The Islamist group of
Al-Shabaab has barred the memorial ceremonies of Prophet Muhammad (peace of Allah Be upon him) in Bardhere town in Gedo region jubbaland state of Somalia Friday evening, officials said on Saturday. This can worsen the dispute between Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca religious organization and al-Shabaab Terrorist group. Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca adherents often commemorate the Islamic month of Rabicula Awal. Rabicul Awal( Mawliid to Somalis) is the month when Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah Be upon Him) was born. Terrorist Sheik Farah Hish Mohamed, head of the security of al – Shabab Terrorist administration in Bardhere town said that they had imposed a curfew to the town to tighten the security of it. Al-Shabaab warned against commemorating Prophet Muhammad during this month. Sufism, a mystic form of Islam, has centuries old roots in Somalia but is considered heretical by conservative factions of Islam, especially Salafism and Wahhabism. Since the fall of Somalia's last functioning government in 1991. Sheik Farah had also said that men and the women can not follow the transportation together describing as In-Islamic.
Al-Shabaab Terrorist grew powerful as an anti- TFG &Ethiopian .. The insurgent group and took control of many parts of central and southern Somalia,
this map by The Long War Journal. but since the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops their popularity decreased because of the fighting with Ahlu Sunna Waljaca organization in central
Sufi Clerics in Somalia Support Unity GovernmentSomali Sufi Islamists seize town from AlshababSufism, or Tasawwuf as it is known in the Muslim world, is Islamic mysticism (Lings, Martin, What is Sufism?,
http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/islam/subdivisions/sufism_1.shtmlCan Sufi Islam counter the Taleban?
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