We don't have to accept the stoning of criminals. But it's time to stop treating all Islamists as potential terrorists.
Pakistan's Swat valley is quiet once again. Often compared to Switzerland for its stunning landscape of mountains and meadows, Swat became a war zone over the past two years as Taliban fighters waged fierce battles against Army troops. No longer, but only because the Pakistani government has agreed to some of the militants' key demands, chiefly that Islamic courts be established in the region. Fears abound that this means women's schools will be destroyed, movies will be banned and public beheadings will become a regular occurrence.
The militants are bad people and this is bad news. But the more difficult question is, what should we—the outside world—do about it? That we are utterly opposed to such people, and their ideas and practices, is obvious. But how exactly should we oppose them? In Pakistan and Afghanistan, we have done so in large measure by attacking them—directly with Western troops and Predator strikes, and indirectly in alliance with Pakistani and Afghan forces. Is the answer to pour in more of our troops, train more Afghan soldiers, ask that the Pakistani military deploy more battalions, and expand the Predator program to hit more of the bad guys? Perhaps—in some cases, emphatically yes—but I think it's also worth stepping back and trying to understand the phenomenon of Islamic radicalism...more..http://www.newsweek.com/id/187093?from=rss
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Somali talaban president bends to rebel demand for sharia law

Somalia talaban leader agrees to sharia law

Mr Ahmed, a former Islamist rebel leader who was elected President on January 31, said he had accepted proposals by local and religious leaders mediating between his Government and the hardliners."I met with religious leaders and elders and accepted their demand for ceasefire and reconciliation with the opposition members and I call on all opposition parties to halt the unnecessary violence," Mr Ahmed said. "The mediators asked me to introduce Islamic sharia in the country and I agreed."Hardline Shebab militia and other Islamist fighters have waged battles against the Government and its allies since and before Mr Ahmed came to power, vowing to fight until all foreign forces withdraw and sharia law is imposed.At least 30 people were killed this week in the bloodiest clashes since the President, a moderate Islamist, was elected.
African Union peacekeepers, who are constantly under attack from Islamist insurgents, are the only foreign troops left in the country after Ethiopian soldiers pulled out last month.
The proposal to introduce sharia law must still be ratified by Somalia's parliament.
Mr Ahmed became President following a United Nations-brokered reconciliation in Djibouti that aimed to try and bring some kind of stability to the Horn of Africa state after years of unrest
Somali talaban government, Islamic group agree to truce

Elders of Mogadishu's dominant clan, the Hawiye terrorist sympasizer hawiye Clan council , mediated between the government and the Islamic Party, one of two major insurgent groups in Somalia, said Somali President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed. He said the negotiators did not meet face-to-face.
"We hope all differences will be solved peacefully," Ahmed told journalists at a news conference at the presidential palace in Mogadishu. The president declined to give any other details about the truce.
Islamic Party spokesman Sheik Muse Abdi Arale said his group respects the elders and things are moving in the right direction but he declined to give more details.
"Elders are making efforts to end the hostilities in Mogadishu and the sides have accepted and welcomed our effort," Ahmed Diriye Ali, one of the mediators, told The Associated Press..more..http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2009/02/28/africa/AF-Somalia.php
Editor of a Somaliland Weekly Arrested in Hargeisa somalia

Several journalists in Hargeisa said that Mohamed Abdi Guled, better known as "Urad", was probably arrested as a result of the publication of an article on 24 February, exposing planned murder attempts against Somaliland's parliamentary deputies, leaders of opposition parties and traditional chiefs. "This arrest is illegal, since sepretist Somaliland media law lays down that the authorities can only arrest a journalist on the order of a court," the worldwide press freedom organisation said. "In these circumstances and knowing that no charge has brought against Mohamed Abdi Guled, he should logically be immediately released", the organisation said.
His fellow journalists also said that the incident, forcing Urad to spend the weekend in custody without going before a court, was aimed at "intimidating the entire journalist community of Somaliland" state of somalia. Reporters Without Borders defends imprisoned journalists and press freedom throughout the world. It has nine national sections (Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland
Related Stores from tribal enclave of sepretist Somaliland
Deported Somali Fears Deportation from Somalia
Somaliland vice president says unity with Somalia is inevitable
Huda Barkhad, Her Homosexual Friends, and the Rise of Islamic Terrorism in Pseudo-State Somaliland
Court revives lawsuit from tribal enclave of Somaliland against former Somali PM Mohamed Ali Samantar
Somalia: Somaliland and the Union of Islamic Courts’ peculiar relationship
The Somali people are not only in Somalia
NEW Al-Shabab jehadist Leader Abuu Zubeyr jehadist from Somaliland. Accusations And Sheikh AbdiRahman Janaqow Reply
Update on. money laundering.. Dahabshiil company , Terrorist Financing jehadist Mohammed Sulaymon Barre, a Somali detained at Guantanamo Bay,
Defeating Somali Pirates on Land: The Kenya Connection

For Somali pirates, 2008 was a bumper year. In more than 100 major documented attacks, pirates seized approximately 40 large commercial vessels in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden.
Several merchant ships and their crews are still being held in pirate enclaves, but others have been ransomed back to their owners for an average price of $1 million. In January, the owners of the MV Sirius Star, a brand-new tanker with a load of crude oil valued at $100 million, paid $3 million to secure the release of the tanker and her 25 crew members. And in early February, the owners of the MV Faina, laden with armored vehicles and other weapons, shelled out an estimated $3.2 million for the release of the ship and her crew. The United Nations estimates that pirates raked in around $20 million last year, this in a country where 25 cents can buy dinner.
The world's navies have mobilized in an attempt to defeat piracy at sea. Around two dozen warships from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, India, China, and other countries, organized in several distinct task forces, patrol the roughly million square miles of ocean where pirates are operating. In January, the U.S. Navy reorganized its own counter-piracy efforts, establishing a new combined task force, CTF-151, dedicated solely to combating pirates. And at press time, Turkey had committed to sending a frigate to the Gulf of Aden for that purpose. At-sea interception is the most obvious countermeasure for piracy and where the world has focused its resources.
Hitting Them Where They Live
But a permanent solution to the piracy problem requires "something happening on land," according to Martin Murphy, an analyst with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, in Washington, D.C. With Somalia's 18-year-old civil war still raging, some say even escalating, there is little hope of resolving the piracy crisis at its source. But pirate networks have another land-based weakness, one that's perhaps being neglected: in Kenya, where pirate chiefs base important parts of their operations. As long as Somalia itself remains inaccessible to law-enforcement efforts, Kenya is where the world must begin rolling back the land-based organizations that support pirates.
While small gangs of armed men riding in fast skiffs are the dramatic face of piracy, these men are just the foot soldiers of sophisticated criminal enterprises in which major infrastructure is land-based. The most successful pirates-those with the weapons and intelligence to pull off attacks on supertankers hundreds of miles from land-are employed by wealthy criminal bosses, many of them expatriates, and draw on information provided by paid sources inside key Kenyan maritime agencies.
"From what I can see, this has become a business," Abubaker Omar??? profiling apologist Abukar Arman ...said of pirates. Omar is the head of Kenya's large seafaring union, based in Mombasa, the country's major port. His constituents include thousands of seafarers, many of whom have had encounters with pirates during their careers, and some of whom have even been kidnapped by pirates and eventually freed.
Organized Crime
Omar described pirate networks as something akin to the West's mafia. Resources are concentrated in the hands of a few senior bosses, each employing "capos" commanding bands of low-ranking pirates. The capos, Omar said, are former Somali army soldiers from before the civil war, when Somali troops trained in the Soviet Union. The capos and their subordinates operate from pirate enclaves in northern Somalia, especially in the town of Eyl puntland .....more .http://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/story.asp?STORY_ID=1813.
Somali Taliban, Somali al Qaeda Agree to Get Along Somali prime minister meets with shabaab spiritual leader clerics ,

