The UN announced what everyone already knew, that there were two major pirate operations in Somalia. One operats from five fishing villages in the north (Puntland), and parks most of its captured ships off the village of Eyl. The other group operates on the east coast, in the town of Xarardheere. The east coast group also operates in the Gulf of Aden.
Battles between al Shabaab and government gunmen in the south have caused several thousand civilians to flee, and left over a hundred fighters dead or wounded. Most go to other parts of Somalia, but an increasing number are going to Kenya, where a growing number of Somali refugees live in UN administered camps. The UN believes that Somalia has stabilized enough for a peacekeeping force to be useful. The economy is actually growing, thanks in part to about a billion dollars a year sent by expatriate Somalis. The $30-40 million in pirate ransoms is tiny compared to the remittances. There are also many parts of the country that have been relatively peaceful (mainly because local warlords know that peace is more prosperous that constant fighting and banditry).
The Islamic groups that now control the government, don't want peacekeepers, but do want the weapons ban lifted so that it's easier to import guns. The new government would also like to get more weapons donated by foreign nations. This is unlikely, as none of the foreign powers trusts the Somalis. At the same time, the Somalis are very hostile to foreign peacekeepers.
Uganda has sent a third battalion of troops to Mogadishu, and now has about 2,000 there. The Somali government is raising a force of 10,000 fighters to pacify the southern part of the country, and would like the UN, and other foreigners, to help with money and guns. In return, the Islamic clerics who run the government now, will keep al Qaeda out. Osama bin Laden recently released a recorded audio message backing al Shabaab against the more moderate Islamic Courts militias and the Islamic Scholars Association that now control the government (which has U.S. backing, something al Qaeda cannot tolerate...http://www.strategypage.com/qnd/somalia/articles/20090325.aspx
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