the Somali transitional government security minister, Thursday's hearing was timely.
Coinciding with the hearing, the State Department confirmed that the U.S. is providing urgent shipments of weapons and ammunition to Somalia's Transitional Federal Government, the TFG, to help it avoid a complete takeover by Islamist rebels the U.S. suspects has ties to al-Qaida.
Ted Dagne, African Affairs Specialist with the Congressional Research Service, predicted that violence is likely to increase in coming months as the Islamist group al-Shabaab, backed by foreign fighters, attempts to oust the transitional government. "The primary objective of this offensive is to force the collapse of the TFG (Transitional Federal Government), and to force AMISOM (African Union Mission to Somalia) to leave Somalia," he said.
Al-Shabaab has taken over much of Mogadishu and southern Somalia, and is on a U.S. government list of international terrorist groups.
Dagne says highly de-centralized and mobile al-Shabaab forces threaten the Transitional Federal Government, and noted that African Union forces are constrained because they are not authorized to take offensive action. He said al-Shabaab is supported by more than 400 foreign fighters, and is funded by al-Qaida and certain foreign governments.
Peter Pham, Associate Professor of Justice Studies, Political Science and Africana Studies at James Madison University, says conditions in Somalia threaten security and stability of the Horn of Africa:
"Even without toppling the TFG, al-Shabaab has already achieved a major objective by securing a territorial base from which like-minded militants and terrorists can carry out attacks elsewhere, especially against targets in the Arabian Peninsula as well as participating in the current violence against Somalis," he said.
Representative Donald Payne, who chairs the House Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health, said further violence can be avoided only if Somalis from all three regions of the country come together: "As we gather today many Somalis continue to be displaced, maimed and killed. The dream and aspirations of millions of Somalis are on hold or crushed," he said...more..http://www.voanews.com/english/2009-06-26-voa2.cfm
Al Shabab Threat Clouds the Horn of Africa
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Ex-Somali Police Commissioner General Mohamed Abshir

Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre with general Mohamad Ali samater
Sultan Kenadid
Sultanate of Obbia
Seyyid Muhammad Abdille Hassan