On the hand the cabinet ministers had their first meeting since the government relocated to Mogadishu. The meeting was a closed- doors one and it is not known what they have discussed.
But, Abdisalan Yusuf Guled an official from the office of Somalia’s prime minister said the cabinet ministers discussed the security situation of the country. The new Prime Minister and some of his cabinet relocated to the capital on Saturday.
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Somali Taliban, Somali al Qaeda Agree to Get Along
Al-Qaeda to Somalis: "Aim your arrows towards them [infidels, apostates, et al]...direct your battles against them and intensify your campaign against
Zawahiri praises Shabaab's takeover of southern Somalia
Islam in somalia
U.N. urges Somalis overseas to back peace process

"Please tell those wanting Somalia to remain a divided country at the bottom of the heap to stop and focus on the peace process, on themselves, on their families and people to whom they bring only misery," Ould-Abdallah said. More than 16,000 civilians have been killed in Somalia's two-year-old insurgency, 1 million have been driven from their homes, more than a third of the population depend on aid, and large parts of the capital lie empty and ruined by shellfire.
Al Shabaab gained support as one of many rebel groups fighting Ethiopian troops propping up the previous government. An Ethiopian withdrawal in January placated some Somalis, but al Shabaab has now turned its fire on the small AU peacekeeping mission, AMISOM, and Ahmed's new government.
Al Shabaab, which the United States has formally listed as a foreign terrorist organisation with close ties to al Qaeda, said on Saturday many youths had volunteered for suicide attacks on the 3,500-strong AU force of troops from Uganda and Burundi.
"We have many teenagers who are competing to be enlisted as suicide bombers. They are bravely ready to penetrate our enemy's weak defences," Shabaab said on its website http://www.kataaib.info/ somali terror Websit it’s back to business again Al Shabaab's Kataaib.net site pwned 4 weeks ago.we will Find out new! - Web Hosting .. we need your help ..to shut down" the shabaab website . Again . You Can't Read Article. more
New worry: Somali youth and Radical websites
FBI to Focus on Immigrant Outreach After U.S. Citizen Stages Suicide Bombing in Somalia
A wake up call for the people of jubbaland !
Dear my brothers and sisters
Since the so called Djibouti peace talks between the ARS and the TFG,i could not figure out or i could not convince my mind that a place where the sons of sade are considered as leftover i.e (Haraadi) would get justice? We need to understand one thing neither Ismail Omar Guelleh the life president of French resort of Djibouti nor the Madrasa teacher Ahmed would be happy to give you a fare share of your rights. How in earth can you forget that this very same Madara teacher was the one who said: “These are the (Haraadigii )leftover from (Siad Barre" during the days of the ICU? Would he ever be just to you? People of jubbaland , get up from your sleep, be united, liberate your people and instantly take responsibility over the future of your land and people. This is your chance to a very good morning wake up call, don’t waste it! Let as all go for world class conference in Gedo, elect a central committee to prepare and organize the system of the regional government of jubbaland States Plans for a new state . The central committee would then select and nominate legislative reps and after that the representatives to elect president and vice president and the elected president to form a government of that region build state police and judiciary, tresurery, audits and the regional army to protect us from the marauding hordes of our surroundings. The UN special envoy and his very empty suitcase can also have another peace of work to convince his superiors in New York that Jubbaland dialogues is paramount and emergency bursary is required but I have a peace of advice for Mr. Walad abdalla. We are not pimps and therefore if he wants to come and fill his suitcases also from us. You should never expect that. My brothers in blood and bone let us wakeup and hold hands together and build our rich regions. Then we will get the respect that no body is able to deny or even think to so. The Djibouti members of the TFG parliament must participate in the up coming meeting jubbaland which will be lead by our( Ugaas) tribal chief.
Wabilahi Tawfiq Mohamed Abdi Ali (barako)

Wabilahi Tawfiq Mohamed Abdi Ali (barako)
Terrorist ban commemoration of Prophet Muhammad

Sufi Clerics in Somalia Support Unity Government
Somali Sufi Islamists seize town from Alshabab
Sufism, or Tasawwuf as it is known in the Muslim world, is Islamic mysticism (Lings, Martin, What is Sufism?,
Can Sufi Islam counter the Taleban? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/7896943.stm
somali media

Problems in the VOA-Somali Service part one http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/01/problems_in_the_voasomali_serv.html
Hawiye Council Chairman 'Supports' Insurgent Attacks
terrorist sympasizer hawiye Clan council condems plea to extend mandate of Ethiopian mission
Somalia: Hawiye Council Chairman 'Supports' Insurgent Attacks
Self Induced Stalemate in Somalia: An Assessment of U.S. Policy Options

The ability of the United States, the United Nations (UN) and the Inter-Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD) to influence political events in Somalia is almost wholly dependant on the presence of Ethiopian military forces. It was the Ethiopian invasion that ended the promising reign of the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) over Somalia’s unruly capital city, Mogadishu; and the Ethiopian army, albeit with some assistance from the small African Union peacekeeping mission, is the coercive force that has allowed the unpopular Transitional Federal Government (TFG) to remain in power. But the TFG cannot retain power without the support of Ethiopian troops. ..more..http://forums.csis.org/africa/?p=219#more-219
Chicago Man Arrested for Allegedly Targeting Obama With HIV-Infected Blood
It's only the second time ever that HIV-infected blood has been sent with malicious intent through the U.S. mail system, a spokesman for the U.S. Postal Inspection Service said.
man from President Obama's hometown of Chicago has been arrested for allegedly sending Obama and his staff envelopes containing HIV-infected blood, in the hopes of killing or harming them.
It's only the second time ever that HIV-infected blood has been sent with malicious intent through the U.S. mail system, a spokesman for the U.S. Postal Inspection Service said.
In the weeks leading up to Obama's inauguration, Saad Hussein, an Ethiopian refugee in his late 20s, sent an envelope addressed to "Barack Obama" to offices of the Illinois government in Springfield, Ill., according to court documents.
The envelope contained a series of curious items, including a letter with reddish stains and an admission ticket for Obama's election-night celebration in Chicago's Grant Park. Court documents said Hussein, who takes drugs to treat a mental illness, later told FBI agents he is "very sick with HIV" and cut his fingers with a razor so he could bleed on the letter.
Hazmat teams were called in after the envelope was opened, and offices of the Illinois Department on Aging and the Department of Revenue were locked down for nearly two hours, locking 300 staffers in their offices, court documents said.
Hussein, with his brother acting as an interpreter, told FBI agents he was actually "an admirer" of Obama and was "seeking help from the government," according to court documents. He also told them he was hoping to obtain tickets to the Inaugural ceremonies in Washington, the documents said.
Days after sending the letter to Obama, Hussein allegedly placed two more letters in the mail, one addressed to "Emanuel," an apparent reference to Obama's current Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel. The two letters contained what appeared to be dried blood, the court documents said...more..http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/02/27/chicago-man-arrested-allegedly-targeting-obama-hiv-infected-blood/
man from President Obama's hometown of Chicago has been arrested for allegedly sending Obama and his staff envelopes containing HIV-infected blood, in the hopes of killing or harming them.
It's only the second time ever that HIV-infected blood has been sent with malicious intent through the U.S. mail system, a spokesman for the U.S. Postal Inspection Service said.
In the weeks leading up to Obama's inauguration, Saad Hussein, an Ethiopian refugee in his late 20s, sent an envelope addressed to "Barack Obama" to offices of the Illinois government in Springfield, Ill., according to court documents.
The envelope contained a series of curious items, including a letter with reddish stains and an admission ticket for Obama's election-night celebration in Chicago's Grant Park. Court documents said Hussein, who takes drugs to treat a mental illness, later told FBI agents he is "very sick with HIV" and cut his fingers with a razor so he could bleed on the letter.
Hazmat teams were called in after the envelope was opened, and offices of the Illinois Department on Aging and the Department of Revenue were locked down for nearly two hours, locking 300 staffers in their offices, court documents said.
Hussein, with his brother acting as an interpreter, told FBI agents he was actually "an admirer" of Obama and was "seeking help from the government," according to court documents. He also told them he was hoping to obtain tickets to the Inaugural ceremonies in Washington, the documents said.
Days after sending the letter to Obama, Hussein allegedly placed two more letters in the mail, one addressed to "Emanuel," an apparent reference to Obama's current Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel. The two letters contained what appeared to be dried blood, the court documents said...more..http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/02/27/chicago-man-arrested-allegedly-targeting-obama-hiv-infected-blood/
Friday, February 27, 2009
Islamists impose curfew in Bardhere town

