Musharaxiinta u tartarmi doonto xilka madaxweynimada Jamhuuriyada Soomaliya ee bisha August 2012 oo dhowaan la iclaamiyay ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaan doona Dr.Bashiir Nuur Xasan Looyaan oo ka soo jeeda gobollada koofurta dalka Soomaliya, gaar ahaanna gobollada jubbooyinka iyo Gedo sida laga soo xiganayo guddiga doorashada ee Musharaxa Dr.Looyaan oo la filayo in dhowaan si toos ah musharaxnimadiisa ugu dhawaaqi doono. Musharax Dr.Bashiir Nuur-Bidaar ayaa asxaabtii iyo dadka si fiican u yaqaanaba ay ku sifiyeen nin dulqaad badan oo bulshay ah, oo deggan, asluub bada lagu yaqaano, kana samata bixin kara dhibaatada dadlka Soomaliya ku soo habsatay. Isaga oo u bareeyey kuna dhiiraday in dalkiisa iyo dalkiisaba gudaha Soomaliya dhibka intaas ku soo jiray inuu la qeybsado, samabixinta shacabka uu doorweyn ka qaato. Mashruuco kale geddisan oo horumarineed ka qeybqaatay oo laga fuliyey degaano ka tirsan wadanka Soomaliya. Musharaxa Dr.Looyaan ayaa ah nin dhalinayaro ah oo waxbarshadiisu ay ka kooban tahay dhinaca beeraha iyo maareynta iyo maamulka tiknologiyada casriga ah ayaa heysta ilaa iyo afar shaahdo ama degrees (Bachelor of Science-Beeraha, Master of Science-Beeraha, PhD-Beeraha iyo weliba isagoo heysta Second Master of Science oo cilmiga maareynta mashruucyada iyo tiknooliyada oo dhamaatood ka wado qaatay wadanka Mareykanka. Dr.Looyaan oo hayay muddo dheer oo in ka badan 17 sano shaqooyin professional oo isugu jira kuwa kuwo heer calaami oo ay ka mid yihiin Kampaniyada loo yaqaano fortune 100 ka tirsan oo uu ka soo shaqeeey oo kana soo qabtay xilal Calaami iyo isagoo masuul ka ahaa maaamulka iyo maareynta iyo diyaarinta qorshosanadeedka (Budget) iyo maamulka shaqaalaha fulinaya oo ka kale socday wadamo gaaraya ilaa iyo 27 wadan oo kale geddisan.
Xilalka uu soo qabtay Musharaxa
Dr.Looyaan wadamada uu ka hirgeliyay ayaa ku yaalla qaaradaha Asiyaa,
gaar ahaanna dalalka Japan, Singpore, Koofurta Kuuriya, Thailand iyo
wadamo badan oo ku yaallo Yurub, Australia, Koofurta Amerika and
Waqooyiga Amerika. Mashruucyadaasi oo kale ahaa communications,
distribution, finance, industrial, and public sector ayaa
contractyadaasi ay u dhexeeyeen $100M ilaa iyo $2B Mareykanka.
Dr. Looyaan ayaa markii uu qaatay shahaadada PhD beeraha sanadkii 1995 sidoo kale ka soo shaqeeyey wadamada ku yaalla Galbeedka Afrika:The Gambia iyo Sierra Leone oo uu ahaa 'Agricultural Advisor" ama la la taliye dhinaca beeraha wasaaradaha beeraha ee labadaasi wadan oo ay maalgelinaysay hayadda project 2000 & UNDP. Insha allah, taariiq nololeedkiisaba iyo qorshahiisa siyaasadeed ama political platform "For the future of our country and the future of our children. "For those in misery perhaps better things will follow". Insha Allah, xilliga doorashada ka hor ayaa idiin soo gudbin doona Insha Allah. ![]() Terror Free Somalia Foundation We fully endorse Dr. Bashir Nur Hasan Loyan PHD" To be next President of Somalia ( Somalia Presidential elections in August 20th.) Abdirahman Warsame Terror Free Somalia |
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Guddiga Doorashada Oo Shaaciyey Inuu Prof: Bashiir Nuur Xasan Looyaan Uu Ka Mid Yahay Musharixiinta U Taagan Xilka Madaxtinimada Soomaaliya Ee Sanadkan. Dr: Bashir Nuur hassan Looyaan PHD (Somali President Candidate 2012)
Kenya bombards Shabab-held Kismayo in Somalia,renews long-delayed attack on al Qaida affiliate. Also Kenya says seizes Somali rebel bastion of Afmadow
Kenya has renewed its long-stalled offensive against al
Qaida’s affiliate in Somalia, just days after the Kenyan government
blamed the Somali Islamists for an apparent terrorist attack in downtown
For the second day in a row, Kenyan naval forces on
Wednesday bombarded the Somali seaport of Kismayo, a key stronghold of
Somalia’s al Qaida-linked Shabab insurgents, while ground troops
attacked Afmadhow, a major town that Kenya says it must capture before
advancing by land against Kismayo. A Kenyan military spokesman tweeted
Wednesday night that Afmadhow had fallen.Port fees at Kismayo are
the Shabab’s primary source of funds, and its capture by Kenyan troops
would be a major blow to the organization, which once dominated southern
Somalia. Shabab control has been steadily shrinking, however, under
military pressure, not just from Kenya but also from Ethiopian forces
conducting their own offensive, and from Ugandan and Burundian forces
under the African Union that have pushed the Shabab from Mogadishu, the
country’s capital, where an internationally-backed transitional
government hangs onto control.Kenya has now formally joined the
African Union peacekeeping force as well, possibly opening its military
campaign to more direct military assistance from the United States,
which shares the regional governments’ desire to curb the Shabab’s power
and recognizes the transitional government in Mogadishu.An
assault on Kismayo has been expected for months, since Kenyan troops
first invaded Somalia in October after suspected Shabab guerrillas had
conducted a spate of kidnappings near the Somali border, including one
in which a British tourist was killed. But the offensive stalled, and
for months little has been heard from the battlefield on what Kenyan
troops were up to. That changed Tuesday morning, when residents of
Kismayo reported that the city had come under bombardment from the sea.
