Sometimes they are altogether eliminated! In almost every town and village in Somalia, there is an al-Itihad cell and a hierarchy to follow. For international travel purposes, each member has a special internal identification in the form of an assigned number. Each cell has a cell leader, every region a leader, and a supreme leader for each country.
With this cohesiveness, discrimination against nonmembers is prevalent in Somalia and widely accepted and practiced by the group. And given their power of the purse, and abject poverty in the country, recruiting is a no-brainer for the organization.Prior to the civil war, al-Itihaad recruiting was limited mainly to Mogadishu. But, during the past ten years, as Somalis turned inward and each into his/her tribe and clan, the organization has expanded into villages and small towns. They built schools, mosques and organized charities. With this kind of base, previously never thought of and imagined by the al-Itihaad leadership, the organization sought help from foreign donors and al-Itihaad has never been the same.
Foreign donors, mainly Saudi religious zealots, recruited Somali expatriates within Saudi Arabia, mainly in Jeddah and Riyadh. These Somalis, armed with Saudi petrodollars, were asked to return home and start charities in their home bases. As they built businesses and capitalized new ones by newer members, the organization grew by leaps and bounds.As their financial chains tightened around the Somali neck, al-Qaeda set out to recruit more members, to arm their foot soldiers and recruit drug addicted local militias. Before long, al-Itihad cell leaders and their corporations in Somalia, mainly in Mogadishu area, had a standing army of well over few thousands. The expansion into southern Somalia continued, and just like the Taliban, local inhabitants were rooted out of their farms and properties.
As the organization grew bigger and stronger, the expansion continued. They collaborated with and recruited the invading sub-clans, and armed with more militias, they set out to conquer fertile areas from Marka to Kismayo. With a full control of Somali finances, the organization started new investments in the fertile fields of southern Somalia. They grew drugs, exported bananas and controlled all of southern Somalia produce. In places where they didn’t or couldn’t control the farming fields, they made sure that no one was able to farm. They were on a roll! It was headed by none other than the regional al-Islaah leader, Mr. AbdiQasim Salad Hassan! The investment has finally paid off, or so they thought!!Meanwhile, this is nothing new to Somalis. We know who they are, and they are among us; they forcefully control southern Somali clan territories; they collect each other when the need arises, and they disperse when necessary. If there is a rapid reaction force anywhere in the world, they are it! Lately, for protection and safekeeping purposes, the organization’s militias and armaments are taking more of sub-clan colors and presences, al-Itihad; of course they have a “domestic agenda.” Their agendas and finances are so sophisticated, that in comparison, the Taliban’s seem like the cave men that they really are! Knowing who they are, and knowing that their agenda will not be a limited to “domestic agenda;” and to paraphrase President Bush, Somalis will be deliberate; we will not wait while dangers gather; we will not stand by, as peril draws closer and closer; we will fight back against evil forces and their hired hands. Somalia will be liberated from the shackles of corrupt.
Mr. AbdiQasim Salad Hassan, Hassan Dahir aweys lieutenant Ayrow,Indhacade and other related terror cells and certain entourage in Hotel Ramadan, and of course the Hotel owner who is the local representative for Al-Qaeda, have again directed other crimes against humanity: the massacres of Baraawe and Kismayo; and the torching of Garasweyne, Hejmacood and Kuunyo-Barrow villages and where most of the resident were either massacred or chased away by the terror cells (Islamic court militias) and sub-clan militias. We hope the Somali people and their remaining highly regarded pay close attention to these devastating wars and heinous crimes against humanity committed by the Arab supported Arta sub-clan.
