Mr. Ould-Abdallah, who is based in Nairobi, said he had spoken with Government leaders about the latest developments there, including the breakout earlier this month of intense fighting between Government troops and the opposition Shabaab al-Mujahideen and Hisb-ul-Islam groups.He said up to 75,000 persons, who had fled the country and returned earlier this year, had fled again because of the renewed fighting. “It is very sad to see a capital city I have known in the 80’s becoming a shanty town,” the Special Representative said. Mr. Ould-Abdallah told the reporters, “I appeal to you...to talk about the plight of Somalia – how many orphans, how many handicapped how many maimed, how many people are silenced.” “We cannot say we don’t know,” he said. “We should look we should not look the other way.” When asked about reports of Ethiopian troops returning to Somalia, the official said they had all withdrawn and that there were no Ethiopian troops in Somalia. “Unfortunately, Somalis are still fighting and killing Somalis,” he said. “Somalia is an unfortunate country taken hostage by...those who are still fighting.” Instead of evoking an alibi of the alleged presence of Ethiopian troops, he said they should “assume responsibility” for what is going on in their country. “One overriding problem in Somalia not often reported or talked about is still there. It is the problem of impunity,” Mr. Ould-Abdallah said. ..more..http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=30971&Cr=&Cr1=
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