jehadist Sheik Farah Hiish Mohamed, head of the security of al – Shabab Terrorist administration in Bardhere town told terror sympathizer Habar Gidir own radio station shabelle that they had imposed the curfew to keep the security of the town and said that the people of the town welcomed the step.
“We are thanking to the people for taking the order of the administration and we are informing everybody who is in Bardhere town not to violate the law during the curfew or we shall punish who every refuses the order of the administration,”jehadist Sheik Farah said.sheik Farah had also said that men and the women can not follow the transportation together ???saying that it is not party of the religion of Islam ??? and he added that they will punish who every is seen doing that action in the town.The Terrorist administration of al-Shabab who manages Bardhere town banned using Kat??? in the town earlier.Any how Sheik farah said last that there has been a dispute between Al-Shabaab forces and the Islamic clerics of Ahlu sunna Waljamea concerning the commemoration of the holy Ramadan month known as Mowliid (birth of the prophet) Muhammad peace be upon him which mullahs often welcome ???when it comes but Terrorist al-Shabab Terrorist administration warned to commemorate it saying they will take a step who every tries to do??? that. al-shabaab take over the city from jubbaland army.. thet take advantage Lack of federal support People in the Region new somali government fragments further,minister of energy and petrol Abduwahid Elmi resigned .. At least four people have died of thirsty in Gedo region, south of Somalia as the region hit severe drought due to lack of seasonal rains,.The deaths which resulted from lack of water happened in Darasalam village, 130km north of Elwak district in Gedo region bordering with Kenya.“all the people including old woman, man and a young daughter died when they lacked water to drink,” a local resident told .The drought which hit the region had an impact on hundreds of families who displaced from their villages to get water four their lives.The matter worsened when the aid agencies withdrew from the province for insecurity as the local elders and intellectuals asked for resumption of aid workers in the region to help the suffering people.
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al-shabaab Terrorist attack jubbaland army military bases in southern Somalia
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Somali Islamists execute former jubbaland state spokesman , a famous Somali statesman in Kismayu town,Abdirahaman Xaji Mohamed known as Wadiiro
Somali jehadist al- shabaab oppose Sharif’s new government
Britain imports a small war

Britain has imported the makings of a small civil war:
By MI5’s own admission, there are 2,000 terrorists suspects in the UK, perhaps twice that number who are susceptible to recruitment. As Jonathan Evans, the director-general, put it in January: ‘We don’t have anything approaching comprehensive coverage.’ MI5 deserves great praise for thwarting numerous attacks but sources say the Security Service can monitor, at most, two live plots at a time. That war is not just being fought on British soil:
Interceptions of Taliban communications have shown that British jihadists some “speaking with West Midlands accents” are active in Helmand and other parts of southern Afghanistan, according to briefing papers prepared by an official security agency… MI5 has estimated that up to 4,000 British Muslims had travelled to Pakistan and, before the fall of the Taliban, to Afghanistan for military training. And not all its jihadists are fighting against British targets:
A university student who became a suicide bomber in Somalia is believed to be the first of a new wave of British-based Islamic terrorism. The 21-year-old reportedly blew himself up at a military checkpoint killing up to 20 soldiers in the southern Somali town of Baidoa…
The killings come amid warnings that dozens of Islamic extremists have returned to Britain from terror training camps in Somalia… Peter Neumann, a terrorism expert at the Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at King’s College London, said: ‘The numbers I hear (going from Britain to Somalia) are 50, 60 or 70 but in reality we don’t know. America has a very much smaller problem - but cannot be complacent: (A) Somali-American man who was one of several suicide bombers in a terrorist attack last October in Somalia had apparently been indoctrinated into his extremist beliefs while living in the United States...more..http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/britain_imports_a_small_war
Somali cartoonist draws death threats

This week, Canadians celebrate the freedom to read.
Every day, a Somali man living in Edmonton celebrates the freedom to draw.
Freedom to Read Week is an annual event in Canada raising awareness about freedom of expression, which we are guaranteed in this country. But Amin Amir doesn't need a designated week to remind him.The visual artist, who has lived in Canada for nearly a decade, is famous in Somali circles around the globe for his political cartoons about Somalia. Satirical, poignant and often co

"They send me e-mails, 'We kill you, we know where you live,' " the artist says with the help of his daughter, Jija, who translates from Somali to English. "I'm not scared. If the (Somali) government does something bad, I want to tell people. "I don't stop my cartoons. I'm still doing my job." When he publishes a controversial cartoon, "the poor people like me" and "the bad people are not happy," he says. But "when the poor people are happy, I'm happy too, I'm satisfied." Amir's wife, Zenaib Ibrahim, is proud, too. "My husband, he talks about the people who don't have a voice, who are poor." Amir and his family left Somalia in 1992. The family moved to Canada in 2000 after a stint in Djibouti, settling in Montreal. They moved to Edmonton two years ago.
Thanks to the freedom of expression in Canada, Amir earns a living as an artist through his commercial website, along with contracts at various publications. He is also a painter and sells his works. In 2007, Amir was one of 18 Edmonton artists to win an Explorations Grant, a program established during the city's Cultural Capital Program. Amir's grant of $7,500 allowed him to create 30 oil paintings depicting the role of Somali women in family and society. He is motivated to speak out on behalf of Somalia's most vulnerable citizens because they can't speak out themselves. "When bad things happen, the first people affected are women and children," he explains through Jija. The cartoons hit home with Mayran Kalah, an Edmontonian who left Somalia in 1995. "When I see his (Amir's) pictures, I know exactly what he's talking about," she says. "As a woman, it touches me." She says Amir's hard-hitting cartoons make Somalians laugh, but also remind those who have left their home country: "Don't forget." When asked if he'll ever return to Somalia, he laughs and says "maybe later." Judging by his grin, and the sarcasm in his cartoons, it would seem that's a very big maybe. "Freedom is good," he says. Pr...By: Elizabeth Withey, Photograph by: Rick MacWilliam,Source: The Edmonton Journal http://www.edmontonjournal.com/news/Somali+cartoonist+draws+death+threats/1330832/story.html
Italian nuns say Somali extremists kidnapped them

In a rare cross-border kidnapping, Maria Teresa Olivero, 60, and Caterina Giraudo, 67, were seized from the remote northeastern Kenya town of El Wak on Nov. 10. They then we

On Thursday, they gave their first news conference since they were freed.
Olivero and Giraudo said they ate "good food." But since they had no contact with outside world, they spent a lot of time in prayer and read a Bible that the Islamic militiamen took from the pocket of a dead Ethiopian soldier.
"It was very hard. We didn't have news, we didn't know anything," Olivero said, adding the only thing to listen to was Somali radio stations...more.http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2009/02/26/africa/AF-Kenya-Somalia-Freed-Nuns.php
New worry: Somali youth and Radical websites.

