we connect the dots
update on Secessionist Somaliland and Al Shabaab two faces of the Same Token (Al Shabaab Puzzle!)
update on Secessionist Somaliland and Al Shabaab two faces of the Same Token (Al Shabaab Puzzle!)
one-clan based entity that is trying to break-away from the Somali Republic and at the sametime is at war with other non-Isaaq Somalis in Northern Somalia that have rejected the idea of breaking away from Somalia. Lining up Isaaq clansmen and women and asking them to vote for the ever elusive 'recognition' does not make that entity a secular democracy.
the leadership of Al-Shabaab are from Somaliland (isaaq clan) who are using those postions they hold within Al-Shabaab to prolong the war in Somalia and to prevent any Somali central government from taking place in Mogadishu until Somaliland receives the ever elusive recognition.
These are obvious facts whether you like or not:
1. The suicide bombers who attack Somali civilians in Mogadishu daily all hail from Somaliland.
3. The second in Command of Al-Shabaab, Ibrahim Al-Afghani, hails from Somaliland.
4. The representative of Al-Shabaab in Burao is Sheekh Ali warsame hails from Somaliland and is a close relative of Axmed Mohamed Siilaanyo, the current president of Somaliland.
5. The biggest base of all terrorist activities in Somalia is Burao and Hargeisa, two main cities that are part of the entity that calls itself Somaliland.
6. The Dahabshiil company that finances the terrorist activities in all of Somalia has its headquarters in Hargeisa, Somaliland and its owners hail from Somaliland. They ensure that all of the finance activities of Ahmed Abdi Godane is managed by this company. They also ensure any viable money remittance that can challenge Dahabshiil's money remittance is blocked by Al-Shabaab leaders. This is the main reason why ZAAD services was baaned. The services provided by ZAAD was vast, reliable, and much cheaper than Dahabshiil.
7. The commander of the terrorist activities that was and still taking place in Galgala mountains, Siciid Atam, has his biggest base in Burao, Togdheer and he is financed by Somaliland intelligence.
8. Somaliland's terrorist activities and attacks against the Ayn region (capital Buuhoodle) is proof of the the terrorist nature of this entity that calls itself Somaliland.
9. Somaliland's current foreign minister Mohamed Abdillahi Omar has sent his son to join Al-Shabaab and to support Ahmed Abdi Godane, the leader of Al-Shabaab. The young son of Somaliland's foreign minister who has joined Al-Shabaab was qouted saying "his father encouraged him to support the activities of uncle Ahmed Abdi Godane". Keep in mind the young man did not say his father sent him to support Islam but to support "the activities of uncle Ahmed Abdi Godane".
10. Faisal Ali Waraabe, the leader of the UCID party in Hargeisa, Somaliland, has called for the war in Mogadishu should be increased twofold after he met Somaliland's president Ahmed Mohamed Siilaanyo on February 22, 2011. Here you have one of the leaders of that entity encouraging the war effort led by Ahmed Abdi Godane be increased.
11. The Minister of Religious Affairs in Somaliland, Sheekh Khaliil Cabdillaahi Axmed, regularly visits his son who is a top official within Al-shabaab movement in Southern Somalia and continues the encouragement for the war in Mogadishu to be continued. According to Somali media reports, this SL minister of religious affairs was in Baidoa, Bay region of Somalia visiting his son and was encouraging the war in Somalia be increased in twofold.
12. The president of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Siilaanyo, told a group of Isaaq delegates that he met recently in London, UK that the goal of Ahmed Abdi Godane is to deny the stability of any government in Mogadishu and also to make sure Al-Shabaab never passes beyond Dhuusamareeb . centeral somalia ..have you eve ask your self why ?
The spiritual leader of Somali Jehadest.Sheikh ali Warsame Fron town of Burco, which is about 300km from Hargeisa the capital of Tribal Entity one clan secessionist Somaliland
The world need to know who runs al shabab and why,most of the isaak clan support the terrorist because they think it will help them achieve there ultimate goal which is to create isaak clan state,the world must know that even secular isaak clan support the terrorist..yes even atheist isaak clan members have donated money and said publicly that "world must not interfere internal affairs of Somalis" but guys you forget to tell the supreme leader of somaliland shaikh warsame of burco ...yes the one who created the AL ITIHAD and committed terror crimes in ethiopia and puntland in 90s and in Mombasa Paradise hotel in 2002....Sheikh Warsame was the spiritual leader of the Al-ittihad that is similar to a mullah of Afghanistan or Ayatollah of Iran ,shaikh warsame has masterminded every single terror act that happen in somalia sense 1963 yet shaikh warsame was mentioned just few years ago in a UN rapport where he is accused for fund raising for al shabab and money laundering for al shabab where he used his saudi contacts to raise 285000 us dollars for al shabab ,that notorious terrorist is considered a HERO in the ISAAK CLAN ENCLAVE aka Somaliland ..and he was the ONE who spoke to people of burco the second largest city in somaliland and HE opened the Eid holiday there..and spoke like the way a KING speaks TO HIS SERVANT watch it

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