The spokesman for Islamic-party aka..
habar-gidir- shabaab wing.. which is a coalition of four groups that are opposed to the talaban Government of Somalia [TFG] has issued a warning to government forces against coming into areas that are under the control of groups that are part of Hisbul Islam.. aka.. habar-gidir clan,, shabaab wing . The spokesman for the group, jehadist Sheikh Hasan Mahdi, has said some officials of the Federal Somali talaban government are planning to deploy there troops in areas that are under the control of members of their group. He said if such plans are not halted, they will view it as measure to disrupt the attainment of peace and security in Somalia."You are very well aware of the areas that are under our control. We have heard that there are plans to deploy troops in areas that are under control and others that are surrounding it. We view such measure as plans to oppose the stability of these areas," said the spokesman for Hisbul Islam. He added that plans to deploy government forces in these areas that are under their control are an invitation to conflict.Mahdi also speaking on possible reconciliation talks with the Somali said it was not possible to do so at this time, until officials of the government repent their sins???. He added that his group will not go attacking any group in Somalia.There aren't any [reconciliation] talks [with the government]. The religious leaders who have come to visit did not ask us to talks to Sheikh Sharif's government, and we will not do so because you are aware of what they did. They have embarked on steps that we view as opposing to Islam, said the spokesman for Hisbul Islam.. aka shabaab .
The warning by Islamic-party .. aka.. shabaab comes at a time when many Mogadishu residents are concerned that fighting might break out between government forces and groups that are opposed to them. Mogadishu residents have also said it is now apparent that there is a looming confrontation unless something urgent is done to change the situation from the way it currently is.
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