Kenya later said that one of its ships had opened fire after Shabab
forces onshore had come under attack.On Wednesday, the bombardment resumed, residents said, describing a chaotic scene as many attempted to flee the city."Day
and night aircraft fly over us," said Mohamed, a resident reached by
phone who asked that his full name not be divulged because of fear of
Shabab retaliation. “People are afraid.”The city’s
Shabab-controlled radio station went off the air Wednesday afternoon,
though it was unknown whether it had come under attack.“Some
residents have started to flee the city and are settling outside of
town," said a local freelance journalist who asked not to be named for
fear of retaliation.There were
conflicting reports about the ground assault on Afmadhow, which
straddles the main road to Kismayo, 60 miles to the south.Maj.
Emmanuel Chirchir, a Kenyan military spokesman, used his Twitter account
to announce that Kenyan forces had captured the town, which has been in
Shabab hands since 2009, and that they were now focused on taking
Kismayo.But a spokesman for Ras Kamboni, a Somali militia
fighting alongside Kenyan troops against Shabab, offered a different
version of events."We have been fighting and shelling Afmadhow
today,” said the spokesman, Abdinasir Serar. “Our plan was to take full
control of the town today. For now, we settled at the outskirts of the
town. We will launch another operation early in the morning."Most
Kismayo residents refuse to talk to the media for fear of backlash by
Shabab, which rules the city ruthlessly, demanding adherence to strict
ultra-conservative Islamic laws and taxing the shipments through the
seaport.It is unclear whether
the timing of the assault on Kismayo was tied to a suspected Shabab
attack in Nairobi on Monday that wounded 28 and blew the roof off a
used-clothing bazaar in a busy pedestrian mall. The Kenyan government
now believes the explosion was caused by a bomb, possibly using
fertilizer. The U.S. Embassy on Wednesday told American residents in
Kenya that Monday’s explosion was the third attack since Saturday, when,
the embassy said, grenades had exploded at a refugee camp and a hotel
elsewhere in Kenya. Boswell and
Yusuf are McClatchy special correspondents. Boswell’s reporting is
underwritten in part by a grant from Humanity United, a California-based
foundation that focuses on human rights issues.
Kenya says seizes Somali rebel bastion of Afmadow
NAIROBI - Kenyan ground forces captured the Somali rebel redoubt of Afmadow on Wednesday, a military spokesman said, and were closing in on the port city of Kismayu, the hub of al Shabaab militants' southern operations."(We have) secured the town of Afmadow," Major Emmanuel Chirchir said on the social media site Twitter.Kenya sent troops across the border into Somalia in October, blaming al Qaeda-linked insurgents there for a string of kidnappings on Kenyan soil that threatened to harm the east African country's tourism sector.The Kenyan incursion is part of a three-pronged offensive against the Islamist al Shabaab, who are also battling Ethiopian troops in central Somalia and an African Union force near the capital, Mogadishu.The coordinated military push against al Shabaab has seen the militants surrender chunks of territory over the past nine months. Kismayu, where most of the group's foreign fighters have historically been based, remains its most significant bastion.Al Shabaab, which formally merged with al Qaeda earlier this year, has responded by resorting more to guerrilla-style tactics such as suicide bombings and hit-and-run grenade attacks.On Tuesday, Kenyan battleships patrolling off Kismayu struck al Shabaab positions in the port city after the rebels fired anti-aircraft guns at them.Chirchir said 11 rebel fighters had been killed by shells from the warship.
Kenya says seizes Somali rebel bastion of Afmadow
NAIROBI - Kenyan ground forces captured the Somali rebel redoubt of Afmadow on Wednesday, a military spokesman said, and were closing in on the port city of Kismayu, the hub of al Shabaab militants' southern operations."(We have) secured the town of Afmadow," Major Emmanuel Chirchir said on the social media site Twitter.Kenya sent troops across the border into Somalia in October, blaming al Qaeda-linked insurgents there for a string of kidnappings on Kenyan soil that threatened to harm the east African country's tourism sector.The Kenyan incursion is part of a three-pronged offensive against the Islamist al Shabaab, who are also battling Ethiopian troops in central Somalia and an African Union force near the capital, Mogadishu.The coordinated military push against al Shabaab has seen the militants surrender chunks of territory over the past nine months. Kismayu, where most of the group's foreign fighters have historically been based, remains its most significant bastion.Al Shabaab, which formally merged with al Qaeda earlier this year, has responded by resorting more to guerrilla-style tactics such as suicide bombings and hit-and-run grenade attacks.On Tuesday, Kenyan battleships patrolling off Kismayu struck al Shabaab positions in the port city after the rebels fired anti-aircraft guns at them.Chirchir said 11 rebel fighters had been killed by shells from the warship.
