We appreciate President Obama for taking time out of the important debate going on in the US to meet with some of the GOOD African Democrats. Each leader President Obama met today are properly elected leader, and I am happy that he met with them. The problem I have is why is the Ste Department sleeping with Meles Zenawi, a man committing GENOCIDE against the Somalis in Ogaden through food aid blockade, since 2007. Why are we handling this double standard, do we not value Somalis? Do they have to be exterminated Somalis everywhere, those in Somalia proper and those in Ogaden for one terrible mishap in 1994??? also Inside somalia Obama did nothing, al Qaida affiliate al-Shabab Somali terrorist group , Al-Shabab prevents food aid from reaching 2.2 million Somalis, people being exterminated are kids and women and elderly, why stand with our arms folded and keeping quiet??? Once a very famous civil rights movement said, in the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends. At the moment we are the good people watching the crime taking place and saying nothing through our silence we are allowing the crime to happen. We have to hold ourselves to that standard, although that was said some fifty years ago, but we are unable to commit our goodwill even fifty years after those words
Somalia Famine: - Al Shabab Leadership or America’s State Department is to blame

Barbara Ehrenreich
The above quote from the renowned author and columnist is as true today as it was back then. The country is awash with soldiers and security operatives from both sides of the divide – CIA secret prisons, Al Qaeda operatives, TFG army, the Al Shabab islamist insurgents, explosives sniffer dogs, drones, pirates, AU troops and confused humanitarian agencies. This lethal cocktail of antagonistic forces, in the absence of a strong national government in place, is bound to generate humanitarian crises of epic proportion because of the simple fact that the battle ground isn’t an empty recreational space but at the heart of densely populated regions of a stateless country.
The U.N didn’t take lightly the decision to evacuate their staff and suspend the food aid programme for about a million people in Southern Somalia in May 2010. Al Shabab militants, among the 48 aid workers killed over two years, is accused to have directly assassinated four of WFP staff, looted WFP offices and equipments, barred women aid workers from discharging their duties, demanded protection money and etc. In the face of such untenable requirements from the armed Islamists, the UN staff tried their best to resolve the anxiety through community level talks. The staff engaged village elders and other local notables to bridge the gap but the intransigent Al Shabab leadership bluntly refused to give security guarantees to aid workers on the grounds that the aid workers, in their paranoid mind, are spies and Christian missionaries in disguise.
U.S Policy on food aid needs to be responsive in emergency situations
Al Shabab’s misadventures and narrow mindedness attracted the wrath of the US government, the prime humanitarian food donor, after they went public in declaring that they are part of Al Qaida terrorist network. The U.S in line with its policy towards terrorism withheld half of its funding last year and demanded assurances from Mr. Mark Bowden, the UN’s Humanitarian co–ordinater based in Nairobi that supplies weren’t being diverted to Al shabab and other armed militants. This further complicated the already messy humanitarian situation in Somalia – only two- thirds of the 900 million dollar needed for Somalia was raised.

Mr. Bowden out of frustration said in February this year “the United States has asked U.N. agencies to enact impractical measures, which he said could further hinder aid delivery.” For much of the last ten months, Mr. Bowden was raising the issue of impending famine in Somalia at every venue to draw the world's attention to the plight of the captive people of Somalia.
It seems easier for the UN humanitarian coordinator to move mountains than to convince the US politicians to modify and rationalize their stance on humanitarian aid to the destitute and hungry nation that is facing a calamity of apocalyptic proportion. This tragedy is the consequences of a two decade old misplaced U.S short –term policies towards Somalia, and not the U.N, which has brought Al Shabab and its likes to the forefront of the Somali Politics Watch the two discussions on Somali Famine is still the same as today despite all the misfortunes that settled in Southern Somali.
