HAWIYE Hormuud v. Somaliland 's Isaaq clan DahabshiilInc,
In Somalia, the business prevails is not something very fair and there is no pure competitions among local companies that provide services; instead they destroy one another forcing one to quit Market completely.
It’s not positively expected to construct and develop the country and help poor people in the war ravaged territory where the violence seems to be endless and the humanitarian situation worsens.
Local companies deceive and destroy one another by way of clannish purposes that were already established themselves.Dahabshil, local owned money transfer agency was established in 1970’s as its profile shows and secretly functioning until 1991, but after the central government destroyed, it became very familiar money transfer agency.In Somalia, it is something normal seeing plans based on clan and this company has been in manner of tribalism for a long term.Great concern and doubt faced Dahabshil company early this month after Ahmed Godane’s group al-shabaab baned Zaad Service ‘mobile money transfer’ which Hormuud telecommunication company established mid this year.This service was almost obstacle to the whole business circulation and money tansfere system of Dahabshiil as Zaad was very simple and fast money transfer and was lack of money and also was service used in the world today.When the story passes here a head on competition arises, then companies built in tribal purposes would initiate the tool it would use the opposite company as Hormud.Jihadi Website (hawiye wing)Ahmed Abdi Aw-Mohamed Godane, head of Islamist militias fighting against the Transitional Federal Government backed by the African union peacekeeping forces, is close relative to the owner of Dahabshil company, therefore Godane became a tool used to disable whole ambition of Hormuud after his goup issued a warning that Zaad service can no longer exist than after three months beginning the date printed the warning paper.Jihadi shabab Website Ahmed Godane’s group indicated Zaad service that was serving for American and Jewish and was against Islam as they wrote the speech and it shows us that enmity of tribal disabling against companies. Dahabshil has contact with international intelligence agency and it transfers larger than allocated money which remittance agencies do. That is why intelligence agency is related to and it’s a line where ransom fund submitted for Somali pirates and cases in the Somalia
The doubt and concerns came as the Zaad Service was almost cancelled and this caused many arguments in Somalia although. They accused of Godane’s group as a team not personally, but the action is said to be taken to defend the interest of relatives of Dahabshil and Godane.This act will lead that customers will not trust the company and would compel them to withdraw their asset from company. Many large companies in Somalia have gone rich with bad behaviors and exploiting people’s blood and not looking at merciful eyes once, but looking at theirs knowing the worst time Somalis are in now.
With out pure competition and respect among Somali telecommunication and remittance companies and the lack of strong central government in Somalia, the situation will remain worse but they think development.
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author
and do not necessarily reflect the views of Terror Free Somalia Foundation
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