In today's delicate financial environment, one cannot stop but to associate the culprits of the financial crisis with a bunch of pirates from the 15th century. But the quintessential pirates, that is, pirates at sea, do no belong merely to the sensationalism of history books. Piracy at sea is a live, real, and costly threat to the global economy. It is common knowledge that 90% of world trade depends on the shipping industry. However, the successful execution of pirate-led operations is threatening the very industry that is the lifeblood of the world trading system. A poor effort has been made thus far to resolve this growing threat - at a time when the global economy is - for lack of better words - sinking.
Click here to view a brief video on the issue generally.
Click here to view the EU's efforts in tackling piracy at sea. more.
http://incorpolis.blogspot.com/2009/04/piracy-at-sea-i.htmlEgypt to host emergency anti-piracy summithttp://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090430/wl_africa_afp/somaliapiracyshippingegyptmeet_20090430133250
Vagabonds of the Sea
Rebels, murderers, cutthroats, thieves
Modern marauders of the high seas
Enemies of mankind the risks are great
Carving a crimson career magnifique
Sea-going wealth sails unprotected
Lying in wait. It’s ours for the taking
Opportunity or disaster alone at sea
Alight. Desperate slice of society
Most vulnerable ships a potential victim
Wait, lads wait. Can you swim?
Wild frontier out at sea
Modern high seas piracy
Ahoy! Every ship in uncharted waters
Beyond laws reach confident mariners
The sea is vast and unforgiving
Free to plunder. Men are drawn to it
Unregulated waters a million miles
A fine big ship once darkness falls
Mon Capitan! Hoist skull and crossbones
With homemade grenades and pistols
Slip aboard aggressive and violent
Crew surrenders without a fight
Bloodied and frightened flee over the side
No defense against cargo crime
What’s this? A private vigilante?
Anyone this channel. May Day! May Day!
Waiting for me with a knife
Abandon the raid. Unlucky strife
He’s out to get me. Hit in the neck
In trouble now. Dropped to the deck
Very well sail on little ship
To hell with them! Died a pirates death
Vagabonds of the Sea
Rebels, murderers, cutthroats, thieves
Modern marauders of the high seas
Enemies of mankind the risks are great
Carving a crimson career magnifique
Sea-going wealth sails unprotected
Lying in wait. It’s ours for the taking
Opportunity or disaster alone at sea
Alight. Desperate slice of society
Most vulnerable ships a potential victim
Wait, lads wait. Can you swim?
Wild frontier out at sea
Modern high seas piracy
Ahoy! Every ship in uncharted waters
Beyond laws reach confident mariners
The sea is vast and unforgiving
Free to plunder. Men are drawn to it
Unregulated waters a million miles
A fine big ship once darkness falls
Mon Capitan! Hoist skull and crossbones
With homemade grenades and pistols
Slip aboard aggressive and violent
Crew surrenders without a fight
Bloodied and frightened flee over the side
No defense against cargo crime
What’s this? A private vigilante?
Anyone this channel. May Day! May Day!
Waiting for me with a knife
Abandon the raid. Unlucky strife
He’s out to get me. Hit in the neck
In trouble now. Dropped to the deck
Very well sail on little ship
To hell with them! Died a pirates death
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