International Contact Group on Somalia Communiqué, 26 – 27 Feb 2009

worries about situation of 2 foreign journalists being held by (SAVAGE HAWIYE) habar-gidir


habar-gidir factional leader Terrorist Yusuf Mohamed
Pirate Ransom Helped Somalia Islamist
hawiye al-shabaab barbaric and genocidal funded, very sick and twisted vedio
Habar Gidir own radio station shabelle Total Axess to somali Terrorist (al-shabaab) Shabelle Media Network or shabaab media network
Problems in the VOA-Somali Service (Part Two)
Problems in the VOA-Somali Service part one http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/01/problems_in_the_voasomali_serv.html
U.S. Ambassador Visits Wounded AMISOM Troops

Somali militant group triggers US terror concerns

By Tuesday afternoon, as Obama took the oath of office, the threat of a terror plot by the Somalia-based al-Shabab organization had been debunked, but the flurry of activity underscored growing worries about this Islamic militant group.
"I think they are a serious problem, and I don't think that we should be glib and take it lightly," said Theresa Whelan, deputy assistant secretary of Defense for African Affairs. "Are they the ones that are going to plan the next major terrorist attack in the United States and carry it out? Probably not. But could they provide some of the foot soldiers for it? Yes."
The State Department considers al-Shabab a terrorist organization with links to al-Qaida, something the group denies. Al-Shabab, which means "The Youth," has been gaining ground as Somalia's Western-backed government crumbles. The group's goal is to establish an Islamic state in Somalia. U.S. counterterrorism officials say they detect a disturbing pattern, one that mirrors al-Qaida methods and could spawn homegrown insurgents and suicide bombers in the U.S. Counterterrorism officials suspect that al-Shabab is recruiting young men from Somali communities in Minnesota and other Midwestern states, luring them back to their home country for terror training and creating cells of fighters who could travel to other countries, including the United States, to launch attacks. Four months ago, a young Somali man left Minneapolis to become a suicide bomber. He detonated a bomb he was wearing, one step in a series of coordinated attacks targeting a U.N. compound, the Ethiopian consulate and the presidential palace in Somaliland's regions of Somalia capital, Hargeisa.
It was the first known time a U.S. citizen was a suicide bomber...more..http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090226/ap_on_go_ot/terror_al_shabab

Al-Shabaab (aka the Harakat Shabaab al-Mujahidin, al-Shabab, Shabaab, the Youth, Mujahidin al-Shabaab Movement, Mujahideen Youth Movement, Mujahidin Youth Movement), is an Islamic organization that controls much of southern Somalia, excluding the capital, Mogadishu. It has waged an insurgency against Somalia's transitional government and its Ethiopian supporters since 2006. Originally the militant wing of the Islamic Courts Union, the group that controlled Somalia prior to the country's invasion by Ethiopian forces, Shabaab leaders have claimed affiliation with al-Qaeda since 2007. Though most analysts believe Shabaab's organizational links to al-Qaeda are weak, in February 2008 the United States added the group to its list of foreign terrorist organizations. Shabaab's strength has growth since then, but many experts say the withdrawal of Ethiopian forces from Somalia in January 2009 could diminish the group's basis for popular support.
Leadership and D
Shabaab is nominally led by Sheikh Mohamed Mukhtar Abdirahman "Abu Zubeyr," though experts say a core group of senior leaders guide its actions. The group is divided into three geographical units: Bay and Bokool regions, led by Mukhtar Roobow "Abu Mansur," the group's spokesman; south-central Somalia and Mogadishu; and Puntland and Somaliland. A fourth unit, which controls the Juba Valley, is led by Hassan Abdillahi Hersi "Turki," who is not considered to be a member of Shabaab, but is closely aligned with it. These regional units "appear to operate independently of one another, and there is often evidence of friction between them," says a December 2008 UN Monitoring Group report.
Estimates of Shabaab's size vary, but analysts generally agree that the group contains several thousand fighters, many of whom are from the Hawiye clan. The group has been able to expand its footprint in Somalia with relatively small numbers for two reasons: Somalia hasn't had a central government since 1991; and many of the clan warlords that filled the power vacuum have proven willing to cooperate with Shabaab, at least in Somalia's south. Shabaab has engaged in forced recruitment among Somalis, so it's unclear how many members of the group truly believe the organization's ideology. Experts say the number of rank-and-file members is less important than the number of hardcore ideological believers, which could range between three hundred and eight hundred individuals. Foreign fighters have traveled to Somalia to fight with Shabaab, as have Somalis from the United Kingdom and the United States. The FBI says as many as two dozen Somalis have disappeared from Minneapolis in the past two years; FBI director Robert S. Mueller III says one of these individuals was a suicide bomber in an October 2008 attack in Somalia.
Some experts say there are deep divisions within Shabaab. In a February 2009 report for the Enough Project, Somalia expert Ken Menkhaus writes that, "The shabaab faces multiple internal divisions--over clan, leadership, tactics, and ideology--which a new unity government can exploit to convince parts of the shabaab to abandon the movement and gradually outmaneuver, marginalize, and defeat the core hardliners." Each unit of Shabaab is led by individuals who must combine their ideological aims with pragmatic considerations of different clan-based agendas. It's important to "focus on what they do, not what they say," writes Menkhaus.
Roland Marchal, senior research fellow of the National Center for Scientific Research in Paris, says that reports of increasing divisions within Shabaab are overstated. They are "based on the assumption that they were once united," he notes. However, he says the organization must decide "to what extent they want to accommodate the Somali society and to what extent they want to keep the ideology they have developed."
Tactics and Motivations
Shabaab's tactics have evolved over time. When it began its insurgency in late 2006, it used classic guerrilla tactics--suicide bombings, shootings, and targeted assassinations--to oppose the Somali government and what it perceives as its allies, from aid groups to the Ethiopian military to African Union peacekeepers. Much of the violence was concentrated in Mogadishu; battles between the Ethiopian military and Shabaab in August 2007 caused roughly 400,000 people to flee the city.
In 2008, Shabaab began to reach out to the Somali public with a series of town visits. A December 2008 International Crisis Group report describes these outings as "well choreographed, with clerics addressing public rallies and holding talks with local clan elders." Shabaab would hand out food and money to the poor, give criminals quick trials with "mobile sharia courts," and attempt to settle local disputes. As the group sought to take control of towns in southern Somalia, it began to use political strategies as well. Before a particular town was captured, insurgents had meetings with local clan leaders to convince them that their intentions were good. By February 2009, Shabaab controlled most of southern Somalia, as depicted in this map by The Long War Journal. However, the group continued to launch suicide attacks. In February 2009, Shabaab killed eleven Burundian soldiers in the deadliest attack on AU peacekeepers since their deployment and engaged in heavy fighting that killed at least fifteen people in Mogadishu.
Experts say Shabaab's methods and ideologies aren't necessarily consistent with one another. According to Marchal of the National Center for Scientific Research in Paris, "Shabaab has tried to evolve from a group that has a purely militaristic approach to a group that pretends to rule and wage jihad at the same time." On the one hand, the group espouses a strict form of Islam, Salafi/Wahhabism, and websites for the group claim to be waging jihad against infidels. On the other hand, Shabaab has extended its political power in southern Somalia through pragmatic means, not radicalism. It has imposed sharia law in some of the towns it controls, such as Baidoa, but "imposing the puritanical brand of Islam it espouses...would quickly alienate many Somalis," says the International Crisis Group report.
Links to al-Qaeda..more...http://www.cfr.org/publication/18650/alshabaab.html?breadcrumb=%2Fissue%2F135%2Fterrorism
Al-Shabaab (aka the Harakat Shabaab al-Mujahidin, al-Shabab, Shabaab, the Youth, Mujahidin al-Shabaab Movement, Mujahideen Youth Movement, Mujahidin Youth Movement), is an Islamic organization that controls much of southern Somalia, excluding the capital, Mogadishu. It has waged an insurgency against Somalia's transitional government and its Ethiopian supporters since 2006. Originally the militant wing of the Islamic Courts Union, the group that controlled Somalia prior to the country's invasion by Ethiopian forces, Shabaab leaders have claimed affiliation with al-Qaeda since 2007. Though most analysts believe Shabaab's organizational links to al-Qaeda are weak, in February 2008 the United States added the group to its list of foreign terrorist organizations. Shabaab's strength has growth since then, but many experts say the withdrawal of Ethiopian forces from Somalia in January 2009 could diminish the group's basis for popular support.
Leadership and D