These men in Hotel Ramadan and many others, members of Osama bin Laden However, we hope they have learned something from their umpteenth fact finding trip to southern Somalia. Since Mr. Abdi Salad Hassan’s (brother of Abdiqasim Salad Hassan, TNG faction president) will not report the truth and about the Marka incident. Please remember those heartfelt demonstrations by the people of Marka against the invaders and al-Itihad associates. People of Marka are only demanding that their daughters, farms and properties be returned; all they are asking for is justice! And as President Bush said, “we hope you too will “lead by defending liberty and justice because they are right and true and unchanging for all people everywhere.” And most of all, justice should be right and true and unchanging for the persecuted indigenous clans of Marka. Dear Somali people speak the truth and let justice ring in southern Somalia! Osama’s allies – What do Mr. C/qasim Salad Hassan (TNG), Ina Deylaaf (fake currency dealer), Col. Hassan Dahir Aweys (US most wanted list – Kandahar/Marka/Mog), Yusuf Indhacade Invader of Marka, Yusuf Garaad (BBC Somali Sub-clan Section), Hassan Barrise (BBC Sub-clan reporter in Mogadishu) and Abdi Salad Hassan, Korneel Ceyroow, have in common? What do they have in common with Col. Hassan Dahir Aweys (US most wanted list – Kandahar/Marka/Mogadishu) and also the leader of Islamic courts in Mogadishu and member of Alqaida cell. Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, a prominent jihadi leader in Mogadishu, predictably condemned the proposed deployment and warned Somalis would wage jihad against any foreign troops who set foot on Somali soil.14 His view was echoed by the leadership of Mogadishu's influential Shari'a courts and a variety of religious leaders.“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”WHO'S HUNTING WHOM?Under questioning, the suspects painted a picture of an extensive, highly organized network, headed by the self-styled jihadi from Mogadishu, 'Ayro. Little known even within his clan, 'Ayro seems to have received scant formal education, either secular or religious, before joining the militia of the Ifka Halane Islamic court in the mid-1990s. There he appears to have been adopted as a protégé of al-Itihaad's former vice chairman and military commander, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, and was selected for further training in Afghanistan.By one account he traveled there with Aweys on the eve of the American offensive, returning to Somalia several months later'Ayro's training prepared him to serve as an instructor in a variety of subjects, including explosives, in Islamic court militias, notably at Circola court, where he was reportedly wounded in a training accident in 2001. In 2003, 'Ayro's path began to diverge from the courts, and He was increasingly perceived as a militia commander in his own right, albeit still in Aweys's shadow. He also appears to have been organizing the domestic jihadi network that would carry out the Somaliland killings.
At some point in his brief jihadi career.'Ayro became affiliated with al-Qaeda as well. At least two of the Somaliland assassins Trained in al-Qaeda's Afghan camps In January 2005, 'Ayro emerged from the shadows when militia under his command -- some still associated with Mogadishu's Islamic courts took control of a colonial era Italian cemetery in the capital and disinterred the human remains. The Somali public and international community was equally outraged, and the leaders of the Ifka Halane court accepted the role. Leaders of the Habar Gidir 'Ayr clan summoned Aweys and 'Ayro both an attempt to stop the affront, but to no avail. According to witnesses, Aweys insisted 'Ayro was beyond his control; 'Ayro protested his actions were consistent with the teachings of Islam but when challenged by learned sheikhs from the clan, he was unable to justify himself. Meanwhile, his militia erected a makeshift, corrugated iron mosque on the cemetery site, where the faithful could attend angry sermons.
'Ayro and his men appeared to be entrenching themselves for the long haul. How 'Ayro emerged as leader of the network remains a topic of some speculation and saved member of AlQaida in Mogadishu. Although evidence linking 'Ayro to al-Qaeda appears to be largely circumstantial, the allegations are serious enough to merit a brief review of al-Qaeda's involvement in Somalia over the years and the scope of its current presence there. Al-Qaeda never adopted Somalia as a major base of operations but it has maintained a close association since the early 1990s. Somalia's lack of a functioning central government, unparallel borders, and unregulated arms markets make it a useful platform for actions aimed at foreign interests elsewhere in the region.
Hunting by Intellectually, Former officer It just something that built and aimed to hunt down member of Somali intellectual and former of Somali military and police officer, so all operation was Member of Ifka Xalane Islamic court Lieutenant Ayrow and Xersi Lugey head of ifka Xalane court based on Stadium Mogadishu. Beginning of C/Qasim and Dahir Aweis Operation 1 On July 11, 2005 A/Qadir Yahya was asleep at home with his wife when several heavily armed vehicles rolled to a stop outside his house around 2 a.m. last Monday. It was raining in Mogadishu, and the patter of droplets obscured the sounds of the night. A group of roughly 10 assassins, wearing masks or scarves around their faces, used a ladder to scale the back wall of Yahiya’s compound. To find their way in the dark, they had flashlights tied to the barrels of their Kalashnikovs. Yahiya’s guards, some of them sleeping, were taken by surprise and handcuffed. The killers entered the house, which apparently was unlocked. Some of the men made their way to a second-floor bedroom and woke Yahya and his wife. They demanded valuables and took Yahya’s laptop. Then they led Yahya to a corridor where they executed him. First they shot him several times with an AK-47, then two or three more times to the mouth and head with a pistol. 