The second man of Al-Qaeda terror network Ayman Al-Zawahiri has been seen for the first time Habar Gidir stronghold
Marka town 90km south of Somalia capital as quoted from officials of unnamed money transfer companies and aid agencies on Thursday.“Here in Marka, I have seen an Arab man who was heavily guarded as he was walking inside the town, with his sides we could see foreign armed men. I glimpsed him and he was Terrorist Ayman Al-Zawihiri, the man we often see on the world televisions,” one of the remittance companies said in condition of anonymity.He said all the movements in the town were halted as some of the senior officials of Al-Shabab group confirmed that the man they are hosting is Ayman Al-Zawahiri. “I could not exactly say he was himself but most of out spoken issue was that the man seen is Al-Qaeda’s second man,” he added.“The presence of Ayman Al-Zawahiri in Marka is widely known, many people saw him but they fear for their security. Somalia became safe-heavens for the international terrorists, Al-Zawahiri himself said that he was the man ruling the southern Somalia,” one of the local aid workers operating in the region.The secret visit by the Al-Qaeda leader in southern Somalia is relating to the rearrangement towards the administration of Al-Shabab group.Despite the American’s intelligence service FBI earlier warned off the danger of the Somalia’s terror group Al-Shabab, the appearance of the Al-Qaeda’s leader in southern Somalia might increase the terror worries by the US government in east Africa region.,..
SOURCE FROM.. terror sympathizer HABAR-GIDIR ..news from Somalia waagacusub.own by harar-gidir own.. Shabelle media.. we call shabaab media
hawiye Terrorist shabeele Media .
http://waagacusub.com/news/ Al Shabab's Leadership Links to Al Qaeda
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