Shabaab is nominally led by Sheikh Mohamed Mukhtar Abdirahman "Abu Zubeyr," though experts say a core group of senior leaders guide its actions. The group is divided into three geographical units: Bay and Bokool regions, led by Mukhtar Roobow "Abu Mansur," the group's spokesman; south-central Somalia and Mogadishu; and Puntland and Somaliland. A fourth unit, which controls the Juba Valley, is led by Hassan Abdillahi Hersi "Turki," who is not considered to be a member of Shabaab, but is closely aligned with it. These regional units "appear to operate independently of one another, and there is often evidence of friction between them," says a December 2008 UN Monitoring Group report.
Estimates of Shabaab's size vary, but analysts generally agree that the group contains several thousand fighters, many of whom are from the Hawiye clan. The group has been able to expand its footprint in Somalia with relatively small numbers for two reasons: Somalia hasn't had a central government since 1991; and many of the clan warlords that filled the power vacuum have proven willing to cooperate with Shabaab, at least in Somalia's south. Shabaab has engaged in forced recruitment among Somalis, so it's unclear how many members of the group truly believe the organization's ideology. Experts say the number of rank-and-file members is less important than the number of hardcore ideological believers, which could range between three hundred and eight hundred individuals. Foreign fighters have traveled to Somalia to fight with Shabaab, as have Somalis from the United Kingdom and the United States. The FBI says as many as two dozen Somalis have disappeared from Minneapolis in the past two years; FBI director Robert S. Mueller III says one of these individuals was a suicide bomber in an October 2008 attack in Somalia.
Some experts say there are deep divisions within Shabaab. In a February 2009 report for the Enough Project, Somalia expert Ken Menkhaus writes that, "The shabaab faces multiple internal divisions--over clan, leadership, tactics, and ideology--which a new unity government can exploit to convince parts of the shabaab to abandon the movement and gradually outmaneuver, marginalize, and defeat the core hardliners." Each unit of Shabaab is led by individuals who must combine their ideological aims with pragmatic considerations of different clan-based agendas. It's important to "focus on what they do, not what they say," writes Menkhaus.
Roland Marchal, senior research fellow of the National Center for Scientific Research in Paris, says that reports of increasing divisions within Shabaab are overstated. They are "based on the assumption that they were once united," he notes. However, he says the organization must decide "to what extent they want to accommodate the Somali society and to what extent they want to keep the ideology they have developed."
Tactics and Motivations

Shabaab's tactics have evolved over time. When it began its insurgency in late 2006, it used classic guerrilla tactics--suicide bombings, shootings, and targeted assassinations--to oppose the Somali government and what it perceives as its allies, from aid groups to the Ethiopian military to African Union peacekeepers. Much of the violence was concentrated in Mogadishu; battles between the Ethiopian military and Shabaab in August 2007 caused roughly 400,000 people to flee the city.
In 2008, Shabaab began to reach out to the Somali public with a series of town visits. A December 2008 International Crisis Group report describes these outings as "well choreographed, with clerics addressing public rallies and holding talks with local clan elders." Shabaab would hand out food and money to the poor, give criminals quick trials with "mobile sharia courts," and attempt to settle local disputes. As the group sought to take control of towns in southern Somalia, it began to use political strategies as well. Before a particular town was captured, insurgents had meetings with local clan leaders to convince them that their intentions were good. By February 2009, Shabaab controlled most of southern Somalia, as depicted in this map by The Long War Journal. However, the group continued to launch suicide attacks. In February 2009, Shabaab killed eleven Burundian soldiers in the deadliest attack on AU peacekeepers since their deployment and engaged in heavy fighting that killed at least fifteen people in Mogadishu.
Experts say Shabaab's methods and ideologies aren't necessarily consistent with one another. According to Marchal of the National Center for Scientific Research in Paris, "Shabaab has tried to evolve from a group that has a purely militaristic approach to a group that pretends to rule and wage jihad at the same time." On the one hand, the group espouses a strict form of Islam, Salafi/Wahhabism, and websites for the group claim to be waging jihad against infidels. On the other hand, Shabaab has extended its political power in southern Somalia through pragmatic means, not radicalism. It has imposed sharia law in some of the towns it controls, such as Baidoa, but "imposing the puritanical brand of Islam it espouses...would quickly alienate many Somalis," says the International Crisis Group report.
Links to al-Qaeda..more...http://www.cfr.org/publication/18650/alshabaab.html?breadcrumb=%2Fissue%2F135%2Fterrorism
Tension mounts as PM returns
For the first time since his appointment, Somalia's new UN technocrat as premier returned to Mogadishu on Thursday. He called for an end to fighting that has killed over 80 people this week. Gunshots were heard in the capital as Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke landed in the capital. He said he is happy to return.
I am very happy to return after a decade. This is my motherland. Our main priority is providing better security," he told reporters at the city's heavily guarded airport according to the Reuters news agency. He added: "I am asking Somalis to avoid shedding any more blood."This week's fierce artillery and machine gun battles pitted Islamist insurgents, including the hardline al Shabaab group, against government forces and a small African Union peacekeeping mission of troops from Uganda and Burundi...more..http://www.africanews.com/site/Somalia_Tension_mounts_as_PM_returns/list_messages/23427
I am very happy to return after a decade. This is my motherland. Our main priority is providing better security," he told reporters at the city's heavily guarded airport according to the Reuters news agency. He added: "I am asking Somalis to avoid shedding any more blood."This week's fierce artillery and machine gun battles pitted Islamist insurgents, including the hardline al Shabaab group, against government forces and a small African Union peacekeeping mission of troops from Uganda and Burundi...more..http://www.africanews.com/site/Somalia_Tension_mounts_as_PM_returns/list_messages/23427
Somalia's violence spreads
Writing for Foreign Policy's Axis of Upheaval, Jeffrey Gettleman refers to the "ethereal pan-Somali dream": a long-held national desire to grab back Somali-speaking territory in neighboring Ethiopia, Kenya, Eritrea, and Djibouti. "Pursuit of that goal would internationalize the conflict and surely drag in neighboring countries and their allies," Gettleman warns.
Many fear that the Islamist militia Shabaab, which control an increasingly vast territory in Somalia, might try to live the dream. Today is a very good example of how bad that could turn out. The BBC reported this morning that clashes between a local ethnic group and a Somali one in Ethiopia left 300 dead and as many as 100,000 fleeing the site.
This flare-up is just one of Ethiopia's trouble spots -- in fact, it's not even the worst. Miles to the East, an ongoing Somali insurgency by the rebel group Ogaden National Liberation Front has been brutal on both sides. Somalia and Ethiopia have fought civil wars over the territory, and today Ethiopia holds on to it dearly. The State Department's recently released Human Rights report for Ethiopia, for example, describes a campaign to prevent humanitarian aid from reaching civilians in the insurgent region.
Ethiopia is intent on crushing pan-Somali ambitions on its territory -- part of their motivation, in fact, for invading Somalia in 2006. Worries over the Ogaden insurgency in particular provided a convenient historical grievance. So in case you needed further reason for concern, clashes today are a mere taste of what could follow if Somalia -- a linchpin in the Axis of Upheaval -- goes regional..more..http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2009/02/26/a_somali_dream_that_could_kill_thousands
somalia Al-Shabab included on the list.
Many fear that the Islamist militia Shabaab, which control an increasingly vast territory in Somalia, might try to live the dream. Today is a very good example of how bad that could turn out. The BBC reported this morning that clashes between a local ethnic group and a Somali one in Ethiopia left 300 dead and as many as 100,000 fleeing the site.
This flare-up is just one of Ethiopia's trouble spots -- in fact, it's not even the worst. Miles to the East, an ongoing Somali insurgency by the rebel group Ogaden National Liberation Front has been brutal on both sides. Somalia and Ethiopia have fought civil wars over the territory, and today Ethiopia holds on to it dearly. The State Department's recently released Human Rights report for Ethiopia, for example, describes a campaign to prevent humanitarian aid from reaching civilians in the insurgent region.
Ethiopia is intent on crushing pan-Somali ambitions on its territory -- part of their motivation, in fact, for invading Somalia in 2006. Worries over the Ogaden insurgency in particular provided a convenient historical grievance. So in case you needed further reason for concern, clashes today are a mere taste of what could follow if Somalia -- a linchpin in the Axis of Upheaval -- goes regional..more..http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2009/02/26/a_somali_dream_that_could_kill_thousands
somalia Al-Shabab included on the list.
Somali MP arrested in tribal enclave of sepretist Somaliland regions of Somalia

