UPDATE ON Dispatch: Al Shabaab's Increasing Power
The leader of Al-Shabad Terrorist Ahmed Godane aka Sheikh Mokhtar Abdurrahman Abu Zubeyer, on Thursday, Al shabaab’s first in command, cordially welcomed the Al shabaab-Hizbul Islam recent unification.

A new audio recording message broadcasted by local FM stations, Abu Zubeyr indicated that the union is a great victory for the Mujahideen, hailing all the fighters to keep the fruits of what he called the holly war in the horn of Africa nation.
Sheikh Mokhtar Abdurrahman Abu Zubeyer, the leader of Al shabaab movement, which US alleges to be al Qaeda’s proxy in war-ridden Somalia, called his fighters to redouble and increase attacks against African Union peacekeepers known as AMISOM and the transitional federal government of Somalia in Mogadishu.
“The victory, we have, must be kept, what is not kept and neglected will be vulnerable and it can easily be destroyed” he said, adding that the only way must be taken is to right path: Al tow-hid and Jihad.
Abu Zubeyr noted Al shabaab have many adversaries whom he said they want to create disagreements and different views among the fighters loyal to Al shabaab.
He called Al shabaab officials to act quickly to assist hundreds of thousands of people who severely affected by droughts hit in many parts of Somalia. He lastly warned plots against Al shabaab which he indicated westerners are organizing in Djibouti... news sources VIA hol
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The leader of Al-Shabad Terrorist Ahmed Godane aka Sheik Mokhtar Abu-Zubeyr heal from tribal entity sepretest Somaliland . He received his extremist training in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Mr Godane received an accounting scholarship to study in Pakistan funded by Saudi millionaires, he use to occasionally travel to Afghanistan during his school breaks.Terrorist Godane returned to Somaliland somalia in late 2001 and by 2002, he started a plot to create a northern-wing for Somalia’s Al-Ittihad al-Islami in Somaliland an armed militant, founded in the 90s. Terrorist Godane preached at the Abu-Bashir mosque in Hargeisa. He landed an accounting job at the Dahabshiil company subsidiary Al-Barakat office in Hargeisa, later the U.S. government listed Al-Barakat and as terrorist organisation, accusing them of providing or transferring funds for radical groups.He was able to recruit and radicalise a small group who would later carry out attacks including the killing of Analena Tonelli, an Italian aid worker working in Borame hospital, the killing of British couples in Sheikh and hijacked a vehicle belong to WFP. He was free by Islamic Pseudo-State of Somaliland Terrorist Godane join Islamic Courts Union (ICU) . Ethiopian war broke out in Southern Somalia. , He became on othe leaders of ICU . He change his name to Abu Zubeyr and rose to the General Secretary of the Islamic Courts Union.After the split of ICU, Mr Godane joined Aden Hashi Farah “Ayro” and According to Separatist mouthpiece somaliland press his long term friend, also heals from Somaliland and a US citizen As Ibrahim Hajji Jama “Afghani” form Al Shabab (The Youth), they seen themselves younger than the other group led by Sheikh Dahir Aweys, a Somali-Ethio 1977 war veteran.Even though Mr Godane has big famaly and a lot of influence in SOMALILAND – He radicalize many of the youth in Somaliland, the unemployment is over 80 per cent, many disapprove of the current administration and Ethiopian ties