Corruption Awareness
I lived with a blanket thrown over my eyes with thousands of unanswered questions, but finally relieved when attended the parliamentarian forum against corruption & fostering integrity and credibility for Somalia on the 18th of this month in Nairobi, organised by a group of prominent Technocrats and Parliamentarians, who both were promoting good governance and awareness on corruption; we became convinced and touched by the information presented and the scale of corruption and mismanagement of the public funding in the TFG and believe me, this will be leading us someday or sometime to a national and international court.
Dr Fartag has introduced to the participants and the nation a legal argument in search of a transparent and accountable direction on his audit investigative financial report dated 2011-2012. The keynote speakers of the parliamentarians like her honourable Mrs Asha Abdalla, Hon Awad Ashara and others were solely advocating for a democratic movement for a change within the system that everyone in the forum felt collapsed and cannot be trusted anymore. But first, what political creature will take over in the interim period in August? Shall the London conference demand the establishment of a joint Financial Management Board to manage affairs of the State??
If we want to express our profound insights about TFG and like to improve our governance methodology or our political curriculum, we must explicit the culture of deceptions, mismanagement and nepotism that exists within the TFG institutions
There has been a lot of whining and cursing over the TFG administration and no one else in our cabinet history ever admitted that he/she was not well-heeled for the job nominated as an expert due to his/her criteria specification including the President, Prime Minister & the ousted speaker, even though, Somali technocrats are aware off and never regarded them as the ultimate panel of judges that would determine the public discourse of our nation.
Academic qualifications and experience rarely count in our cabinet ministers and that strategy itself was the road map written to facilitate for corruption, embezzlements of funds, character, professional & political assassinations to overtake other department’s jobs etc. For instance, you cannot nominate a construction architect to foreign affairs, businessman to defence, economist to environment, a school teacher to national security etc.
What matters for the TFG leaders, or some of the donor representatives and UNPOS are loyalty, cronyism, and conspiracy to steal multimillion dollar aid to Somalia and, being on the right side of the political bed at the right time.
I am sorry to indicate him but penance is what counts for the current prime minister as I personally knew him over three decades. It’s proven that he has health problems and takes medications. He is not fit to work in politics. Please refer to his doctor in Buffalo for more information. It is for the Parliament to make an effort in finding the truth through extensive research about his health.
The political balance has gone lost in translation again when the governor of punt land state Mr Farole has conspired with the ousted speaker to remove former PM, his honourable Mr Farmajo from office and ear benched Mr Abdiweli for the prime minister’ post, once the plot is completed, so the quick cash driven conferences, orchestrated by UNPOS can go ahead.
PM has appointed and ordered Mr Abdirahman Hosh of the constitution and reconciliation affairs in order to handle the budget proposals for the oncoming conferences without the consent or the approval of the Parliament. Such immoral plots are violations to the charter of the TFG agreements, very embarrassing and ill-conceived for the lawmakers
The prime minister has allocated all his family members into his office, giving them titles that do not cross pond to their qualifications. All his consultants are his blood relatives, confirming that nepotism is even greater problem than tribalism as it is so elitist and discriminatory. You can see when professional competence and meritocracy are replaced by plutocracy and nepotism. We reject nepotism in leadership. I am sending my condolence to the prestigious Harvard University, where I found offended by some Somali government officers who decorated themselves the seal as academic reference in their CV and never occurred nor existed as graduates from Harvard University but for one optional credit course.
Italian Link
The PM has recently visited Italy alone, without the accompany of other ministers, even left his body guard here in Nairobi, but later he was joined by two non registered aides but consultants of a NGO from punt land. His intention was to discuss with the Italian government on ways to retain and recollect the $80M Italian trust aid blocked or free zed from Somalia 1991 due to the civil war. Their combined motive was to transfer those funds to AYL (Punt land), for projects that do not exist in practice but on papers in an exchange to accept the concept note of the Italian trusteeship on Somalia so Punt land will have a dominance role at all developmental projects and leadership as investigative journalists narrated; but what he received was $150M aid to Somalia and ended the discussion to meet in Brussels on 21st of Feb 2012. This is what Diaspora is keeping on more secure footing, regarding its whereabouts and follow ups.
