Somalia has engaged prominent American lobby group Park Strategies to lobby for the troubled country's interests in the United States, prime minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed has confirmed.In a briefing to the media in Mogadishu after a trip abroad, Mr Mohamed said that strong advocacy in US corridors of power would benefit his administration as well as the wider Somalia public.It is the first time a Somali government has engaged a lobby group to restore the shattered image of a nation plagued by two decades of civil war, religious extremism and notorious piracy, among other socio-economic ailments.The prime minster's office had Monday issued a statement saying that Park Strategies was a "well known" and "respected entity" in the United States, according to the press officer in the PM's office, Garad Salad Hersi.Mr Hersi said that the group is directed by a former US Senator, Alfonse M. D'Amato and that it will campaign for the interests of the Somali people in the US."The firm will work on the restoration of diplomatic relations between Somalia and the US,” stated the press release. It added, “It will ascertain the independence and unity of Somalia."Further explaining the aims for engaging the firm, the statement asserted that it would refocus world attention on Somali issues.The prime minister insisted that almost all nations have lobbyists to advance their strategic causes. "We negotiated with and managed to convince Park Strategies to work for us at only 30 per cent of the cost due to our special circumstances," he said., a largely Somali news web site had on March 14 said that Mr Mohamed’s government had hired a powerhouse lobbying firm.However critics have pointed out that the Somali government would be paying a monthly $20,000 fee to Park Strategies, which they say it cannot afford.
War-saxaafadeed Dowladda FKMG ah oo howlgalisay Park Strategies si ay ugu ololeyso arrimaha shacabka Soomaaliyeed, a largely Somali news web site had on March 14 said that Mr Mohamed’s government had hired a powerhouse lobbying firm.However critics have pointed out that the Somali government would be paying a monthly $20,000 fee to Park Strategies, which they say it cannot afford.
War-saxaafadeed Dowladda FKMG ah oo howlgalisay Park Strategies si ay ugu ololeyso arrimaha shacabka Soomaaliyeed
(Muqdisho, Isniin 21 Maarso 2011) Dowladda Federalka KMG ah iyadoo in muddo ahba waday dar-dargelinta maamul wanaaga iyo sidii shacabka soomaaliyeed danahooda loo horumarin lahaa ayaa waxey howlgelisay shirkadda la yiraahdo Park Strategies oo caan ah si wanaagsanna looga xushmeeyo dalka Mareykanka. Howlaha ay u qabaneyso Dowladda Somalia ayaa waxaa ka mid ah:
1. U ololeynta danaha dalka Somalia uu ka leeyahay Mareykanka;
2. Soo celinta xiriirkii diplomaasi ee Somalia iyo Mareykanka;
3. Arrimaha ay ka shaqeyneyso waxaa kaloo ka mid ah sidii ay ugu ololeyn laheyd madaxbanaanida dalka, iyo midnimada dalka;
4. Soo jiidashada caalamka ee arrimaha dalka Somalia iyo qeylo dhaan u sameynta arrimaha muhiimka u ah shacabka soomaaliyeed.
Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Somalia Mudane Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed ayaa yiri “Waddan walba oo caalamka ka mid ah waxuu leeyahay dad u ololeeya arrimahooda kana gada caalamka. Haddaba Dowladda FKMG ah iyadoo ka duuleysa waajibaadka ka saaran shacabkeeda ayey wada hadal la gashay Park Strategies oo aan weliba ku guuleysanay in qiimo jaban ay howlaha baaxadda leh ee muhiimka u ah dalka ay noogu qabtaan oo 70% qiimo dhimis naloogu sameeyey daruufaha na heysta awgood.
Waxaa muqadas ah in codkeena laga maqlo Washington, howsha ay shirkaddan noo qabaneyso ayaa ah mid codkeena gaarsiin kara caalamka oo dhan”.
Park Strategie waxaa aasaasay Alfonse M. D’amato oo horey 18 sano Senator ahaa, waxuuna guddoomiye ka soo noqday guddiga Senateka ee Bankiyada, waxuuna xubin ka soo noqday guddiga dhaqaalaha ee Senateka. Sidaas daraadeed khibradda ay shirkaddan leedahay iyo xiriirkeeda wanaagsan ee dalka Mareykanka ayaa ah kuwo lagu kalsoonaan karo, isla markaana laga fili karo in arrimaha shacabka soomaaliyeed ay helayaan ka warqabkii in muddo ahba la sugayey.
Garad Salad Hersi
Press Officer office of the Prime Minister
Mobile: +252-615536608
Mogadishu, Somalia
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