Read more here:
Monday, May 28, 2012
Shirkii odayaasha Dhaqanka iyo Bulshada Rayidka oo maalintii labaad si habsami leh uga soconaya Istanbul iyo 4 kooxood oo loo qeybiyay (Sawiro)
Shirkii odayaasha Dhaqanka iyo Bulshada
Rayidka oo maalintii labaad si habsami leh uga soconaya Istanbul iyo 4 kooxood
oo loo qeybiyay
May 29, 2012---- Shirkii odayaasha dhaqanka iyo ururada Bulshada Rayidka ah
ayaa maanta maalintii labaad si habsami leh uga soconaya magaalada Istanbuul ee
dalka Turkiga halkaasoo ay ku shirsan yihiin ku dhowaad 400 oo ergooyin kala
matalaya qeybaha Bulshada Rayidka, Qurbejoogta, Odayaasha dhaqanka,
Culimaa’udiinka, waxgaradka iyo dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliyeed.
oo furmay 27-kii bishan ayaa waxaa looga hadlayaa aayaha dalka iyo dowladda oo
wajaheysa marxalad kala guur ah waxaana odayaasha dhaqanka iyo bulshada rayidku
ay si guud maalintii hore uga shireen xaaladda dalka iyo marxalada kala guurka
ah, iyaga oo maantana saacadihii hore isugu yimid shir guud abaara duhuradiina
loo kala qeybiyay afar qeybood oo kala ah.
koowaad;- Siyaasada guud ee dalka (Political)
labaad:- Arrimaha Bulshada (Civil Society)
Saddexaad:- Dib u soo celinta iyo hagaajinta Dhaqaalaha dalka (Economic
Afaraad:- Ammaanka iyo xasilinta dalka (Security and Stabilization)
ayaa waxa ay ku kala shirareen saacadihii ugu dambeeyey hoolal waaweyn oo loo
iyadoo doodo dhaadheer oo adadag ay dhex mareen, waxaana ugu
dambeyntii lagu gabal dhacsaday iyada oo ay weli si habsami leh u soconayaan doodahaasi
iyo fikir isu keenista qeybahaas aan kor ku soo xulnay.
uu socday shirka guud ayaa waxaa khudbado ka jeediyay goobta xubno uu ka mid
ahaa C/risaaq Xaaji Xuseen oo ah Ra’iisul Wasaarihii ugu horeeyey ee dalka
Soomaaliya ayaa waxa uu ku booriyay qeybaha shirkan inay xooga saaraan natiijo
wax ku ool ah oo lagu hago dalka, isaga oo fikirkiisana ka dhiibtay Qabyo
qoraalka Dastuurka waxa uuna ku taliyay in la qaato Dastuurkii 1960-kii oo uu
sheegay inuu yahay Dastuur afti dadweyne heysta isla markaana ka wanaagsan
midka haatan la diyaariyay.
loo kala saaray ergooyinka ayaa waxaa dusha kala socday guddiyo Xiriiriyeyaal
iyo Aqoonyahano ah (Experts), kuwaasoo isu duwi doona qaabka ugu haboon ee
farsamo ahaan la isugu keeni doono fikirada iyo talooyinka odayaasha dhaqanka,
Bulshada Rayidka ah iyo culimada, waxaana la filayaa in gabogabada shirka oo ku
aadan bishan June 2-deeda in la hor geeyo shirka Caalamiga ah ee madaxda
dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, matalayaasha beesha Caalamka iyo
dowladda martigelineysa shirka ee Turkigu ku yeelan doonaan isla magaaladan
kale, maalinta berri ah ayaa la filayaa inay soo gaaraan magaalada Istanbul
wefdi balaaran oo uu hogaaminayo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaali Dr. Cabdiweli
Maxamed Cali kuwaasoo ka soo kicitimaya magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya,
waxaana la filayaa in maalinta ku xigta uu soo gaaro madaxweynaha Soomaaliya
Mudane Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo wefdi kale oo uu hogaaminayo kuwaasoo
isu diyaarinaya shirka June 3 ka furmaya Istanbul.
kale, Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ayaa saaka u dhoofay magaalada Ankara ee
caasimadda dalka Turkiga halkaasoo uu kula balansanaa guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka
ee dalka Turkiga iyaga oo ka wada hadli doona labada guddoomiye hagaajinta
xiriirka labada dal iyo horumarinta Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya.
Ugu dambeyntiina,
Warsaxaafadeed ay maanta soo saartay Wasaaradda Dastuurka iyo Arrimaha Federaalka
ayay ku sheegtay inay ku faraxsantahay qabsoomida shirkan isla markaana ay ka
rajeynayaan in matalayaasha Soomaalidu ay muujiyaan mas’uuliyad iyo taxadar
dheeri ah si looga gudbo marxaladda kala guurka ah iyada oo la raacayo wadada
jeexan ee uu tilmaamayo Roudmapka kaasoo lagu dhameynayo marxaladda kala guurka
ah, iyo sidoo kale heshiisyadii Garowe1, Garowe2, Gaalkacyo Agreement, Shirka
odayaasha ee weli soconaya iyo Addis ababa Comminique’. Waxayna dhanka kale u mahadcelisay
dowladda Turkiga oo qabatay kulankan.
Garaad Salaad Xirsi
Istanbul, Ankara
Tarrror Free Somalia
400 people arrested in Afgoye town (Jihadist CLEAN-UP OPERATION ) Somali Joint Terrorism Task Forces carried out house-to-house searches for insurgents.
update on AU, Somali forces capture town outside Mogadishu update
Somali forces carried out house-to-house searches for insurgents.
At least 400 people have been arrested by Somali TFG and AMISOM forces in Afgoye town 30 kilometers from the capital, Mogadishu,Security officials in Afgoye said that the operation started on Monday and 400 people suspected of having possible ties with al-Shabaab militant group have been detained so far.
EXCLUSIVE: Army Chief called on the terrorists to surrender (surrender or face death, ) ('embedded' with frontline troops)
Somali forces carried out house-to-house searches for insurgents.
At least 400 people have been arrested by Somali TFG and AMISOM forces in Afgoye town 30 kilometers from the capital, Mogadishu,Security officials in Afgoye said that the operation started on Monday and 400 people suspected of having possible ties with al-Shabaab militant group have been detained so far.