The Somali people are not only in Somalia
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Editorial: A critical juncture for local Somalis

On Monday, FBI Director Robert Mueller told the Council on Foreign Relations that a Somali-American man from Minnesota, one of several suicide bombers in an October terrorist attack in Somalia, had apparently been indoctrinated and recruited by a militant group while living in Minneapolis.
Although Mueller didn't name Abubakar, Shirwa Ahmed, the first known suicide bomber with U.S. citizenship, attended the mosque -- as did other young Somali men who have disappeared from the Twin Cities in recent months, sparking speculation that they were recruited to fight in their country's civil war.
Leaders of the mosque have repeatedly denied any connection, and the open house was an attempt at transparency in the face of increasing news media and law enforcement scrutiny. Retaining that openness -- and developing a proactive relationship with federal authorities -- will be an important challenge for leaders of the growing Somali community in Minnesota.
This could be a critical turning point for the 25,000 or so people of Somali background who began arriving in the Twin Cities in large numbers in the 1990s. As they continue to work to demystify Islam in their adopted home, they must just as strongly denounce the dangerous extremism that apparently led Ahmed to drive a vehicle packed with explosives that killed as many as 30 people in Somalia.
Federal authorities have said Ahmed left the Twin Cities after being recruited by the Shabab, a militia linked to Al-Qaida that is warring against the Somali government. Several local families fear their sons have also been lured back to their homeland by terrorist groups. In a chilling story earlier this month, the Star Tribune's Richard Meryhew described the mysterious disappearance of 18-year-old Mustafa Ali, who fled his family's St. Paul apartment six months ago and never returned.
The stories of Ahmed and Ali -- along with growing problems with drugs, gangs and violent crime among Somalis in Minnesota -- were topics of conversation at the Abubakar open house. "I think the Somali community needs help more than ever now,'' said Abdulahi Farah, 27, a community outreach worker who came to the United States as an 11-year-old.
Minnesota remains a mostly tolerant, supportive home, but Farah knows that relationships built on hard work and trust over the past few decades are in jeopardy today. The soul-searching and community building in the Somali community is healthy. Parents whose sons have disappeared deserve answers, and Minnesotans need reassurance that the Twin Cities area is not a training ground for terror. It was encouraging to hear that leaders of the mosque have reached out to the FBI. For too long, many Somalis have feared the very law enforcement agencies that provide the safety and security they were seeking when they left east Africa.
Some of the clan loyalties that divided Somalis in Africa live on in Minnesota, making it especially difficult for authorities to build productive relationships. At the same time, Somali-Americans who have made great strides in building better lives in this country need local leaders who can unite the community in the face of growing fear and suspicion.
"We need more coming together and working together,'' Farah said as he surveyed the crowd at Wednesday's open house. "What affects one of us affects all of us.''http://www.startribune.com/opinion/editorials/40452037.html
Somalia death toll hits 81 in worst fighting for weeks

Just a glimmer of hope ???

Kidnapped Italian Nuns Freed; “Prayers Answered”
IROBI, KENYA (Worthy News) -- Two Italian nuns kidnapped by Somali gunmen in a cross-border raid into Kenya in November were spent another day in freedom Thursday, February 26, after they were suddenly freed, missionaries confirmed.Somali gunmen had abducted Catholic missionaries Caterina Giraudo, 67, and Maria Teresa Olivero,60November 10 after a raid on the remote Kenyan border town of El Wak. The kidnappers then took them deeper into Somalia.Speaking by phone from the Italian Embassy in Nairobi, Sister Giraudo said "thank God, we are well. Only yesterday, we were in a terrible condition but today we are well, we have resuscitated. We have no words to thank the people we found upon our arrival." She said, “We were treated well, we are fine ... they gave us what was necessary."..more http://www.worthynews.com/4980-kidnapped-italian-nuns-freed-prayers-answered
Mosque opens doors to help dispel rumors????? "good PR move

Over the past few months, leaders of a Minneapolis mosque have vigorously fought accusations linking them to a number of missing Twin Cities men -- men that some believe have returned to Somalia to fight in that country's civil war. The mosque leaders have held news conferences and have dismissed any suggestion that the young men were somehow radicalized under their roof.
But last night, the managers at the Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center took a different approach. ..more..http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2009/02/26/mosque_openhouse/
But last night, the managers at the Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center took a different approach. ..more..http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2009/02/26/mosque_openhouse/
Government officials say expatriates captured Hudur town from them

Report says China navy stopped pirate attack

Few details were given in the one-line report by the official Xinhua News Agency. The ship was identified only as an Liberian-flagged Italian merchant vessel whose crew had been attacked.
If verified, the rescue operation would be the first direct engagement between the Chinese navy and Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden since Beijing dispatched a three-ship squadron for anti-piracy operations last December.
The Chinese force — a supply ship and two destroyers armed with guided missiles, special forces and two helicopters — has previously restricted its operations mainly to escorting Chinese and Hong Kong vessels through the pirate-infested waters.
The squadron's dispatch was the first time the Communist country has sent ships on a mission that could involve fighting so far beyond its territorial waters...more..http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2009/02/26/asia/AS-China-Piracy.php
Thousands flee Ethiopia clashes
Tens of thousands of people have reportedly fled their homes as a result of fighting between rival groups in a remote part of southern Ethiopia.
The BBC's Elizabeth Blunt says 300 people may have been killed - mostly in a major battle on 5 February. People are moving away to safer areas following the clash between the Borana people and the Gheri, a Somali clan. While the fighting has now stopped, the area is still tense and some reports estimate more than 100,000 displaced. Ethiopia's Minister of State Responsible for Emergency and Disaster Planning Mitiku Kassa acknowledged the existence of the problem but said the figure of 100,000 was an exaggeration. ..more..http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7912242.stm
The BBC's Elizabeth Blunt says 300 people may have been killed - mostly in a major battle on 5 February. People are moving away to safer areas following the clash between the Borana people and the Gheri, a Somali clan. While the fighting has now stopped, the area is still tense and some reports estimate more than 100,000 displaced. Ethiopia's Minister of State Responsible for Emergency and Disaster Planning Mitiku Kassa acknowledged the existence of the problem but said the figure of 100,000 was an exaggeration. ..more..http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7912242.stm
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Who is fighting in Mogadishu ??hawiye . Islam is political tool.to Destroy Somalia Today they are Fighting Each Other.Habar Gidir v. Abgaal subclan