2 Colonel Abdullah Mohamed Warsame "Nero" and Captain Mohamed Aden "Nero" was visiting Lafoole, to the west of Mogadishu when he was shot dead by three masked men with handguns. Almost simultaneously, Mohamed Aden was gunned down in the Mogadishu neighborhood of Xamarweyne. Two of Nero's assassins were in turn killed almost immediately by a mob and their bodies left for several days on the roadside; when no family identifiedThem or claimed the bodies, Somali observers concluded that Islamist militants were responsible. Colonel 3 Another TNG police official, Ilyas Haji Abdiselam Caught up with him near the Taleex Hotel. A car carrying three masked men blocked his taxi's path and shot him.4 Colonel Mohamed Isma'il "Gure" was a senior officer with Mogadishu's Criminal Investigation Department (CID).On 14 August 2004, two men shot Gure in theHead as he drank tea at an open-air café.5 on 27 October 2004, Colonel Mohamed Abdinur "Bataar" was killed while collecting cash from the Dahabshiil money transfer company in bustling Bakaraha market. While his wife waited in the car, two masked men emerged from the crowd and shot him dead.6 26 October another Somali collaborator, Lt. Colonel Ahmed Ugaas Foodeeye, was executed by three masked men with pistols.7 The next victim may have been Brigadier General Mohamed Abdi, a respected military officer and outspoken advocate of foreign peacekeepers to assist the TFG settle in Mogadishu. In October 2004, Mohamed Abdi had engaged Hassan Dahir Aweys in heated debate over the controversial prospect of foreign troops in Somalia on a popular radio talk show. On 4 November, Two men approached a young relative of the general and asked him to take them to him. When they encountered him on his way home from the mosque, the men left the car and shot him. Panicked, the driver pulled away at high speed, injuring one assailant fatally. Mogadishu Security sources said that the dead assailant was associated with religious militants who paid his diya to his family. ( Diya is compensation paid for death or injury. Unusually, Hassan Dahir Aweys later expressed regret at the General Abdi's death and denied any involvement.) But he committed himself according to close ties with his friends 8 In November 10,2005, Mohamed Hassan Tako was shot dead while exiting a Mogadishu mosque. one of the prominent marine biologist/politician in Somalia.
Then, on 29 January 2005, a police colonel, Hirsi Dhoore, was gunned down by masked assailants. He had worked closely with "Bataar" on intelligence missions, and the two were often seen together. According to associates of both, Dhoore was killed by the same group responsible for Bataar's assassination. 9 On 28 January 2005, veterans of the insurgency against Somali President Mohamed Siyaad Barre gathered at his former residence, Villa Somalia, to celebrate the fourteenth anniversary of his ouster. Most were from the Habar Gidir clan, whose fighters had entered Mogadishu10 on 26 January 2005 One, Abdirahman Diriiye Warsame, took the opportunity to denounce the excavation of the Italian colonial graveyard by Islamist militants under 'Ayro's leadership. Days later, as he was walking towards his home near Villa Baydhaba, he was shot dead by three men in a white Toyota Corolla.11 In May 2005, a former military officer, Colonel Mohammad Sa'id Abdulle, was shot dead near his home in the Yaqshiid district of Mogadishu. Under the short-lived Transitional National Government (2000-2004), Abdulle had served as commander of Hawl-wadaag police station in Mogadishu. In early 2005,The murder of Kate Peyton12 In early February 2005, a parliamentary delegation from the new TFG arrived in Mogadishu to pave the way for relocation from Kenya. An unspoken purpose was to forestall the interim president's deeply unpopular plan to bring in foreign troops, including Ethiopians. Kate Peyton, a producer for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) based in South Africa, was in the City with a colleague to prepare features on relocation of the TFG. Hours after arriving on 9 February and as she was emerging from the main gate of the Sahafi Hotel, where the parliamentary delegation was staying, she was shot in the back by a gunman in a passing car. She died later that day. Initial investigations traced the abandoned vehicle to its owner in Afgooye, a man named Qasim Sharif, a former member of al-Itihaad. Sources in Mogadishu told he had trained in Afghanistan and was a specialist in explosives.87 it began to appear as though Peyton had become the latest victim of jihad assassins. As investigations continued, however, a different picture began to emerge. Eyewitnesses identified the killer as Mohamed Salaad Tafey, a freelance gunman from the Ayaanle sub-clan of the Habar Gidir 'Ayr.9: Explosion at the Prime Minister's rally During the first week of May 2005, TFG Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Geedi visited Mogadishu to assess progress on demilitarization and stabilization of the city. Although a native of Mogadishu, Geedi was appointed by Yusuf and has aligned himself closely with the president in opposing TFG relocation there and in favor of foreign troop deployment. At a rally in the stadium in his honour, an explosive went off in the bleachers below his seat, killing fourteen and wounding at least 38. Kenyan tabloid attributed the explosion – somewhat implausibly given the number of people who claim to have seen the bodyguard fumble his grenade -- to a terrorist coalition of al-Itihaad, Takfir wa'l-Hijra, 12: Another time Explosion at the Prime MinsterSomalia prime minister, Mr. Ali Mohamed Gedi escaped unharmed in a bomb attack in Mogadishu today. At least three people were killed and eleven wounded in today’s blast.
The prime minister’s well guarded convoy was traveling from a small airstrip near Mogadishu when one of the vehicles exploded. He came from Jowhar, the government’s temporary headquarters and his visit to the capital was pre-announced.My conclusion “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”
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