Sharif Hassan is fifth grade school dropout; check here if you doubt it may recall the level of 5th grader in terms of math, science or even critical thinking. Fifth grader becoming the speaker of the house and minister of finance may not seem unconventional for some, but let us see what they do first before we make up our minds; speaker is the voice of the population, he chairs elected parliament, he oversees government spending, chairs parliament passing the Government’s budget, organizes committees that will question governments policies, is the head of the body of the government that is responsible of making Bills and Laws. In sum, he is responsible of the Legislative branch which is one of the three government branches.
What did Sharif Hassan do then to carry out this responsibility? First meeting of the parliament in Nairobi, he divided them into two camps to serve his interest; he made them fight, as he lacks the skills necessary to create an environment that encourages dialogue and discourages any means of violence. In fact he made them his own by making them sit and debate as he damn likes.
In addition to that, when the parliament moved to Baydhabo, he paved the way the Ethiopian forces to enter the country by allowing the motion to go ahead and declared the vote. This is historic event that we will never forget. In fact, Mr. Sharif Hassan never likes the unity of the parliament and always breaks them apart to get his personal interest.
After the Ethiopian forces entered the country he broke away with some parliamentarian from the government and joined the Islamic courts of Union. He did to please his personal interest.
However, after quite a while with the Islamic Courts Union in Asmara, he divided them apart and opened a dialogue with the international community. Ironically, he maneuvered to please his ambition of self interest. He and his colleague from Islamic courts union succeeded the power. It is tested fact that, the cohesion within group is important for them to enter a dialogue with another group.
Nevertheless, he was appointed as the Minister of finance. 5th grade schools drop out for a position like that! He must know, how to put together a budget, control inflation/ deflation, establish Audit, project economic growth, establish Monetary note, central bank, and many other duties that needs high level training and skills. And what did he do? He Boarded an Airplane ran between countries, solicited money from the international community as much as he could, pleased his narcissistic life. What happened then?
He solicited as much money as he could, allowed the country for mercenary firms by just getting little handout from them (referring to the minister who said “he took 1 million dollar from Sorensen international”) where did that led him then?
He corrupted the parliamentarians for him to become the speaker of the House again; he blocked the arranged administration to go ahead, he added three more years for the current parliament term.

In sum, this guy is testing our moral courage, religious correctness, and critical thinking ability. He needs constant examination, re-examination, scrutiny, and inquest. An Arabic proverb states “he who gets into something different from his expertise comes up with wonders”
Abdullahi Kulane is a regular contributor to terror free Somalia and editor at boocame.com
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