(Mugadishu, Tuesday 12 April 2011) The Council of Ministers had a meeting to discuss the consultative meeting that is currently underway in Nairobi. Having debated and discussed the Nairobi meeting the Council of Ministers decided the following:
The Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia is disappointed with current political engagement of UN Political Office in Somalia (UNPOS). We believe that UNPOS and the International Community (IC) are collaborating with the TFG and Somalia as a whole through two mechanisms to achieve stability and reconciliation in Somalia.
1. The Transitional Federal Charter (TFC). The Charter clearly stipulates that the TFG, the executive organ is responsible for the policy and the implementation of both reconciliation and foreign affairs.
2. The Djibouti Peace Process equally reconfirms the TFIs are pillars of Somali unity, which are to be re-enforced by the International Community (IC) at all stages and at all times throughout the peace process.
Clearly, the current consultation meeting in Nairobi taking place 12 and 13 April 2011, was initiated and organized by UNPOS in direct opposition to the views and proposals of the TFG, which were repeatedly submitted to UNPOS and IC.
The TFG and other Somali stakeholders had no input in the preparation of the concept, content or the agenda of the Nairobi meeting. Given that, this is meant to be both consultative and a reconciliation meeting for Somalis, we believe it contravenes both the spirit, the Charter and Djibouti peace agreement.
In addition, the Somali people have demonstrated repeatedly their opposition to the meeting both internally all parts of Somalia and externally across the Diaspora.
The delegation currently participating in the Nairobi meeting led by the Speaker of the parliament has no mandate or authority from the Council of Ministers or the parliament. On the contrary, both have demonstrated publicly and privately to the Speaker their clear rejection to participate. This has included presentation of a motion signed by over 100 members of the parliament (MPs) that was presented to the Speaker, which he decided to ignore.
Given the above, this participation is contrary not only to the policy of state but could potentially damage the interest of the nation as it could lead to potential fragmentation of national institutions. We therefore, condemn this act and call upon the delegation to withdraw from its on-going participation. We also call upon the Somali people and their representatives in parliament to reject and condemn this act in equal measure.
To avoid any misunderstanding, we confirm and re-affirm that the TFG is promoting peace and reconciliation based on the interest of the nation. This is evidenced by the policy and the actions of this government of the last 100 days.
We believe these Somali achievements demonstrate our commitment to fulfilling the common objectives needed to realize the common interest of the Somali people and the IC. It is only by cohesion and unified effort within Somali stakeholders and within the collaboration of Somalis and the IC that peace process and reconciliation can defeat the common enemies of Al-Shabaab, piracy and poverty. We therefore, call upon the IC to sustain its commitment to assist the Somali people in this historic journey and to respect its sovereignty and dignity.
On our part we herby submit to the Somali people and international community the report on the progress made on the ground in Somalia for the first 100 days of our current government. We hope this meets with your approval and expectations.
It is now 100 days since the current Government of Somalia took office and this anniversary provides a good opportunity to take stock of what has been achieved. The good news is that despite the huge problems facing us, the current Government has made remarkable progress in the 3 months it has been in power.
A most urgent task, when we took over, was to reorganize and transform the government itself and make it fit for purpose. With the approval of both Parliament and the President, the Prime Minister appointed a small team of 18 technocrats to the Cabinet, in the process reducing the number of ministries by 21.
Polling data from Mogadishu, which was released 5th March 2011 represents a big step on the path to true democracy in the country. This was the first proper poll since before 1991, it demonstrates for the first time that the overwhelming majority of Mogadishu citizens agree on the fundamentals of rebuilding their state, including an overwhelming desire for democracy and popular elections.
Polls like this lift the veil of fear and oppression so that we can hear the views of ordinary people. The poll, released by the Mogadishu Media House, an independent media centre, is the first in 20 years to survey attitudes in the capital city. Carried out in two sessions in January and November 2010, it showed that 9 out of ten residents of Mogadishu regarded the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) as the legitimate government of Somalia and three-quarters wished, in future, for a government chosen by the people in free and competitive elections.
The research was carried out in all the districts of the capital, including areas of the city under the control of the armed opposition groups, and the Afgooye corridor. The TFG controls 60% of Mogadishu, providing a safe haven to 80% of the capital’s population.
75% of the people surveyed indicated strong displeasure with the extremists and their policies.
70% of the population recognized that the TFG was making “a great deal of effort” in reaching out to the opposition.
75% rated AMISOM and the AU as friends of the Somali people.
Prior to the recent offensive, the government controlled 60% of Mogadishu, providing a safe haven and rudimentary services to 80% of the city’s population. The current push has already enlarged this zone considerably thanks to the courage and skill of both our national security forces and AMISOM troops.
