opposition leader.???? or terrorist leader... Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys has an important role to play in restoring security to the country after 18 years of ruinous civil war, a government minister said.
Aweys, who is on the U.S. terrorism list for alleged links to al Qaeda, returned to the Horn of Africa nation last week in his first known trip home in more than two years.
He is an influential figure for many of the Islamist rebels fighting the new government of President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed -- who was Aweys' former partner in the Islamic Courts Un

Despite Aweys' calls for African Union (AU) forces to leave, some analysts say exile may have mellowed him, and that he could still prove to be an important mediator with insurgents...more..http://af.reuters.com/article/topNews/idAFJOE54000220090501
No talks unless peacekeepers quit Somalia: opposition??Abdi Sheikh A typical hawiye Terror apologist ,working for router,The enemy sympathizers
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