HD (Human Dialogue)
There are suspicions of allegations within the cabinet ministers, when $3.5M were planned for reconciliation by the UN & donor countries on district and regional level without the consultation with the interior and security minister; instead the PM has quickly invented a new steering committee that are dictated y the political elites of punt land, so the PM has set up a non profit organisation called HD(HumanDialogue), that will manage the spending & distribution mechanisms of aid for regional solutions on reconciliation and conferences incentive, developmental projects etc, without evaluations or monitoring body and over all, no Burdon of accountability measures or contracted performance issued and I believe , it is possible without the notification of the finance minister and treasury
The aims and the objectives of HD were hacked electronically from an existing Somali Consulting Firm based in Nairobi, London & North America. This justifies the PM’motivations, and the state of his mind. The UN monitoring group, whom I have copied here, ought to diagnose government expenditure, aid businesses, as those contributions were set to target to the people in need, security and development.
Distribution of benefits
HD has been awarded the job description of many existing ministers and has already displayed a range of firms for partnerships like Safiri Bakiri, based in Uganda with a Ethiopian regional director, captive org, formally listed as a Saracen, and Al Selman Humanitarian Foundation of Sharif Hassan’ son. These are all strategies for economic dominance for future elections at the cost of the people of South-central states. This is a road map for a day light robbery against Somalia
The game plan is the division of powers on the humanitarian supply route among the TFG leaders including some individuals from the UN. To cover up the business transactions; they contracted with the Somali media (universal TV) in Dubai through the ousted Speaker as a gesture to keep him as a speaker, and to portray them as a working team in visiting areas of disaster, former government properties etc.
Mr Farole & The PM of Somalia

Mr Farole is the master of pirates and has damaged the image of punt Landers and dried their revenue in corruption and ransom management. He has destroyed all the good work made by the previous presidents. The autonomous state has fallen out in pieces since his arrival to the throne. The Warsangelis of the east coast has declared Makhir State as part of realising their interests and fate; likewise, the Dhulbahante of the west has recently formed Khatuma State and refused his fake promises. Khatuma state has long advocated for a united Somalia. He made Gal-Mudug restless in their destiny through invasions and propagandas. He labels everyone who rejects his leadership as terrorist, short lived game plans that worked for him for a while, but succeeded only to father and own the current Somali prime minister that made the PM liable to all counts of deception and treason, which are all chargeable to the rule of law.
London conference must bring on a comprehensive strategy to break the backbone, of the sea piracy industry; that has been long feared to have its taproots in the European Capitals. He must be contained I suggest.
ASWJ and The PM
ASWJ has liberated 14 districts from al shabaab, out of 4 regions recently, Galgaduud, Gedo, upper & lower juba regions. He never set a foot in those areas and never awarded the brave ASWJ fighters for their work nor the TFG armed forces. It is
Reported that he has an eye and discussed with his agents on thousands of kilos of charcoal found in bur-gaabo, where the alshabaab left during the military interventions made by the allied forces for marketing and commissioning. A plan that is not functioning with the dominant clans of the region; after all, he has no work relationship and never met with the leaders of ASWJ. At this critical time, the PM should have focused on clipping the young wings of terrorism across the region in better Intelligence gathering.

There is glamour of hope coming to Juba valley regions, including Gedo, who draws like an elephant shape. President Dr Dualeh has been crowned in Columbus (Ohio) by Diaspora from all parts of the globe. He is academic and businessman. The dogma of the new born institution is already functioning within the local districts by orienting and transmitting his vision for a good governance, civic education and civic management. Clan chiefs of the region have endorsed him and he is ready to work fully with the international community after the London conference. He plans to meet all the stakeholders of the regions in an open conference, including Egad member state representatives, Juba-Jazira president, intellectuals, other clan chiefs and Diasporas in Kenya.
Suggestions & Recommendations
The issues are many and varied, but top on the agenda shall be the transition after the Transitional Federal Government ’mandate expires in August. It is imperative that there must not be a political vacuum in Mogadishu. Somalia today is under the grip of people who wishes us fail, and fall under the category of trusteeship, (though we are indirectly governed by a trusteeship of fraudsters and gangs imposed to us), and that the country disintegrates, unless they are the ones in charge. Obviously the country seems to have had very bad cooks in its kitchen boundaries, which will not ultimately ensure us our sovereignty in terms of security, peace, reconciliation and development. We want clarity in strategies and efficiency in delivery of all invested programmes and interventions.
We urge for the governments of UK, US, CA, IT, Sweden and the UN to stop or ease all financial transactions awarded for Somalia until the August 2012. The remaining 6 Months must be a turnout to those leaders, to contribute for what they can do for the country if any, and not what their country can do for them.
If dissolvent of the TFG government is difficult, the IC has to choose for us a female prime minister temporarily as, there are a lot of kind, who are completely better than the existing ones. This phenomenon will uplift gender equality in Somalia and will be a foot print in breaching democracy once for all.
Best regard
Mohamed Hassan Ali is Senior Political Analyst for terror free somalia
Counselling Psychologist SCAG Chief
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