Uganda has offered to send more troops, and Kenya made a vague promise "to help." There are now 4,300 Ugandan and Burundian peacekeepers in Mogadishu, and they spend most of their time guarding key areas (the air port and sea port and some government buildings.)
Al Shabaab caught some bad publicity when they announced that four teenagers were convicted of stealing, by a Sharia (Islamic law) court, and sentenced to have one arm and one leg cut off. The international uproar was so great that al Shabaab soon announced that they were reconsidering the sentence. In the north, the pirates are grabbing whatever they can off the coast. While seizing large merchant ships gets most of the media attention, local fishermen and crews of small coastal boats, are attacked as well. The pirates have discovered that most of these people are too poor to pay a ransom, so boats and their contents are stolen. The crews are usually not killed, but sent home with nothing. Meanwhile, the pirates hold fourteen ships for ransom. This includes three large fishing boats, two tugboats and a dredging ship. All of these are smaller and slower than the larger cargo ships and tankers that the pirates prefer.
June 21, 2009: Although Kenya and Ethiopia both refused to send troops to Somalia, residents of the central Somalia town of Beledweyne report seeing Ethiopian troops in the area. But they may just be patrols, for Beledweyne is less than fifty kilometers from the border. The Ethiopians have been more aggressively patrolling the border, because Islamic radical groups have threatened to invade Ethiopia...T/R http://www.strategypage.com/qnd/somalia/articles/20090624.aspx
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