Sultan Mohamud Ali Shire

Sultanate of Warsengeli
Commemorating the 40th anniversary of Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre
Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre and His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie
May Allah bless him and give Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre..and The Honourable Ronald Reagan
Honorable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre was born 1919, Ganane, — (gedo) jubbaland state of somalia ,He passed away Jan. 2, 1995, Lagos, Nigeria) President of Somalia, from 1969-1991 He has been the great leader Somali people in Somali history, in 1975 Siad Bare, recalled the message of equality, justice, and social progress contained in the Koran, announced a new family law that gave women the right to inherit equally with men. The occasion was the twenty –seventh anniversary of the death of a national heroine, Hawa Othman Tako, who had been killed in 1948 during politbeginning in 1979 with a group of Terrorist fied army officers known as the Somali Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF).Mr Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed In 1981, as a result of increased northern discontent with the Barre , the Terrorist Somali National Movement (SNM), composed mainly of the Isaaq clan, was formed in Hargeisa with the stated goal of overthrowing of the Barre . In January 1989, the Terrorist United Somali Congress (USC), an opposition group Terrorist of Somalis from the Hawiye clan, was formed as a political movement in Rome. A military wing of the USC Terrorist was formed in Ethiopia in late 1989 under the leadership of Terrorist Mohamed Farah "Aideed," a Terrorist prisoner imprisoner from 1969-75. Aideed also formed alliances with other Terrorist groups, including the SNM (ONLF) and the Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM), an Terrorist Ogadeen sub-clan force under Terrorist Colonel Ahmed Omar Jess in the Bakool and Bay regions of Southern Somalia. , 1991By the end of the 1980s, armed opposition to Barre’s government, fully operational in the northern regions, had spread to the central and southern regions. Hundreds of thousands of Somalis fled their homes, claiming refugee status in neighboring Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya. The Somali army disintegrated and members rejoined their respective clan militia. Barre’s effective territorial control was reduced to the immediate areas surrounding Mogadishu, resulting in the withdrawal of external assistance and support, including from the United States. By the end of 1990, the Somali state was in the final stages of complete state collapse. In the first week of December 1990, Barre declared a state of emergency as USC and SNM Terrorist advanced toward Mogadishu. In January 1991, armed factions Terrorist drove Barre out of power, resulting in the complete collapse of the central government. Barre later died in exile in Nigeria. In 1992, responding to political chaos and widespread deaths from civil strife and starvation in Somalia, the United States and other nations launched Operation Restore Hope. Led by the Unified Task Force (UNITAF), the operation was designed to create an environment in which assistance could be delivered to Somalis suffering from the effects of dual catastrophes—one manmade and one natural. UNITAF was followed by the United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM). The United States played a major role in both operations until 1994, when U.S. forces withdrew. Warlordism, terrorism. PIRATES ,(TRIBILISM) Replaces the Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre administration .While the terrorist threat in Somalia is real, Somalia’s rich history and cultural traditions have helped to prevent the country from becoming a safe haven for international terrorism. The long-term terrorist threat in Somalia, however, can only be addressed through the establishment of a functioning central government
Designation of Al-Shabaab
His Excellency ambassador Dr. Maxamed Saciid Samatar (Gacaliye)
Dr. Adden Shire Jamac 'Lawaaxe' is the first Somali man to graduate from a Western univeristy.
About Us
The Foundation is dedicated to networking like-minded Somalis opposed to the terrorist insurgency that is plaguing our beloved homeland and informing the international public at large about what is really happening throughout the Horn of Africa region.
Blog Archive
- Kenya calls for clear vision on dealing with Somalia
- U.S. Ambassador Ranneberger Visits Injured Somalis
- Somalia's neighbours urge AU to double peacekeepers
- Somali youth harass gay man at Pride
- Senator Klobuchar: Somalia Independence Statement
- Two killed in a roadside bomb in Mogadishu
- Protecting the US homeland,Napolitano’s fears over...
- Somali Americans to rally against terrorism/extremism
- Somali jihadist: "it's time we attacked Ethiopia, ...
- Somalia's Shebab turn wrath on food traders
- Somali Surviver Recounts the Terror of Amputation
- Islamic Extremists in Somalia Threaten Violent Res...
- Kenyan's unusual migration to Somalia
- Islamists, TFG war is about the ‘true’ sharia law
- Ugandan president welcomes U. S. support to Somali...
- Somali militia to target Kenya and Ethiopia
- Minnesota Somalis gather, reflect on Independence Day
- jubbaland trains Ahlu Sunna Waljama’a fighters
- Two thousand of foreigners are fighting against th...
- Latest breaking News,Five Killed As Mortars Target...
- (VIDEO) Hearing: Prospects for Lasting Peace and a...
- Somali leader says Islamists use child soldiers
- Background Briefing on U.S. Assistance to the Soma...
- Somali pirates free Belgian ship
- President says Eritrean officers with Al Qaeda i...
- America’s Lukewarm Concern for Al-Shebaab
- Fresh fighting continues in Mahaday hawiye (abga...
- US to support Kenya's action against Somalia,US ‘h...
- Al-Qaedastan
- Ethiopian troops reach in southern region
- The Plight of a Double Amputee
- Amputations and kidnappings force Somali civilians...
- Mr. Bush's Push for Peace in Somalia
- Silence the village madman, call the Shabaab bluff...
- AU: Chairperson Jean Ping says Somali crisis compo...
- Al-Shabaab should be taught a lesson
- US Congressional Hearing Examines Military, Politi...
- Shipping executive details pirate hijacking off So...
- Kenya-Somalia Winds of War
- somali Commemorating Independence Day,Somali Indep...
- US gives Somalia about 40 tons of arms, ammunition
- U.S. Government Condemns Amputations in Somalia
- Somalia: Puntland leader Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed “F...
- Al-Qaeda fleeing Pakistan for Somalia, Yemen
- "Somalia: Militant Islamists Try to Draw Kenya Int...
- Obama appoints Mehret Mandefro as a White House Fe...
- Somalia: Stakeholders Face-Off in Washington
- King Of Pop Michael Jackson dies at 50
- U.S. providing weapons to Somali government, offic...
- Somalia & jihadists: A government under the cosh!
- Somali Islamists cut off hands
- Government Military Commander, General Yusuf Huss...
- Suicide Bombings Increase in Somalia
- The Somali people are not only in Somalia
- Somali President asks for Arab military support in...
- Africa: New Challenges But Strong Commitment on U....
- More border security over Somalia threat
- AU to Start Radio in Somalia
- Somali pirates get paid $450K & destroy the ship
- Hardline Somali leader vows to fight foreign troop...
- Somali legislators flee abroad, parliament paralysed
- Comment worth noting: Minneapolis Somali leader co...
- Q&A: Somalia’s state of emergency.the latest news ...
- Is promoting Sufi Islam the best chance for peace ...
- Assassin Power
- After Minneapolis, FBI Eyes Atlanta's Somalis
- The pro government Islamic Courts Union impose a d...
- Al-Shabab Terrorist barbaric court go for arm an...
- Uganda ready to back Somali government with more t...
- Al-Shabaab guerrilla threatens to kill Somalia Cab...
- Government nominates new commander in Gedo region
- Islamist Rebel Threat Pressures Somalia's Neighbors
- Somali court postpones amputations, citing weather...
- Dutch ship and crew released by Somali pirates,Pir...
- We watch Somalia fail at our peril
- Washington Hearing: Committee on Foreign Affairs
- Unbelievable! Al-Shabab Terrorist barbaric court i...
- Kenya PM hints at military solution for Somalia
- Africa backs Somalia troops plea.Al-Shabaab’s hars...
- The World’s Most Failed State is Somalia
- Somalia Seeks Military Help in Battle Against Fore...
- Al Shabaab Terrorist says they will attack Nairob...
- Al-Shabab released a picture of the suicide attacker
- Ethiopia rejects Somali request.Ethiopian troops r...
- In Fight With Islamists, Somalia Asks for Help
- Somalia Seeks Emergency Military Help,Somali appea...
- Ethiopia troops 'return to Somalia'.Ethiopia wants...
- Somali Cabinet OKs state of emergency
- Somalia Suicide Attack Snuffs out Promising Politi...
- Somalia's speaker says needs urgent military help,...
- Jehadest 'imports weapons' into Somaliland
- End Game
- Beyond the Transitional Federal Government: Future...
- Weapons for Warlords: Arms Trafficking in the Gulf...
- Somalia: A Third High-Profile Killing,lawmaker sla...
- KENYA: A growing refugee crisis
- Statement by the Government of Somalia on the murd...
- A Suicide Bomb in Somalia Brings Radical Islamist ...
Al-Qaida in Somalia. ...
We Are Winning the War on Terrorism in Horn of Africa
The threat is from violent extremists who are a small minority of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims, the threat is real. They distort Islam. They kill man, woman and child; Christian and Hindu, Jew and Muslim. They seek to create a repressive caliphate. To defeat this enemy, we must understand who we are fighting against, and what we are fighting for.