Definition of Famine
•More than 30% of children must be suffering from acute malnutrition
•Two adults or four children must be dying of hunger each day for every group of 10,000 people
•The population must have access to far below 2,100 kilocalories of food per day
The US sanctions have prevented aid from reaching areas under Al Shabab control where 80% of the needy reside. Paradoxically U.S humanitarian and military aid was increased to less affected areas in Somalia and to AMISOM forces by supplying top of the range weaponry including shoulder launched drones and etc. AMISOM is repeatedly accused by Human Rights Organizations of indiscriminate shelling of residential areas of Mogadishu. Despite holding several Mogadishu districts for the weak TFG; AMISOM’s heavy handed tactics emptied civilians from Mogadishu and sustained the IDP camps in what is commonly termed as Afgoi humanitarian corridor. It seems AMISOM’s unchecked actions is pushing people to Alshabab areas as the safe haven of IDPs from Mogadishu is under control of the same Al Shabab AMISOM purports to fight. Having said so; the bottom line is if the $600 million requested by the coordinator is not forth coming and Al Shabab are not coerced to give full access to humanitarian workers then the alternative is one and only one – the spread of famine to the eight regions that lie in the south and central Somalia. Most of the humanitarian and development practitioners are in agreement that the dooms day is round the corner unless the U.S and Alshabab, stop politicizing this unfolding humanitarian catastrophe
Al Shabab are committing genocide by refusing food to Hungary people
To begin with; who should be considered Muslim? Mr. Mark Bowden who is fighting day and night to feed the famine stricken Somali people or Al Shabab who are refusing food to the people they claim to administer? I think this picture from Mr. Amin, the Somali political cartoonist, can serve as the judge and the jury.
Last week’s message from Al Shabab, a movement in leadership crisis, regarding lifting the ban of humanitarian aid workers was ambiguous at least in the Somali version and a thunderbolt to the students of Al Shabab. The proclamation wasn’t adopted unanimously by the leadership of the now factionalized group so it was premature in nature. The message in the Somali language read that Al Shabab are inviting all aid workers irrespective of their religious background to come to the assistance of the Somalis but at the end it emphasized that none should have an agenda that Al Shabab deems as undesirable. In essence Al Shabab wasn’t sincere to give free and open access to the humanitarian teams and to that end the US along with its European partners have to do whatever they can to open the roads to save the millions who are too weak to take the ardous journey to the boarders of Kenya and Ethiopia.
Listen to the speaker of the group denying the existence of famine and accusing the international community of encouraging people to cross the boarders in to the Christian countries of Kenya and Ethiopia. The Al shabab rebels can’t understand why the other 8.5 million in the region who are affected by the drought weren’t classified as famine areas too? The simple answer to this question is, unlike Al Shabab the governments of these "Christian" countries have been working with the UN early warning department and other donors and so made food aid available to the segments of their population that are considered food insecure in goodtime.
The speaker is emphasizing that the aim of the international community is to Christianize the Somali Muslims in the refugee camps of Kenya and Ethiopia. In Conclusion the speaker of the group clearly states that the previous ban on specific aid agencies is still in force. This week’s announcement is the outcome of a meeting the group had in Qoryooley and so can be taken as the final position of Al Shabab. Here is the full and unedited audio press release from Al Shabab on Friday Al Shababs keeps the ban on some aid agencies and disputes the UN declared famine
Conclusion and Recommendations: - No lull until the tide is reversed
“Across the country nearly half of the Somali population - 3.7 million people - are now in crisis, of whom an estimated 2.8 million people are in the south," said a statement by the UN Office for the co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs for Somalia.
In view of this situation, it is my humble opinion that Amb Johnnie Carson, the US assistant secretary of state for African Affairs should take the lead and break the ice. The immediate resources and the will of the humanitarian workers are there on the ground but the delivery to the needy people rests primarily on the US government and its allies. Most of the Somali people and aid workers were saddened by Mr. Carson's statement yesterday in which he said the US was assessing if they were seeing “real change” from Al Shabab or whether the group planned to impose some kind of “taxation “on aid deliveries.
This is an emergency situation which is nonpolitical and purely humanitarian in nature therefore the international community has to take swift action to address this harsh situation. Al Shabab made clear that eighteen agencies of which WFP, CARE, World Vision International, IMC, Somali Red Crescent, and etc can’t set foot in the territories they control then what the US government’s assessment is for other than ducking from its responsibility and letting Al Shabab get bolder by the hour – Today they already started stopping people from leaving the death trap.
The cheapest option is for the international community to funnel food aid through the Al Shabab approved agencies to alleviate and mitigate the depth of the famine and at the same time to empower the TFG to a level it can take the total responsibility of the security of the country.
Finally Al Shabab is on the creed to win all or to perish so they can’t be realistically expected to join the reconciliation process at all. In that case I believe the international community has only the weak TFG that is crying for empowerment on its side as Al Shabab preferred to travel on the road to nowhere.
Abdikarim H. Abdi Buh
Terror Free Somalia & WardheerNews,Political Analyst London UK
Terror Free Somalia & WardheerNews,Political Analyst London UK
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