As you may know our troops working with AMISOM forces are currently making tangible progress in reclaiming vast territory from the enemy throughout the country including the nation’s capital, Mogadishu, and its surroundings. We believe that as we mobilize the support of the Somali people and the international community and forge ahead on our explicit roadmap in the next few months remaining our term in office, we will undoubtedly meet our national objectives in bringing most of the country under the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia.
A register containing the names and biometric data of all members of the security forces is being compiled and soldiers are now receiving their allowances regularly. Wounded veterans have not been forgotten and are now receiving a monthly pension of $100 per month in addition to food rations and medical help.
Reconciliation and political outreach
Our efforts to re-establish peace and stability continue apace. The government has so far organised two cabinet-led reconciliation missions between fighting groups in the central regions with success. The first helped stop violence between Galmudug and Puntland, and the second focused on the conflict between Galmudug and Ximin and Xeeb. The government continues to work towards a more comprehensive resolution of the Somali conflict. The Government has also opened channels for talks with opposition groups and as a result lot of young people have defected from Al-Shabaab to the Government.
Public Finance
Another crucially important undertaking was to secure public finances and develop a culture of accountability and transparency. The government has made huge strides in this direction. As a recently released report by the International Crisis Group notes, the government “has been making serious attempts in recent months to inject professionalism and transparency into the revenue collection and management system, as well as to strengthen internal mechanisms governing dispersal of government money … and create a more open and accountable fiscal and monetary system.”
For the first time in two decades, we have a national budget which governs and directs all public expenditure. The central bank has been recently re-opened, an anti-corruption commission set up and audit and accountability systems streamlined. Revenue from the Mogadishu Seaport has doubled and that from the Aden Ade International Airport has quadrupled and these funds are being put to good use in the service of the people.
Service Delivery
The reorganization and building capacity of Government Ministries so as to become effective and efficient in the delivery of public services desperately needed by our people. These services include security, public utilities such as street lights, public health clinics, opening new schools and other basic governmental services;
Mogadishu is being cleared of rubble, roads repaired and streets lit, markets, hospitals and schools are reopening. The airport has been refurbished and long dormant baggage scanners and metal detectors have been repaired and are currently being deployed. A new weekly newspaper, Dalka, is helping citizens; both in Somalia and in the Diaspora, access information as will the Somali National Television which is set begin satellite broadcasts to the entire nation in two weeks time. The government has activated the .SO internet domain for use by its officials and others and begun serious discussions with a number of companies on bringing fibre-optic undersea cables to our shores so that the Somali people can benefit from the digital revolution sweeping the rest of the world.
The Government re-opened Martini Hospital which now treats wounded soldiers and has emergency unit to all people in Mogadishu.
Challenges faced
Looking forward, Somalia still faces huge challenges as it seeks to emerge from two decades of anarchy. As I noted earlier, the first and most urgent is to defeat the extremist insurgency, which seeks to impose a foreign jihadist ideology on our people. While we welcome the recent UN Security Council decision to raise the mandated strength of the AMISOM mission to 12000 troops, more, in terms of both men and materiel, will be required if we are to secure the whole country.
A second challenge is the looming threat of catastrophic famine following
prolonged drought in many areas of the country. The extremists’ practice of denying international humanitarian aid agencies access to the population is of particular concern and only serves to further imperil the situation. We totally condemn these actions and call on the international community to ramp up the provision of such aid and to help us find ways to ensure it reaches the entire population, especially those in areas controlled by the extremists.
A third priority for the government is the establishment of a credible and effective Disarmament, Demobilization and Rehabilitation (DDR) programme. After twenty years of continuous conflict, many young people have not known peace throughout their lifetime. Restoring their faith in society and reintegrating them back into their communities is a long term task that must begin now. We must devise means to welcome and assist the rising numbers of defectors from the extremists’ ranks. We must also find effective means to counter the soul-destroying radicalization and extremism that is being spread by the insurgents, not just in Somalia but in Somali communities around the world. This is absolutely critical if we are to secure the future.
In conclusion, over the last three months, Somalia has made big strides along the path to a stable and secure future. In the coming months, we must build on what has been achieved even as we strive to overcome the challenges that confront us. However, Somalia cannot do this alone. We need the ideas, the resources and the patience of the rest of the world as we embark on the important work that lies ahead. Everyone has a role to play in Somalia’s resurgence, and a firm stake in its success. My government has taken the lead in showing that change is possible, and we call upon all people of goodwill to join us in creating a future of peace, stability and prosperity for the people of Somalia.
