jehadist Sheik Farah Hiish Mohamed, head of the security of al – Shabab Terrorist administration in Bardhere town told terror sympathizer Habar Gidir own radio station shabelle that they had imposed the curfew to keep the security of the town and said that the people of the town welcomed the step.
“We are thanking to the people for taking the order of the administration and we are informing everybody who is in Bardhere town not to violate the law during the curfew or we shall punish who every refuses the order of the administration,”jehadist Sheik Farah said.sheik Farah had also said that men and the women can not follow the transportation together ???saying that it is not party of the religion of Islam ??? and he added that they will punish who every is seen doing that action in the town.The Terrorist administration of al-Shabab who manages Bardhere town banned using Kat??? in the town earlier.Any how Sheik farah said last that there has been a dispute between Al-Shabaab forces and the Islamic clerics of Ahlu sunna Waljamea concerning the commemoration of the holy Ramadan month known as Mowliid (birth of the prophet) Muhammad peace be upon him which mullahs often welcome ???when it comes but Terrorist al-Shabab Terrorist administration warned to commemorate it saying they will take a step who every tries to do??? that. al-shabaab take over the city from jubbaland army.. thet take advantage Lack of federal support People in the Region new somali government fragments further,minister of energy and petrol Abduwahid Elmi resigned .. At least four people have died of thirsty in Gedo region, south of Somalia as the region hit severe drought due to lack of seasonal rains,.The deaths which resulted from lack of water happened in Darasalam village, 130km north of Elwak district in Gedo region bordering with Kenya.“all the people including old woman, man and a young daughter died when they lacked water to drink,” a local resident told .The drought which hit the region had an impact on hundreds of families who displaced from their villages to get water four their lives.The matter worsened when the aid agencies withdrew from the province for insecurity as the local elders and intellectuals asked for resumption of aid workers in the region to help the suffering people.
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