Have you guys heard Al-shabab leader Abu Zubeyr audio tape and writings accusing the likes of Sheikh Sharif "Gaalo"? ."non-believers" So, get ready guys for Al-shabab "Seeflabood" Vs. ICU "Modarates" The Amir/ Leader of Al-shabab accuses the so-called Modarates of being "Gala raac", "Gaalo" "non-believers"using five points. The speech is about one hour long and contains Aya, Hadiths and So on.Click here to listen to Sheikh Abu Zubeyr Speech Accusing ICU Moderates ie, Sheikh Sharif, Janaqow for being "Gaalo"Sum-up: Sheikh Abdirahman Janaqow in his speech last Friday player in Mogadishu points out the Hypocrisy of Al-shabab ie, the murders of Islamist, NGOs workers like "Omar Dhere", Reporters, Killing "Muslim" without Proof, - Eagerness to start pointless fight, the Similarity between "Khawaarij" and Al-shabab. Click here to listen to Deputy Chairman of Islamic Courts Unions Sheikh Abdirahman Janaqow Friday Player Speech-reply to Sheikh Abu Zubeyr Accusations Background: The Elected Overall leader of Al-shabab Abu Zubeyr wrote "kutub" or Book containing five points, apparently proving likes of Sheikh Sharif to be "Gaalo."non-believers""Al-Shabab History: Al-Shabab Terrorist Ayro Background about Terrorist ADAN HASHI FARAH(AYROW OR AYRO) . And now, Led by Terrorist Amir Sheikh Mukhtaar Abuu Zubeyr - real name Ahmed Godane. Terrorist Al-shabab use to be one of Islamic Court Union Military Wings, but, Now a days is arguable independent-Separate Movement.Islamic Courts Union/ Union of Islamic Courts:History: Islamic courts Union is Movement founded by group of Sharia Courts in Mogadishu around mid-2005. The Movement is credited in destroying Mogadishu ALL HAWIYE Warlords ie, Qanyare, Qebydid, Bashir Rage, Mohamed Naaso Dhere, etc, etc. In addition, ICU is credited in bring Peace and Prosperity to Parts of Somalia for 6 Months. Note: Terrorist Sheikh Abdirahman Janaqow is One of the Co-Founders of Islamic Court Union, Co-Founder of one of the Eldest Islamic Courts In Mogadishu and the Deputy Leader of Islamic courts Union. Note: Terrorist heikh Mukhtaar Abuu Zubeyr is the current elected "Amir" or Overall Leader of Al-Shabab for the last 8 Months. According to VOA, Terrorist Sheikh Mukhtaar Abu Zubeyr is Al-shabab their "Spiritual leader."[1] In addition, He's 31 year old jehadist from Somaliland.
Somalia: Al Shabab wing claims separation from ICU
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