The Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre administration took draconian measures to thwart the spread of political Islam especially in its latter years. Its actions, including the execution of militant Somali jehadist sheikhs and imams, and what they perceived as the foreign and anti-Islamic forces supporting it. This was fuelled in part by the growing number of young religious scholars who studied in Saudi Arabia and other conservative Muslim countries. Developments in Sudan, the Gulf, and North Africa have also fostered a growing tendency to look to Islam as the source of solutions to political or other problems.
An Islamic Dark Age Looms in Somalia
Dark Day .history of

War without Mercy the terror and violence in Somalia
Al Shabab Threat Clouds the Horn of Africa
Videos: Jihad Camp in Somalia; English-Speaking Recruits
The rise of the Shabab http://www.economist.com/world/mideast-africa/displayStory.cfm?story_id=12815670
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