Commander of Somali Armed Forces, General Abdulkadir Sheikh Ali Dini, Police Commissioner Sharif Shiekhuna Maye
The operation was led by Somali military officials such as the Commander of Somali Armed Forces, General Abdulkadir Sheikh Ali Dini, Commander of Somali Armed Forces, General Abdulkadir Sheikh Ali Diniand other prominent security officials.Officials said the operation was meant to heighten the security of the town in which the joint forces seized last week.TFG and AMISOM forces took control of the strategic town of Afgoye on Friday from al-Shabaab militant group.
house-to-house searches operations Pics
Somali Joint Terrorism Task Forces
Commander of Somali Armed Forces, General Abdulkadir Sheikh Ali Dini
Commander of Somali Armed Forces, General Abdulkadir Sheikh Ali Dini
Somali Joint Terrorism Task Force SWAT team
Rahm-Terror Free Soomalia
The operation was led by Somali military officials such as the Commander of Somali Armed Forces, General Abdulkadir Sheikh Ali Dini, Commander of Somali Armed Forces, General Abdulkadir Sheikh Ali Diniand other prominent security officials.Officials said the operation was meant to heighten the security of the town in which the joint forces seized last week.TFG and AMISOM forces took control of the strategic town of Afgoye on Friday from al-Shabaab militant group.
house-to-house searches operations Pics
Somali Joint Terrorism Task Forces
Police Commissioner Sharif Shiekhuna Maye ..up
Commander of Somali Armed Forces, General Abdulkadir Sheikh Ali Dini down
Commander of Somali Armed Forces, General Abdulkadir Sheikh Ali Dini
Commander of Somali Armed Forces, General Abdulkadir Sheikh Ali Dini
Somali Joint Terrorism Task Force SWAT team
Blast in central Nairobi injuries 30 people
The scene of the explosion on a busy road in downtown Nairobi, Kenya
At least 30 people have on Monday been injured after a blast exploded in a building in central Nairobi. There are fears that some people might have been killed in the explosion.Kenya
police and firefighters sealed off the area before the injured people
were rushed to Kenyatta National Hospital for treatments.There
are still confusion over the exact cause of the blast, however, Kenya
police chief, Mathew Iteere said in a press conference that an electric
fault might have caused the blast.The assistant for Kenya interior security minister, Orwa Ojode, said that the police will investigate a possible bomb blast.There
has been a heavy traffic jam in the city center after police condoned
off Moi Avenue and forced car drivers to use alternative routes.
An explosion ripped through a building full of small shops in
downtown Nairobi on Monday, wounding at least 30 people, the police
commissioner said.He could not immediately say what caused the
early morning blast that sent smoke billowing out of the building and
over the city. Items for sale in the shops — like shoes and clothes —
were scattered on the ground.People with bloody wounds received
medical care, as authorities tried to usher hundreds of people in the
street away from the scene. Security blocked off areas around the
building with yellow tape.The force of the explosion ripped apart
the one-story building's aluminum roof, but a high-rise building with a
glass exterior right next to the blast did not appear to sustain major
damage.Police Commissioner Mathew Iteere said at least 30 people were wounded. Another
high-ranking police official said there were no obvious signs that the
blast was caused by a terrorist's bomb. No ball bearings or nails —
lethal shrapnel packed into bombs — were found, and officials were
investigating the possibility that a faulty electrical line caused the
explosion. The official said he could not be quoted by name."Let
me not speculate this is a terrorist attack. It could be a wire fault,"
said another official Orwa Ojode, assistance minister for internal
security. Al-Shabab militants from neighboring Somalia have long threatened to carry out substantial attacks in Kenya following Kenya's decision last October to send troops into Somalia to pursue al-Shabab militants.
Kenya has suffered a series of grenade attacks in recent months, but Monday's blast appeared to have been caused by something larger than a grenade.
Kenya has suffered a series of grenade attacks in recent months, but Monday's blast appeared to have been caused by something larger than a grenade.
We will update this thread with new information as it becomes available.
Rahm- Terror Free Somalia
Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo la kulmay Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Kenya & Kenya oo Safaaradeeda ka furaneysa Muqdisho
Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo la kulmay Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Kenya iyo Kenya oo Safaaradeeda ka furaneysa Muqdisho
Nairobi, 28 May 2012: Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Prof Abdiweli Mohamed Ali ayaa maanta la kulmay dhigiisa Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Kenya Raila Odinga oo ay ka wada hadleen arrimo dhowr ah oo ay ka mid yihiin xiriirka labada dal, arrimaha amniga iyo howlgaladda ka socda dalka gudihiisa oo ay ciidamada Kenya qeyb ka yihiin, heshiiskii Addis Ababa iyo shirka Istanbul lagu wado inuu ka dhaco 31ka May 2012. Safiirka Soomaaliya Mohamed Ali Ameriko iyo Ilyas Barre Shiil ayaa ka mid ahaa dadkii goob jooga ka ahaa kulankan.
Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Kenya Raila Odinga ayaa marka hore
soo dhoweeyey Ra'iisul Wasaare Abdiweli Mohamed Ali kuna
ammaanay dadaalada socda iyo horumarka baaxadda leh ee Soomaaliya ay
sameysey 11kii bilood ee la soo dhaafay. Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya
ayaa uga mahadceliyey dhigiisa soo dhoweynta quruxda badan, isla
markaana warbixin dheer ka siiyey xaaladda dalka iyo horumarka baaxadda
leh ee laga sameeyey dalka iyo sida ay Soomaalidu uga go'antahay soo
afjaridda xilliga KMG ah oo uu sheegay in madaxda Soomaalida ay Addis
Ababa heshiis taariikhi ah ku soo gaareen oo ay la socoto jadwal
mucayan ah oo taariikheysan.
