Consider this fact. Every reliable report coming out of Somalia suggests it would take 20,000 trained troops to pacify and bring Somalia into the fold of nations. The single impediment to realizing this vision is lack of funding for these 20,000 troops.
We are led to believe, the millions of US dollars provided to United Nation agencies in the last 20 years, they are unable to pay the salary of regular army of 20,000 for 24 months; the time it will take to restore peace and collect taxes to pay their own soldiers!
It is unbelievable that United Nations experts assigned to Somali cannot see this glaring problem in 20 years and address it promptly. A report after report shows the 17,500 Somali soldiers that have been trained are deserting every day for lack of salary payments and are jumping ship to the insurgents. A few weeks ago, the chief of staff for the Somali defense forces, a man recommended by all former Somali military leaders to be the best in bringing law and order to Somalia resigned in disgust after realizing he cannot pay his own soldiers.
If the United Nations was serious in restoring Somali government they would have paid the salary of the current trained military and police? If they recognize as they tell us that TFG cannot be trusted why not pay directly the regular uniformed soldiers that are restoring peace and security? Why pass the buck to an unreliable entity! Why not add the salary of the Somali military and police to that of UNISOM and make sure they are paid on time? We see soldiers battling with terrorist insurgency under equipped, hungry and barefooted. We are told the United Nations Development Agency is unable to provide shoes and uniform even though it collects millions each year in the name of helping Somalia !
Is it not lack of security that is causing all the myriad problems that the United Nations is dealing with and claims to spend the bulk of their aid? How come they are not doing anything about the single most important and root cause of all the misery in Somalia ?
As the old poker joke says "if you look around the table and you don't know who the sucker is, it is you” There is game being played and continues to be played here; a game of bribery and deception. I am afraid the suckers in this game are the Somali populations that are dying needlessly every day.
Ali Osman
E-mail: ccusmaan@gmail.com
Ali Osman
E-mail: ccusmaan@gmail.com
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