The Saudis spending a lot of many spread Wahhabism in the horn of africa..they Made Deal With Hawiye tribe Terrorist...they made a deal with the devil ..Today they started killing each other.this is a Part 2 Acton.. aided v. ali madadi ..Simplest forum..different character same players. ..alqaida..is The 1000-Pound Gorilla ..they have their own agenda.. (SAVAGE HAWIYE) Men Don’t Have a Clue .. They are fighting for to rule country .They are against anyone who opposes their rule. They kill their own people and countrymen everyday. There Will Be ..... No Counrtry .just a tribal enclave of hawiye.. isaaq.. ect..under alqaida control..
General Mahammad Faarah Aidid commanded the Habar Gidir clan, and Ali Mahdi Mahammad headed the Abgaal clan.. now ..Sharif Ahmed, abgaal v. somalian terrorist leader al shabaab leader Hassan Dahir Aways habar-gidir .
Somali capital of Mogadishu fell to the forces of the Hawiye dominated USC in January 1991. Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre fled Mogadishu ...When the civil war erupted, the USC (Hawiye rebel group) went on a quest of onslaught against innocenent Darod civilians in mogadishu . estimated 15,000 unarmed darod civilians were killed,mostly women and children On January 26, 1991, the USC stormed the presidential palace in Mogadishu, ...... were burned to the ground, and tens of thousands of people were massacred, hawiye's are finally paying for what they did in 1991. killing thousands of darood,Only armed cars were on the streets. In areas that the Hawiye already controlled, gunmen were going door to door rounding up Darod men, woman, children.strategic points in the city. The sprawling suburbs of. west and northwest Mogadishu became strongholds of. Hawiye-based resistance ,Mogadishu by now had become a city of torture and murder, ... Fighting eventually broke out between the competing factions within the Hawiye ...Mogadishu has become so dangerous since Islamists were ousted in 2006 that the majority .... The Hawiye backed the warlords who first controlled the city, ...abgaal and habar gidir, 2 subclans of hawiye, have destroyed the city ,As the city descended into complete anarchy, looting became a way of life ,Mogadishu , the capital of Somalia, is a city living a clandestine nightmare ... In that year Hawiye militia burned, raped and killed any person of Darood ...Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, is a city living a clandestine ... every one of these belongs to only one Somali tribe (hawiye)The extremist Islamist group al-Shabab, which controls the port town of Kisamyo , is opposed to the new government and wants to impose harsh Sharia law in Somalia. The U.S. considers al-Shabab a terror organization with links to al-Qaeda.Several mortar rounds landed in the president’s residence in Mogadishu. Sources say that the attack was carried out by the rebel Islamists who controls parts of the capital.It is yet unclear the casualties as the security forces are on alert to prevent any attack from the rebels.This comes as Hisbul Islam (Islamic Party) declared war Islamist Terrorist want to keep fighting against the new government with the new government led by the young cleric Sharif Sheik Ahmed.It is the first attack on the presidential headquarter since the Ethiopian troops pulled out of the capital last month. al-shabaab for the most part operated north Mogadishu, ,Mogadishu is divided into two principal military zones—one controlled by the Abgaal and the other by the Habar Gidir from central Somalia, invaders Control Northern part Mogadishu ,Habar Gidir is sub clan of Hawiya. The Habar Gidir sore losers invaders of Mogadishu, Merca, Afgoye, Brava, and Kismayo ,they have been holding the Somali nation hostage Since 1991 the collapse of the central government ,Dark Day .history of
Al Shabab Threat Clouds the Horn of Africa
The Reason why Al Shaabab must be destroy immediately
General Mahammad Faarah Aidid commanded the Habar Gidir clan, and Ali Mahdi Mahammad headed the Abgaal clan.. now ..Sharif Ahmed, abgaal v. somalian terrorist leader al shabaab leader Hassan Dahir Aways habar-gidir .
Somali capital of Mogadishu fell to the forces of the Hawiye dominated USC in January 1991. Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre fled Mogadishu ...When the civil war erupted, the USC (Hawiye rebel group) went on a quest of onslaught against innocenent Darod civilians in mogadishu . estimated 15,000 unarmed darod civilians were killed,mostly women and children On January 26, 1991, the USC stormed the presidential palace in Mogadishu, ...... were burned to the ground, and tens of thousands of people were massacred, hawiye's are finally paying for what they did in 1991. killing thousands of darood,Only armed cars were on the streets. In areas that the Hawiye already controlled, gunmen were going door to door rounding up Darod men, woman, children.strategic points in the city. The sprawling suburbs of. west and northwest Mogadishu became strongholds of. Hawiye-based resistance ,Mogadishu by now had become a city of torture and murder, ... Fighting eventually broke out between the competing factions within the Hawiye ...Mogadishu has become so dangerous since Islamists were ousted in 2006 that the majority .... The Hawiye backed the warlords who first controlled the city, ...abgaal and habar gidir, 2 subclans of hawiye, have destroyed the city ,As the city descended into complete anarchy, looting became a way of life ,Mogadishu , the capital of Somalia, is a city living a clandestine nightmare ... In that year Hawiye militia burned, raped and killed any person of Darood ...Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, is a city living a clandestine ... every one of these belongs to only one Somali tribe (hawiye)The extremist Islamist group al-Shabab, which controls the port town of Kisamyo , is opposed to the new government and wants to impose harsh Sharia law in Somalia. The U.S. considers al-Shabab a terror organization with links to al-Qaeda.Several mortar rounds landed in the president’s residence in Mogadishu. Sources say that the attack was carried out by the rebel Islamists who controls parts of the capital.It is yet unclear the casualties as the security forces are on alert to prevent any attack from the rebels.This comes as Hisbul Islam (Islamic Party) declared war Islamist Terrorist want to keep fighting against the new government with the new government led by the young cleric Sharif Sheik Ahmed.It is the first attack on the presidential headquarter since the Ethiopian troops pulled out of the capital last month. al-shabaab for the most part operated north Mogadishu, ,Mogadishu is divided into two principal military zones—one controlled by the Abgaal and the other by the Habar Gidir from central Somalia, invaders Control Northern part Mogadishu ,Habar Gidir is sub clan of Hawiya. The Habar Gidir sore losers invaders of Mogadishu, Merca, Afgoye, Brava, and Kismayo ,they have been holding the Somali nation hostage Since 1991 the collapse of the central government ,Dark Day .history of
Al Shabab Threat Clouds the Horn of Africa
The Reason why Al Shaabab must be destroy immediately
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Ex-Somali Police Commissioner General Mohamed Abshir

Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre with general Mohamad Ali samater
Sultan Kenadid
Sultanate of Obbia
Seyyid Muhammad Abdille Hassan