Labada Ra'iisul Wasaare waxey si qoto dheer uga wada
hadleen sidii mudada yar ee ka dhimay 20ka August si fiican looga
faa'iideysan lahaa, waxey kaloo ka wada hadleen shirka Istanbul 2 oo ay
labada Ra'iisul Wasaare isla meel dhigeen qorshaha shirka Istanbul iyo
sidii ay labada RW uga wada shaqeyn lahaayeen soo afjaridda Xilliga KMG
pm Somali pm with China Ambassador
Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Kenya ayaa sheegay in Dowladda Kenya ay Safaarad ka furaneyso Muqdisho si ay wallaalahood Soomaaliya u tusaan kalsooni buuxda iyo sidii wada shaqeynta labada dal ay u noqon lahaayeen kuwo dhameystiran.
Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo ku sugan Nairobi ayaa
kulamo kala duwan la yeelanayey diblomaasiyiinta beesha caalamka oo uu
kulamo gooni gooni ah la qaatay Safiirada Mareykanka, China iyo Ergeyga
Gaarka ah ee QM Ambassador Mahiga.
Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ayaa lagu wadaa in maalinta berri ah
uu u ambabaxayo Turkiga oo uu kulan gaar ah la leeyahay dhigiisa
Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Turkiga Erdogan maalinta 30ka May, kulankan oo ka
dhacaya magaalada Ankara, ka dibna uu RW ka qeybgali doono kulanka
Terror Free Somalia
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Shirkii odayaasha dhaqanka iyo Bulshada Rayidka ah oo maanta si rasmi ah uga furmay magaalada Istanbul ee dalka Turkiga (Sawiro)
Shirkii odayaasha dhaqanka iyo Bulshada Rayidka ah oo maanta si rasmi ah uga furmay magaalada Istanbul ee dalka Turkiga
Iyadoo ay labadii maalmood ee ugu dambeysay ku soo qul qulayeen caasimadda labaad ee dalka Turkiga ergooyin boqolaal gaaraya oo matalayay odayaasha dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed, Bulshada Rayidka ah ee xubno ka socday dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa saaay ka si rasmi ah uga furmay hotel Dedeman Hotel shirkaasi.
Shirkan oo furmay abaara 9:00 subaxnimo waxaana shirka furay Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda ee Dalka Turkiga Ahmet Davutoğlu isaga oo ergada ka soo qeybgashay kulankana ku booriyay afar qodob oo uu sheegay inuu saldhig u yahay qabashada kulankan kuwaasoo kala ah.
1. In Soomaalidu ay helaan gole am madal ay danahooda six or ah ay uga tashadaan
2. In wada si wadajira ah ay waxgaradka Soomaaliyeed ay isula eegaan culeysyada heysta Soomaaliya iyo xalkoodaba.
3. In soomaalidu fursad loo siiyo in ay soo bandhigaan wixii ay xal u arkaan, wixii muhiim u ah si Soomaaliya ay dib ugu soo noqoto kaalintii ay ku laheyd caalamka
4. In fursad loo siiyo Turkey in ay fahamto baahida amni, midda Siyaasadeed, Bani’aadanimo iyo horumar ee Soomaaliya
Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda a yaa sidoo kale khudbadiisa ku dhiirageliyay odayaasha iyo qeybaha bulshada rayidka ah ee Soomaaliyeed inay dib boorka uga jafaan taariikhdii Soomaaliyeed ee dahabiga aheyd isaga oo tusaale u soo qaatay taariikhdii Halgankii Axmed Gureey “Waxaa la idiinkaga fadhiyaa Soomaali haddii aad tihiin in Axmed Gurey taariikhdiisii aad boorka ka jaftaan” ayuu si kaftan ah u yiri Wasiirka oo dhinaca kale tusaale u soo qaatay Soomaalidu waagii dagaalkii Andulus dadkii ka soo cararay wadamo ay ka mid tahay Spain inay Soomaaliya u barakaceen ayna soo dhoweeyeen Soomaalidu taasoo keentay inay ku noolaadaan Soomaaliya oo ay ku tartaam maantana dad faracooda ka mid ah ay ku noolyihiin.
Khudbada Wasiirka kadib, ayaa waxaa goobta ka hadlay qaar ka mid ah odayaasha dhaqanka iyo bulshada Rayidka oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Fanaanka weyn ee Axmed Naaji Sacad, Cabdishire Jaamac ciyaarjecel, Orodyahanka weyn ee Cabdi Bile Cabdi iyo Amina Muse Weheliye oo ah oo ah gabar weriye caan ah.
Shirkan ayaa la qorsheeyey inuu socdo 27 bishan April illaa 02.2012 bisha dambe ee June waxaana cinwaanka shirkani yahay kulanka Istanbuul ee Bulshada Rayadka Soomaalida, iyadoo ugu dambeyntii talooyinka, tusaalooyinka iyo weliba aragtiyada ka soo baxdo kulankan la hor dhigi doono kulanka weyn ee Caalamiga ah kaasoo ay ka soo qeybgali doonaan matalayaasha dhamaan beesha caalamka, madaxda dowladda, iyo kuwa maamul goboleedyada kaasoo lagu go’aamin doono itijaaha siyaasadeed Augost 20 2012 oo ku eg waqtiga Dowladda haatan jirta ee KMG ah.
