The Saudis spending a lot of many spread Wahhabism in the horn of africa..they Made Deal With Hawiye tribe Terrorist...they made a deal with the devil ..Today they started killing each other.this is a Part 2 Acton.. aided v. ali madadi ..Simplest forum..different character same players. ..alqaida..is The 1000-Pound Gorilla ..they have their own agenda.. (SAVAGE HAWIYE) Men Don’t Have a Clue .. They are fighting for to rule country .They are against anyone who opposes their rule. They kill their own people and countrymen everyday. There Will Be ..... No Counrtry .just a tribal enclave of hawiye.. isaaq.. ect..under alqaida control..
General Mahammad Faarah Aidid commanded the Habar Gidir clan, and Ali Mahdi Mahammad headed the Abgaal clan.. now ..Sharif Ahmed, abgaal v. somalian terrorist leader al shabaab leader Hassan Dahir Aways habar-gidir .
Somali capital of Mogadishu fell to the forces of the Hawiye dominated USC in January 1991. Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre fled Mogadishu ...When the civil war erupted, the USC (Hawiye rebel group) went on a quest of onslaught against innocenent Darod civilians in mogadishu . estimated 15,000 unarmed darod civilians were killed,mostly women and children On January 26, 1991, the USC stormed the presidential palace in Mogadishu, ...... were burned to the ground, and tens of thousands of people were massacred, hawiye's are finally paying for what they did in 1991. killing thousands of darood,Only armed cars were on the streets. In areas that the Hawiye already controlled, gunmen were going door to door rounding up Darod men, woman, children.strategic points in the city. The sprawling suburbs of. west and northwest Mogadishu became strongholds of. Hawiye-based resistance ,Mogadishu by now had become a city of torture and murder, ... Fighting eventually broke out between the competing factions within the Hawiye ...Mogadishu has become so dangerous since Islamists were ousted in 2006 that the majority .... The Hawiye backed the warlords who first controlled the city, ...abgaal and habar gidir, 2 subclans of hawiye, have destroyed the city ,As the city descended into complete anarchy, looting became a way of life ,Mogadishu , the capital of Somalia, is a city living a clandestine nightmare ... In that year Hawiye militia burned, raped and killed any person of Darood ...Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, is a city living a clandestine ... every one of these belongs to only one Somali tribe (hawiye)The extremist Islamist group al-Shabab, which controls the port town of Kisamyo , is opposed to the new government and wants to impose harsh Sharia law in Somalia. The U.S. considers al-Shabab a terror organization with links to al-Qaeda.Several mortar rounds landed in the president’s residence in Mogadishu. Sources say that the attack was carried out by the rebel Islamists who controls parts of the capital.It is yet unclear the casualties as the security forces are on alert to prevent any attack from the rebels.This comes as Hisbul Islam (Islamic Party) declared war Islamist Terrorist want to keep fighting against the new government with the new government led by the young cleric Sharif Sheik Ahmed.It is the first attack on the presidential headquarter since the Ethiopian troops pulled out of the capital last month. al-shabaab for the most part operated north Mogadishu, ,Mogadishu is divided into two principal military zones—one controlled by the Abgaal and the other by the Habar Gidir from central Somalia, invaders Control Northern part Mogadishu ,Habar Gidir is sub clan of Hawiya. The Habar Gidir sore losers invaders of Mogadishu, Merca, Afgoye, Brava, and Kismayo ,they have been holding the Somali nation hostage Since 1991 the collapse of the central government ,Dark Day .history of
Al Shabab Threat Clouds the Horn of Africa
The Reason why Al Shaabab must be destroy immediately
General Mahammad Faarah Aidid commanded the Habar Gidir clan, and Ali Mahdi Mahammad headed the Abgaal clan.. now ..Sharif Ahmed, abgaal v. somalian terrorist leader al shabaab leader Hassan Dahir Aways habar-gidir .
Somali capital of Mogadishu fell to the forces of the Hawiye dominated USC in January 1991. Honourable Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre fled Mogadishu ...When the civil war erupted, the USC (Hawiye rebel group) went on a quest of onslaught against innocenent Darod civilians in mogadishu . estimated 15,000 unarmed darod civilians were killed,mostly women and children On January 26, 1991, the USC stormed the presidential palace in Mogadishu, ...... were burned to the ground, and tens of thousands of people were massacred, hawiye's are finally paying for what they did in 1991. killing thousands of darood,Only armed cars were on the streets. In areas that the Hawiye already controlled, gunmen were going door to door rounding up Darod men, woman, children.strategic points in the city. The sprawling suburbs of. west and northwest Mogadishu became strongholds of. Hawiye-based resistance ,Mogadishu by now had become a city of torture and murder, ... Fighting eventually broke out between the competing factions within the Hawiye ...Mogadishu has become so dangerous since Islamists were ousted in 2006 that the majority .... The Hawiye backed the warlords who first controlled the city, ...abgaal and habar gidir, 2 subclans of hawiye, have destroyed the city ,As the city descended into complete anarchy, looting became a way of life ,Mogadishu , the capital of Somalia, is a city living a clandestine nightmare ... In that year Hawiye militia burned, raped and killed any person of Darood ...Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, is a city living a clandestine ... every one of these belongs to only one Somali tribe (hawiye)The extremist Islamist group al-Shabab, which controls the port town of Kisamyo , is opposed to the new government and wants to impose harsh Sharia law in Somalia. The U.S. considers al-Shabab a terror organization with links to al-Qaeda.Several mortar rounds landed in the president’s residence in Mogadishu. Sources say that the attack was carried out by the rebel Islamists who controls parts of the capital.It is yet unclear the casualties as the security forces are on alert to prevent any attack from the rebels.This comes as Hisbul Islam (Islamic Party) declared war Islamist Terrorist want to keep fighting against the new government with the new government led by the young cleric Sharif Sheik Ahmed.It is the first attack on the presidential headquarter since the Ethiopian troops pulled out of the capital last month. al-shabaab for the most part operated north Mogadishu, ,Mogadishu is divided into two principal military zones—one controlled by the Abgaal and the other by the Habar Gidir from central Somalia, invaders Control Northern part Mogadishu ,Habar Gidir is sub clan of Hawiya. The Habar Gidir sore losers invaders of Mogadishu, Merca, Afgoye, Brava, and Kismayo ,they have been holding the Somali nation hostage Since 1991 the collapse of the central government ,Dark Day .history of
Al Shabab Threat Clouds the Horn of Africa
The Reason why Al Shaabab must be destroy immediately
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