Hawiye al Shabab fundraisers should be brought to justice!
please stop sanitizing the terrorists!! what a POOR JOURNALISM!! all of them support al Qaida ideology!! we know those somali mosques fundraise money for al shabab. this has happened the last dozen years.whether the somalis left america to "liberate" the country from Ethiopia is ridiculous since the government of somalia invited Ethiopia in somalia. the big question is why are some non-Darod somalis saying that the TFG government by Darod clan was puppet government but the current TFG government by Hawiye clan is not puppet. WHAT A HYPOCRISY!!! this is the reason why Somalia will never have peace!!! these hawiye-somalis in minnesota left america because of their clannish racism against Darod-Somalis. the hawiyes wanted to suicide bomb our Darood clan people.I am very happy that FBI is now chasing your terrorist ass!! violence and suicide bombing never works!! Down with Hawiye!!!!!!EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first in a two-part series looking at the disappearance of Somali men from Minneapolis. Tomorrow’s will look at the Islamic movement in Somalia and the effect on the families here.
'Very Naive, clueless.... misguided...left-wing Apologists media newspaper of the University of Minnesota ...Jihad on the Campus
A mosque under fire
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