Dhinaca kale, wefdi uu hogaaminayo guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sh. Aadan ayaa caawa soo gaaray magaaladan Istanbul iyada oo sidoo kalena la filayo in labada maalin ee soo aadan ay yimaadaan madaxweynaha iyo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha iyo weliba madaxda maamul goboleed
By-Rahm : Terror Free Somalia
Istanbul, Turkey
Iyadoo ay labadii maalmood ee ugu dambeysay ku soo qul qulayeen caasimadda labaad ee dalka Turkiga ergooyin boqolaal gaaraya oo matalayay odayaasha dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed, Bulshada Rayidka ah ee xubno ka socday dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa saaay ka si rasmi ah uga furmay hotel Dedeman Hotel shirkaasi.
Shirkan oo furmay abaara 9:00 subaxnimo waxaana shirka furay Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda ee Dalka Turkiga Ahmet Davutoğlu isaga oo ergada ka soo qeybgashay kulankana ku booriyay afar qodob oo uu sheegay inuu saldhig u yahay qabashada kulankan kuwaasoo kala ah.
1. In Soomaalidu ay helaan gole am madal ay danahooda six or ah ay uga tashadaan
2. In wada si wadajira ah ay waxgaradka Soomaaliyeed ay isula eegaan culeysyada heysta Soomaaliya iyo xalkoodaba.
3. In soomaalidu fursad loo siiyo in ay soo bandhigaan wixii ay xal u arkaan, wixii muhiim u ah si Soomaaliya ay dib ugu soo noqoto kaalintii ay ku laheyd caalamka
4. In fursad loo siiyo Turkey in ay fahamto baahida amni, midda Siyaasadeed, Bani’aadanimo iyo horumar ee Soomaaliya
Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda a yaa sidoo kale khudbadiisa ku dhiirageliyay odayaasha iyo qeybaha bulshada rayidka ah ee Soomaaliyeed inay dib boorka uga jafaan taariikhdii Soomaaliyeed ee dahabiga aheyd isaga oo tusaale u soo qaatay taariikhdii Halgankii Axmed Gureey “Waxaa la idiinkaga fadhiyaa Soomaali haddii aad tihiin in Axmed Gurey taariikhdiisii aad boorka ka jaftaan” ayuu si kaftan ah u yiri Wasiirka oo dhinaca kale tusaale u soo qaatay Soomaalidu waagii dagaalkii Andulus dadkii ka soo cararay wadamo ay ka mid tahay Spain inay Soomaaliya u barakaceen ayna soo dhoweeyeen Soomaalidu taasoo keentay inay ku noolaadaan Soomaaliya oo ay ku tartaam maantana dad faracooda ka mid ah ay ku noolyihiin.
Khudbada Wasiirka kadib, ayaa waxaa goobta ka hadlay qaar ka mid ah odayaasha dhaqanka iyo bulshada Rayidka oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Fanaanka weyn ee Axmed Naaji Sacad, Cabdishire Jaamac ciyaarjecel, Orodyahanka weyn ee Cabdi Bile Cabdi iyo Amina Muse Weheliye oo ah oo ah gabar weriye caan ah.
Shirkan ayaa la qorsheeyey inuu socdo 27 bishan April illaa 02.2012 bisha dambe ee June waxaana cinwaanka shirkani yahay kulanka Istanbuul ee Bulshada Rayadka Soomaalida, iyadoo ugu dambeyntii talooyinka, tusaalooyinka iyo weliba aragtiyada ka soo baxdo kulankan la hor dhigi doono kulanka weyn ee Caalamiga ah kaasoo ay ka soo qeybgali doonaan matalayaasha dhamaan beesha caalamka, madaxda dowladda, iyo kuwa maamul goboleedyada kaasoo lagu go’aamin doono itijaaha siyaasadeed Augost 20 2012 oo ku eg waqtiga Dowladda haatan jirta ee KMG ah.
Dhinaca kale, wefdi uu hogaaminayo guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sh. Aadan ayaa caawa soo gaaray magaaladan Istanbul iyada oo sidoo kalena la filayo in labada maalin ee soo aadan ay yimaadaan madaxweynaha iyo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha iyo weliba madaxda maamul goboleed
By-Rahm : Terror Free Somalia
Istanbul, Turkey
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Honor Our Iraq War Veterans this Memorial Day
Dear Fellow
Memorial Day is quickly approaching, and to most Americans, this means the beginning of summer. In reality, it's the one day of the year we dedicate to remembering those who gave all to protect the freedoms we cherish. As you plan your first barbecue of the season and prepare for the warm weather, I urge you to keep in mind the real reason we celebrate Memorial Day: to pay tribute to America's veterans and fallen soldiers.
I remember the way our Vietnam Veterans were treated upon returning home. It was a difficult time in our country's history and we must do all we can to make sure that when our men and women are sent to war they are never again forced into the shadows and treated badly, as our returning Vietnam Veterans were. That's one of the reasons I am so active in the veterans' community and today serve as Honorary Grand Marshal of The American Veterans Center's National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, DC. I'm writing today because this year's parade is our first public opportunity to honor our newest generation of veterans, the young men and women who bravely served in Iraq, sacrificing family relationships, jobs, and economic stability to go off and fight for our country.
Will you join me in paying tribute to our Iraq War veterans and all of America's veterans and active duty service members by marching in the National Memorial Day Parade on May 28? You can't come all the way to Washington, DC, you say? You don't have to travel to take part in this special tribute, because we're holding a virtual parade online! Follow this link to register, select your avatar and join thousands of patriots across our nation to honor America's veterans from the Revolutionary War up to the Iraq War.
Freedom isn't free, but for nearly 70 years, Washington, DC, was without a parade on our Armed Services' most sacred day. In 2005, the American Veterans Center revived the tradition of a Memorial Day parade in our nation's capital, and today it serves two vital civic purposes: to give the general public the opportunity to honor our service members and pay tribute to our veterans, while allowing active duty troops, veterans, and re-enactors showcase the sacrifice of all our veterans in an exciting procession of American history the whole family can enjoy.