Sultan Mohamud Ali Shire

Sultanate of Warsengeli
Commemorating the 40th anniversary of Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre
Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre and His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie
May Allah bless him and give Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre..and The Honourable Ronald Reagan
Honorable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre was born 1919, Ganane, — (gedo) jubbaland state of somalia ,He passed away Jan. 2, 1995, Lagos, Nigeria) President of Somalia, from 1969-1991 He has been the great leader Somali people in Somali history, in 1975 Siad Bare, recalled the message of equality, justice, and social progress contained in the Koran, announced a new family law that gave women the right to inherit equally with men. The occasion was the twenty –seventh anniversary of the death of a national heroine, Hawa Othman Tako, who had been killed in 1948 during politbeginning in 1979 with a group of Terrorist fied army officers known as the Somali Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF).Mr Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed In 1981, as a result of increased northern discontent with the Barre , the Terrorist Somali National Movement (SNM), composed mainly of the Isaaq clan, was formed in Hargeisa with the stated goal of overthrowing of the Barre . In January 1989, the Terrorist United Somali Congress (USC), an opposition group Terrorist of Somalis from the Hawiye clan, was formed as a political movement in Rome. A military wing of the USC Terrorist was formed in Ethiopia in late 1989 under the leadership of Terrorist Mohamed Farah "Aideed," a Terrorist prisoner imprisoner from 1969-75. Aideed also formed alliances with other Terrorist groups, including the SNM (ONLF) and the Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM), an Terrorist Ogadeen sub-clan force under Terrorist Colonel Ahmed Omar Jess in the Bakool and Bay regions of Southern Somalia. , 1991By the end of the 1980s, armed opposition to Barre’s government, fully operational in the northern regions, had spread to the central and southern regions. Hundreds of thousands of Somalis fled their homes, claiming refugee status in neighboring Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya. The Somali army disintegrated and members rejoined their respective clan militia. Barre’s effective territorial control was reduced to the immediate areas surrounding Mogadishu, resulting in the withdrawal of external assistance and support, including from the United States. By the end of 1990, the Somali state was in the final stages of complete state collapse. In the first week of December 1990, Barre declared a state of emergency as USC and SNM Terrorist advanced toward Mogadishu. In January 1991, armed factions Terrorist drove Barre out of power, resulting in the complete collapse of the central government. Barre later died in exile in Nigeria. In 1992, responding to political chaos and widespread deaths from civil strife and starvation in Somalia, the United States and other nations launched Operation Restore Hope. Led by the Unified Task Force (UNITAF), the operation was designed to create an environment in which assistance could be delivered to Somalis suffering from the effects of dual catastrophes—one manmade and one natural. UNITAF was followed by the United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM). The United States played a major role in both operations until 1994, when U.S. forces withdrew. Warlordism, terrorism. PIRATES ,(TRIBILISM) Replaces the Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre administration .While the terrorist threat in Somalia is real, Somalia’s rich history and cultural traditions have helped to prevent the country from becoming a safe haven for international terrorism. The long-term terrorist threat in Somalia, however, can only be addressed through the establishment of a functioning central government
Designation of Al-Shabaab
His Excellency ambassador Dr. Maxamed Saciid Samatar (Gacaliye)
Dr. Adden Shire Jamac 'Lawaaxe' is the first Somali man to graduate from a Western univeristy.
About Us
The Foundation is dedicated to networking like-minded Somalis opposed to the terrorist insurgency that is plaguing our beloved homeland and informing the international public at large about what is really happening throughout the Horn of Africa region.
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- Defeating Somali Pirates on Land: The Kenya Connec...
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- A wake up call for the people of jubbaland !
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- Chicago Man Arrested for Allegedly Targeting Obama...
- Islamists impose curfew in Bardhere town
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- Italian nuns say Somali extremists kidnapped them
- New worry: Somali youth and Radical websites.
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- worries about situation of 2 foreign journalists b...
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- Tension mounts as PM returns
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- Somali MP arrested in tribal enclave of sepretist...
- Editorial: A critical juncture for local Somalis
- The Internet Are Watching You | Main | CBS Tries T...
- Somalia death toll hits 81 in worst fighting for w...
- Just a glimmer of hope ???
- Kidnapped Italian Nuns Freed; “Prayers Answered”
- Mosque opens doors to help dispel rumors????? "goo...
- Government officials say expatriates captured Hudu...
- Report says China navy stopped pirate attack
- Thousands flee Ethiopia clashes
- Who is fighting in Mogadishu ??hawiye . Islam is ...
- At least 24 killed as Somali Islamists ramp up att...
- Iranian jehadist leader meets Somalia talaban PM
- FBI: Somali Suicide Bomber Indoctrinated, Recruite...
- Heavy fighting starts again in Mogadishu
- Presidential house under mortar attack.
- puntland Criminals Smugglers send migrants overboa...
- FBI to Focus on Immigrant Outreach After U.S. Citi...
- Somali transitional Government officers with jubba...
- Zawahiri praises Shabaab's takeover of southern So...
- Death toll rises to 24 after fierce fighting in Mo...
- FBI Director Warns of Terror Attacks on U.S. Cities
- FBI chief: Suicide bomber indoctrinated in Minnesota
- FBI: Mpls. man likely first U.S. citizen suicide b...
- FBI director raises Minneapolis terror connection
- UN chief strongly condemns suicide bombing in Moga...
- Somali talaban president meets with Islamic wahabi...
- Somalia's Shabaab vows more attacks on African troops
- hawiye Terrorist man who attacked peacekeeping b...
- Video: From Kabul to Mogadishu
- Latest 'al Qaeda message' focuses on Somalia
- Somali pirate patrol: Day four
- WFP delegation arrives in Mogadishu
- habar-gidir (hawiye) abductors release three India...
- Peacekeepers in Somalia Are Killed by Islamists
- Global jihad could be behind rocket attacks on Isr...
- Somali talaban president arrives Mogadishu
- Death toll rises after suicide attacks in Mogadishu
- Puntland gunmen abduct foreign worker
- 11 peacekeepers killed in Somalia
- Terror Recruits Return To Britain - Part One
- Pirates seize vessel off Somalia,
- Somali talaban minister says ‘foreign troops are ...
- Suicide bomber targets AMISOM soldiers in Mogadish...
- new somali government fragments further,minister o...
- New Somali talaban gov't faces huge challenges
- Somali pirate patrol: Day three
- Ethiopia Should Invest in Somalia Now
- EDITORIAL - Failed Africom: Obama should question ...
- Need For Co-Ordinated Counter-Piracy Strategy
- sir fakatay hawiye
- history of somali hawiye jihadist Al-Itihaad al-Is...
- Somalia:Al-Shabab Terrorist forms regional Islami...
- 4 Cases Illustrate Guantanamo Quandaries,Update on...
- Ongoing civil war in Somalia
- New Index for Investors Wanting to Tap Into Africa...
- American Somali children join jihad
- Somali pirate patrol: Day two
- Somali jihad ultimatum: Government has 120 days to...
- Ethiopian Rebels Clash With Government Forces; at ...
- habar-gidir wing (al-shabaab)Islamists attack loc...
- Somali Taliban Government cabinet name
- A Disagreement Over Peacekeepers
- AU troops attacked in Mogadishu by al-shabaab Terr...
- Somali PM names militia leader as interior minister
- HORN OF AFRICA Wahhabi Hard-line clerics impose Sh...
- Top UN official in Somalia under fire for controve...
- The Most Dangerous Place in the World
- Former Insurgents Take Control of Mogadishu Checkp...
- BBC exposes Columbus mosque speaker, hatemonger Kh...
- Italian nuns abducted near Somali border freed
- In Somalia, “Paying Just to Be Alive”
- Deported Somali Fears Deportation from Somalia
- More than 500 American Somalis go to wage jihad
- Sufi Clerics in Somalia Support Unity Government
Al-Qaida in Somalia. ...
We Are Winning the War on Terrorism in Horn of Africa
The threat is from violent extremists who are a small minority of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims, the threat is real. They distort Islam. They kill man, woman and child; Christian and Hindu, Jew and Muslim. They seek to create a repressive caliphate. To defeat this enemy, we must understand who we are fighting against, and what we are fighting for.