- END –
Office of the Prime Minister of Somalia
Shir Jaraa’id
(Muqdisho, Talaado 12 April 2011) Shir ay isagu yimaadeen GolahaWasiirada oo uu shir-guddoominayey Ra’iisul Wasaaraha XFKMG ah Mudane MohamedAbdullahi Mohamed ayaa looga hadlay shirka ka bilowday Nairobi, Golahu waxeyisku raaceen arrimahan:
Dowladda Federalka KMG ah ee Somalia aad iyo aad bey uga xuntahay arrimahasiyaasadeed ee ay UNPOS hadda wado. Waxaan aaminsanahay UNPOS iyo beeshacaalamkuba inay wadashaqeytoodu ay tahay mid loo maro labo wado si looguguuleyso nabadda iyo dib-u-heshiisiinta, kuwaas oo kala ah:
1. Axdiga Fedraalka KMG ah. Axdiga ayaasi cad u qeexaya in Dowladda FKMG ah, hay’adiisa fulinta ay mas’uul ka tahaysiyaasadda iyo dhaqangelinta.
2. Geedi socodka nabadda Jabuuti waxuusidoo kale dib u xaqiijineysaa hay’adaha FKMG ah inay yihiin aasaaska wadajirkaSoomaaliya, taasoo la doonayo inay beesha caalamku ku dhaqmaan xaalad kasta iyowaqti walba ee geediga nabadda.
Waxaa cad in kulanka wadatashiga eeka dhacaya Nairobi 12ka iyo 13ka April 2011 uu bilowga qabanqaabada iyoabaabulkiisaba ay leedahay UNPOS tanoo ka soo horjeeda aragtiyada iyo soobandhigidda ee Dowladda FKMG ah, taasoo si ku celcelis ah loogu bandhigay UNPOSiyo beesha caalamkaba.
Dowladda FKMG ah iyo Somalida kaleee talada ka wada dhaxeysa marnaba lug kuma laheyn qabanqaabada fikirka,macluumaadka iyo ajendada shirka Nairobi. Marka tan la fiiriyo, waxaa la rabayinay ahaato wadatashi iyo dib-u-heshiisiin Somalida dhexdeeda ah, sidaasdaraadeed, waxaan aaminsanahay inay tani ay ka soo horjeedo rabitaanka shacabka,Axdiga iyo heshiiskii nabadda ee Jabuuti.
Sidoo kale, bulshada soomaliyeedwaxey si ku celcelis ah u caddeeyeen sida ay uga soo horjeedaan kulankanNairobi, ha noqoto Somalida gudaha dalka iyo kuwa dibedda ee qurbojoogta ah.
Wafdiga hadda ka qeybgalaya shirkaasoo uu hoggaaminayo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka kama heystaan labada golesharciyadii iyo awoodii matelaadda. Labada Goleba waxey si guud iyo si gaarahba ugu caddeeyeen Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka sida cad ee ay uga soo horjeedaanka qeybgalka shirka. Tan oo ay wehlisay 100 xildhibaano oo saxiixooda u geeyeyGuddoomiyaha oo ay ku caddeynayaan inay ka soo horjeedaan ka qeybgalka shirkaoo uu iska indha tiray.
Marka tan la eego, ka qeybgalkashirkan waxuu ka soo horjeedaa siyaasadda dalka, waxuuna keeni karaa inuudhaawac u keeno danaha dalka, waxuuna horseedi karaa in hay'adaha Qaranka uu kuyimado burbur. Sidaas daraadeed, waxaan cambaareyneynaa falkan isaga ah,waxaana ugu baaqeynaa wafdigan inay ka soo baxaan shirka ay hadda ku jiraan.Sidoo kale waxaan ugu baaqeynaa shacabka soomaaliyeed iyo xildhibaanada matalashacabka inay diidaan oo ay cambaareeyaan falkan si isku mid ah.
Si aysan u dhicin is-faham la’aan,waxaan caddeyneynaa oo aan ku celcelineynaa in Dowladda FKMG ah ay ku dhisan tahaydib-u-heshiisiin iyo nabadeyn oo dhan walba ah. Tani waxaa markhaati ka ahtallaabooyinka ay Xukuumaddu qaaday 100 kii maalmood ee ugu danbeeyey.
Waxaan aaminsanahay guulaha iyohorumarka somalida ay gaartay ay caddeyneyso sida ay uga go’antahay inaan uguguuleysano ujeedooyinka aan wadaagno si loo hubiyo inaan danaheena u fulinokuwa shacabka soomaaliyeed iyo kuwa bulshada caalamkaba. Waxaa kaliya oo loogaguuleysan karaa cadowgeena Al-Shabaab, burcadbadeeda iyo gaajada si wadajir ah iyowadashaqeyn buuxda ee dhexmarta soomaalida iyo bulshada caalamkaba. Sidaasdaraadeed, waxaan ugu baaqeynaa bulshada caalamka inay sii joogteeyaandadaaladooda ay ku saacidayaan shacabka soomaaliyeed xilligan taariikhiga ahiyo inay xushmeeyaan sharafta iyo qaranimda dalka.
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