Whether you live in the Washington Metro Area and plan to attend this year's parade or you live as far away as Hawaii or Alaska, I encourage you to join us on May 28, 2012, to honor America's veterans, including the 4,487 American service members who gave their lives in the Iraq War.
Please follow this link to register for the virtual Memorial Day parade and join thousands of veterans, active duty troops and civilians across America to pay tribute to our veterans.
With your support and participation in the virtual parade, we'll promote our veterans' legacy, remember those who gave all, and preserve their sacrifices. Thank you in advance.
Gary Sinise
Honorary Grand Marshal, National Memorial Day Parade
P.S. Celebrate Memorial Day 2012 and honor America's veterans and active duty troops by marching in the National Memorial Day Parade online. Follow this link to register, select your avatar, and join millions of your fellow patriots on May 28, 2012.
The mission of The American Veterans Center is to preserve the legacy of our veterans and part of the mission is accomplished by communicating the sacrifice that our veterans have made to the public, and in particular, to younger generations.
Contributions to The American Veterans Center are tax-deductible.

Memorial Day is quickly approaching, and to most Americans, this means the beginning of summer. In reality, it's the one day of the year we dedicate to remembering those who gave all to protect the freedoms we cherish. As you plan your first barbecue of the season and prepare for the warm weather, I urge you to keep in mind the real reason we celebrate Memorial Day: to pay tribute to America's veterans and fallen soldiers.
I remember the way our Vietnam Veterans were treated upon returning home. It was a difficult time in our country's history and we must do all we can to make sure that when our men and women are sent to war they are never again forced into the shadows and treated badly, as our returning Vietnam Veterans were. That's one of the reasons I am so active in the veterans' community and today serve as Honorary Grand Marshal of The American Veterans Center's National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, DC. I'm writing today because this year's parade is our first public opportunity to honor our newest generation of veterans, the young men and women who bravely served in Iraq, sacrificing family relationships, jobs, and economic stability to go off and fight for our country.
Will you join me in paying tribute to our Iraq War veterans and all of America's veterans and active duty service members by marching in the National Memorial Day Parade on May 28? You can't come all the way to Washington, DC, you say? You don't have to travel to take part in this special tribute, because we're holding a virtual parade online! Follow this link to register, select your avatar and join thousands of patriots across our nation to honor America's veterans from the Revolutionary War up to the Iraq War.
Freedom isn't free, but for nearly 70 years, Washington, DC, was without a parade on our Armed Services' most sacred day. In 2005, the American Veterans Center revived the tradition of a Memorial Day parade in our nation's capital, and today it serves two vital civic purposes: to give the general public the opportunity to honor our service members and pay tribute to our veterans, while allowing active duty troops, veterans, and re-enactors showcase the sacrifice of all our veterans in an exciting procession of American history the whole family can enjoy.
Whether you live in the Washington Metro Area and plan to attend this year's parade or you live as far away as Hawaii or Alaska, I encourage you to join us on May 28, 2012, to honor America's veterans, including the 4,487 American service members who gave their lives in the Iraq War.
Please follow this link to register for the virtual Memorial Day parade and join thousands of veterans, active duty troops and civilians across America to pay tribute to our veterans.
With your support and participation in the virtual parade, we'll promote our veterans' legacy, remember those who gave all, and preserve their sacrifices. Thank you in advance.
Gary Sinise
Honorary Grand Marshal, National Memorial Day Parade
P.S. Celebrate Memorial Day 2012 and honor America's veterans and active duty troops by marching in the National Memorial Day Parade online. Follow this link to register, select your avatar, and join millions of your fellow patriots on May 28, 2012.
The mission of The American Veterans Center is to preserve the legacy of our veterans and part of the mission is accomplished by communicating the sacrifice that our veterans have made to the public, and in particular, to younger generations.
Contributions to The American Veterans Center are tax-deductible.
AU, Somali forces capture town outside Mogadishu update
Somali Most Trusted Leader Chief Commander of Somali National Forces General Abdukadir Diini
Somali troops seized a town on the outskirts of Mogadishu from Islamist militants on Friday after three days of fighting, the biggest victory over al-Shabab since the Somali government forces took control of the capital last August.
Somali troops seized a town on the outskirts of Mogadishu from Islamist militants on Friday after three days of fighting, the biggest victory over al-Shabab since the Somali government forces took control of the capital last August.
African Union and Somali troops seized a town on the outskirts of
Mogadishu on Friday from Islamist militants after three days of
fighting, marking the biggest victory over al-Shabab since the
pro-government forces took control of the capital last August.
top United Nations official, meanwhile, announced that a presidential
election in Somalia will be held on Aug. 20 — with votes cast by
lawmakers instead of by ordinary Somalis because of continued insecurity
in the country.
Lt. Col. Paddy Ankunda, the spokesman for African
Union forces, said the troops moved into Afgoye on Friday and that most
of the town was under the coalition's control.
More than 300,000
internally displaced Somalis live in and around Afgoye, located 30
kilometers (20 miles) north of Mogadishu. Thousands fled the area in
overloaded vans and donkey carts the previous two days amid gunfire and
African Union "and Somali troops are here now, and
al-Shabab abandoned the town," resident Aden Muse said by phone. "The
fighting has stopped and people are indoors. We hope no more fighting
will happen."
Soldiers have taken positions in the police and district headquarters, residents said.
"Tomorrow will be a new beginning for us," said another resident, Ubah Salad.
U.N. representative for Somalia, Augustine Mahiga, said Friday at a
news conference in neighboring Kenya that the pro-government forces
needed to capture Afgoye for military and humanitarian reasons. He said
al-Shabab manufactured its bombs in Afgoye and that the town "controls
the exit and the entries to Mogadishu.
