Listen treat speech somalia_al_shabab_criticise_somaliland on BBC-somali Dhageyso
The Amir (leader) of Al- Shabaab, the strongest Islamist movement challenging the Transitional Federal Government in Somalia, has accused the Self-proclaimed Republic Somaliland authority of oppressing the Muslim people in the region.From Somaliland Godane Terrorist Al-Shabab Abdi Godane also named Sheik Mokhtar Abu-Zubeyr aka Mukhtaar C/raxmaan , through a circulated voice message, said: “This authority prevents the Muslim society there from implementing sharia (Islamic) laws,”.“Such action leaves the people without progress,” he added.The Al-Shabaab leader, who himself comes from Somaliland, urged the people there to rise against the government and the power structure. UnsuccessfullyHe indicated that since the independence from Britain in 1960, the region has been ruled through un-Islamic governing systems that lead to disappointments.Sheikh Abu Zubayr blamed the government in Somaliland of having wasted the people’s time by unsuccessfully seeking international recognition for over 18 years. “This authority’s search for recognition and the hazy democracy it follows amounts to treachery,” said the sheikh.“The government in Somaliland has only achieved low income, unemployment, poor infrastructure and economic collapse,” remarked Sheikh Abu Zubayr..more..http://www.nation.co.ke/News/africa/-/1066/652376/-/136yhwqz/-/
Inside Story - Somalia's discord and division ,Jihad TV ,broadcast on the Al-Jazeera satellite network and attributed to Shabaab ...
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