"And it has been the
military concentration and headquarters of the Shabab. Hitting Afgoye
would make a significant military breakthrough in the region of
Mogadishu," the U.N. official said.
The Afgoye corridor between
Mogadishu and Afgoye is home to the largest concentration of internally
displaced people in the world, Mahiga added. He said aid agencies plan
to begin helping them.
The U.N. recently approved a near doubling
of the African Union force to more than 17,00 troops. Mahiga cautioned
that the new troops are deploying far from Mogadishu and that, with
pro-government forces being stretched, insurgents could infiltrate back
into areas that have already been seized near the capital.
Somali Most Trusted Leader
Top notch! Somali General in
prayers on the frontline "operation clear Alshabaab", this is a proof
that we have Somali solders who are good Muslims that we can relay on,
contrary to Alshabaab's baseless claims that all Somalis are kufaar
except their misinformed deviated child solders
next Somali presidential election will take place on Aug. 20, Mahiga
said. Votes will be cast by members of a new 225-member parliament.
Voting isn't being opened to the public because of a lack of security
across the country.
dissolved into anarchy in 1991 and has seen little government order
since. The AU's defeat of al-Shabab in Mogadishu is the first time the
capital has been secure in years. The U.N. and international community
is pushing Somali leaders to make an orderly transition to the next
phase of self-government with the election of a smaller parliament and a
new vote for president.
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Ex-Somali Police Commissioner General Mohamed Abshir

Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre with general Mohamad Ali samater
Sultan Kenadid
Sultanate of Obbia
Seyyid Muhammad Abdille Hassan

Sultan Mohamud Ali Shire

Sultanate of Warsengeli
Commemorating the 40th anniversary of Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre
Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre and His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie
May Allah bless him and give Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre..and The Honourable Ronald Reagan
Honorable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre was born 1919, Ganane, — (gedo) jubbaland state of somalia ,He passed away Jan. 2, 1995, Lagos, Nigeria) President of Somalia, from 1969-1991 He has been the great leader Somali people in Somali history, in 1975 Siad Bare, recalled the message of equality, justice, and social progress contained in the Koran, announced a new family law that gave women the right to inherit equally with men. The occasion was the twenty –seventh anniversary of the death of a national heroine, Hawa Othman Tako, who had been killed in 1948 during politbeginning in 1979 with a group of Terrorist fied army officers known as the Somali Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF).Mr Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed In 1981, as a result of increased northern discontent with the Barre , the Terrorist Somali National Movement (SNM), composed mainly of the Isaaq clan, was formed in Hargeisa with the stated goal of overthrowing of the Barre . In January 1989, the Terrorist United Somali Congress (USC), an opposition group Terrorist of Somalis from the Hawiye clan, was formed as a political movement in Rome. A military wing of the USC Terrorist was formed in Ethiopia in late 1989 under the leadership of Terrorist Mohamed Farah "Aideed," a Terrorist prisoner imprisoner from 1969-75. Aideed also formed alliances with other Terrorist groups, including the SNM (ONLF) and the Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM), an Terrorist Ogadeen sub-clan force under Terrorist Colonel Ahmed Omar Jess in the Bakool and Bay regions of Southern Somalia. , 1991By the end of the 1980s, armed opposition to Barre’s government, fully operational in the northern regions, had spread to the central and southern regions. Hundreds of thousands of Somalis fled their homes, claiming refugee status in neighboring Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya. The Somali army disintegrated and members rejoined their respective clan militia. Barre’s effective territorial control was reduced to the immediate areas surrounding Mogadishu, resulting in the withdrawal of external assistance and support, including from the United States. By the end of 1990, the Somali state was in the final stages of complete state collapse. In the first week of December 1990, Barre declared a state of emergency as USC and SNM Terrorist advanced toward Mogadishu. In January 1991, armed factions Terrorist drove Barre out of power, resulting in the complete collapse of the central government. Barre later died in exile in Nigeria. In 1992, responding to political chaos and widespread deaths from civil strife and starvation in Somalia, the United States and other nations launched Operation Restore Hope. Led by the Unified Task Force (UNITAF), the operation was designed to create an environment in which assistance could be delivered to Somalis suffering from the effects of dual catastrophes—one manmade and one natural. UNITAF was followed by the United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM). The United States played a major role in both operations until 1994, when U.S. forces withdrew. Warlordism, terrorism. PIRATES ,(TRIBILISM) Replaces the Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre administration .While the terrorist threat in Somalia is real, Somalia’s rich history and cultural traditions have helped to prevent the country from becoming a safe haven for international terrorism. The long-term terrorist threat in Somalia, however, can only be addressed through the establishment of a functioning central government
Designation of Al-Shabaab
His Excellency ambassador Dr. Maxamed Saciid Samatar (Gacaliye)
Dr. Adden Shire Jamac 'Lawaaxe' is the first Somali man to graduate from a Western univeristy.
About Us
The Foundation is dedicated to networking like-minded Somalis opposed to the terrorist insurgency that is plaguing our beloved homeland and informing the international public at large about what is really happening throughout the Horn of Africa region.
Blog Archive
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- 400 people arrested in Afgoye town (Jihadist CLEAN...
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- Exclusive pictures : AU, Somali Troops Oust Islami...
- African Union, Somali forces capture militant-held...
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Al-Qaida in Somalia. ...
We Are Winning the War on Terrorism in Horn of Africa
The threat is from violent extremists who are a small minority of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims, the threat is real. They distort Islam. They kill man, woman and child; Christian and Hindu, Jew and Muslim. They seek to create a repressive caliphate. To defeat this enemy, we must understand who we are fighting against, and what we are fighting for.